Sentences with phrase «other congregations as»

For pastors and churches, this means encouraging loving, open - minded dialogue not only within your congregation, but with other congregations as well... For all of us, productive dialog means reaching out to people whose views and experiences are different from our own and having the patience to really listen to them with a goal of better understanding them and their worldviews.»

Not exact matches

There are so many congregations doing the same thing the same way every single week — and the same way as so many other congregations — that people become starved for something, ANYTHING that's at least a change from the monotony.
Thousands of congregations around the world — from Lutherans to Anglicans, to Presbyterians, to members of the United Church of Christ and other denominations — stick with this calendar as a way of pulling the days» focus around a common theme.
It's nice to put on a Passion play every other Easter (using volunteers from the congregation) or to stage a comedy night as «something a bit different».
One thinks not only of the personnel that the Jesuits and other religious institutes devoted to teaching young men but also of the teaching congregations of religious women, such as the Ursulines, who educated young women in virtue and learning.
Some concern abilities and capacities normally acquired by reflective participation in practices that comprise other quite different institutions, such as hospitals, congregations, agencies providing assistance to the disadvantaged, and the like.
Failure to act as direct teacher and dean or principal of a school of discipleship by its pastoral leader probably accounts more than any other single factor for a congregation's inability to mature in its ministry.
Christian congregation; some have seen a theological school as distinct from but interrelated with congregations in ways analogous to the relation in the Reformed tradition between the congregation and its clergy; others have seen a theological school as related, not to congregations, but to a cadre of active clergy for whom it provides «in - service» or «extension» education.
Although he sometimes speaks to the congregation, most of what he says is a direct address to God the Father, and in addressing Him, he occasionally, and rather impersonally, mentions the others present at the Mass as circumstantes, «those who are standing around.»
A better measure of the strength of a congregation as a vehicle for maturing would be the number and proportion of the adult membership that meet in groups — disciple schooling, soma, and mission - support — outside the sanctuary at other times of the week.
A preacher addresses the congregation most pointedly, as a particular human being speaking to particular others.
That a congregation is constituted by publicly enacting a more universally practiced worship that generates a distinctive social form implies study of that public form: What are the social, cultural, and political locations of congregations of Christians and how do those locations shape congregations» social form today (synchronic inquiry); what have been the characteristic social, cultural, and political locations of congregations historically and how have those locations shaped congregations» social forms (diachronic study); in what ways do congregations engage in the public arena as one type of institutionalized center of power among others?
Some will be comprehensive and highly structured: This is how this congregation's construal of the Christian thing is best characterized concretely as a whole in contradistinction to other congregations» construals.
In this regard, when we lift up before the congregation the lives of the saints who gave themselves for others and when we encourage service to those in need around us (e.g., the works of mercy) we are contributing to the formation of the kind of people on whom the just war tradition as a form of discipleship depends.
Figures like these convince me that the standard proposal of church leaders — that seminary faculty regularly spend sabbaticals or other periods of leave as ministers in congregations — is misguided.
But it would require accepting others» authority, just as your authority is accepted in your congregation, to manage their churches in accordance with their beliefs and faithful to their understanding.
If members experience service to others in the congregation as their ministry, it is much easier for them to see that their work in the world is also service to God.
A historical and theological analysis of one or the other of these emphases shows each to be wanting as an adequate expression of the ministry.9 In the measure to which these are used to focus ministry in turn or together, the result has proved to be unresolvable conflict within a congregation or a denomination10 In the pluralistic churches of today, both emphases are always present to some extent, so that the ideal ministry attempts some balance between the two.
As an apostle he distinguished his ministry from that of others by virtue of having been the originating parent of faith for congregations (I Cor.
Considered autonomous churches, these congregations freely associate with the SBC (a national body), other national Baptist bodies, state bodies (generally known as state conventions), and local bodies (generally known as associations).
But, over the years, the congregation did, in fact, become more diverse, and by the time I had been there for 12 years, there were maybe 50 gay and lesbian persons, there were about 30 Hispanic individuals, there were a number of African Americans and African natives, and there was other diversity as well; and we talked a lot about how pleased we were that this was all happening.
What there is is finding other ways of exercising that call: interim pastor, parish associate, stated supply, teaching church school, worshiping always, serving on presbytery committees, being volunteers in mission, and by being a participant as an «honorary layperson» in the ongoing life of a congregation — all these and more are ways by which we respond to the enduring calling by God through the church.
But, in the various dicasteries — as the congregations and other offices are called — the atmosphere is one of earnestness of purpose in serving the pope.
Others tend to emphasize the centrality of the congregation as the evangelizer, with the pastor in a facilitating role.
Questions have been asked by church members and at least one other congregation, as is their right in the United Church.
That's what I used tell crowds and congregations as I stood up with microphone in one hand and my Bible in the other.
Doty and other epistolary theorists agree that the letters were written by an author who was conscious of his responsibility as an apostle in the congregation and thus fully intended such letters to be read aloud to the gathered community.
Other churches such as Santa Maria dei Miracoli, having lost their parishioners or religious congregations, have dispensed with the daily or weekly mass altogether and have become galleries of sacred art, with the occasional Vivaldi concert or upper - class wedding.
So she conducted her research at two sites, one of them a more or less typical second - generation congregation (which she calls «Grace») that meets in the same building as its parent Korean immigrant congregation, and the other («Manna») a predominantly Asian American but remarkably multiethnic congregation that meets in a building owned by an African - American congregation.
The close attention to such parish features as ritual process and the use of Scripture encouraged in my courses does indeed help forge links to other religions, but studying the congregation because it provides a rationale for courses in other faiths remains only a part of the reason for my interest.
The stance of Christ on diversity is obviously all encompassing, but to act as if «black» congregations that exclude others do not exist, is absurd.
To prepare for mission, in this view of things, would require the members of a congregation to discount their self - serving stuff, attempting to slough it off in order to offer their more recognizably Christian hopes and actions, such as the grace and love witnessed in their Communion, to other people.
We shall explore the congregation as we might a village, trying to learn the particular cultural patterns by which it attempts to make itself whole, but also finding within it forms by which other groups in the world coalesce, disintegrate, and yet manifest the gospel.
Being on the PCC Parochial Church Council I have a say and a vote on all issues as I and 20 others make sure that the congregations money and concerns are represented.
The place of origin is not important so long as both text and congregation are permitted to respond to each other.
The focus on ministry as spiritual direction requires the pastor to become the servant of all, the person who enables the ministry of every other member of the congregation.
From personal experience i was in a church who has the whole congregation pray for 1/2 hour in tongues.The people in this church were leaders from Africa.A place who sees more supernatural then us because we feel the need to analyze the thing to death.When we did the atmosphere shifted lives were changed.When i was on a mission trip to Mexico i felt lead to go pray with the women who in that culture are outcasts one of ladies who came with me started singing in the spirit as i was we stopped each other in shock when we realized we were sing the same song the needs of the women were met with out an interrupter.
Landry and the committee also derived help from the questionnaires regarding the character or personality of Faith Church, those traits and dispositions of the congregation as a whole that distinguish it from other parishes.
In public worship (there was, after all, no other legal option) he prayed with a congregation that used Cranmer's superbly crafted Book of Common Prayer and heard at these same services the Bishop's Bible (the immediate predecessor to the King James Authorized Version), echoes of both of which can be detected in the plays, and of course he was buried in Stratford's Trinity Church; while privately he probably held to the Old Religion throughout his life, as recent research is making increasingly evident.
Hospitality means receiving the other graciously, and creating a safe space for newcomers to share their gifts, as well as offering them the gifts of the congregation.
«As a congregation, we help each other during the preparation time, pray together a lot more, and help on relief efforts after the event,» said Ríos, lead pastor of La Iglesia del Centro, a congregation of about 350 in Arecibo.
Round about me on every side was the biggest congregation I ever had: behind the altar, on either side, and in front, row after row, sometimes crowding one upon the other, but all quiet and silent, as if they were straining their ears to catch every syllable of that tremendous act of Sacrifice — but every man was dead!
Since 1960 over two hundred books and countless reports have examined either single congregations or their species, and any new work such as mine gratefully follows the tracks that many sorts of explorers — consultants, management specialists, sociologists, psychologists, ethnographers, historians, and others — have already laid down.1 Prior to 1960 the investigation of the local church was more occasional, and except for a few books written to enliven parish programs2 and the pioneering sociology of H. Paul Douglass, 3 the analysis occurred primarily in Europe.4
43 Like most others who help the church professionally, 44 Schaller advocates the presence of a consultant to mobilize leaders to examine their potential and plan for a more productive future.45 He eschews both the contextual approach46 and situations where severe interpersonal problems require an organic solution.47 Instead, he enters a congregation as a planner, to diagnose its internal dynamics.
So, as governments oversee matters of security, we will care for the hurting, calling Christians to embrace refugees through their denomination, congregation or other non-profits by providing for immediate and long - term needs, such as housing, food, clothing, employment, English language classes, and schooling for children.
For this as well as other reasons, it is imperative that a congregation feel that their minister is highly approachable for individual counseling.
One was the work of a sociologist, Earl Brewer, who, with the aid of a theologian and a ministries specialist, sought by an extensive content analysis of sermons and other addresses given in a rural and an urban church to differentiate the patterns of belief and value constituting those two parishes.67 The second was the inquiry of a religious educator, C. Ellis Nelson, who departed from a curricular definition of education to envision the congregation as a «primary society» whose integral culture conditions its young and old members.68 James Dittes, the third author, described more fully the nature of the culture encountered in the local church.
Co., 1978); Thomas C. Campbell and Yoshio Fukuyama, The Fragmented Layman: An Empirical Study of Lay Attitudes (Philadelphia: Pilgrim Press, 1970); James D. Davidson, «Religious Belief as an Independent Variable,» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 11 (1972): 65 - 75; James D. Davidson, «Religious Belief as a Dependent Variable,» Sociological Analysis 33 (1972): 81 - 94; James D. Davidson, «Patterns of Belief at the Denominational and Congregational Levels,» Review of Religious Research 13 (1972): 197 - 205; David R. Gibbs, Samuel A. Miller, and James R. Wood, «Doctrinal Orthodoxy, Salience and the Consequential Dimension,» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 12 (1973): 33 - 52; William McKinney, and others, Census Data for Community Mission (New York: Board for Homeland Ministries, United Church of Christ, 1983), part of a denomination - wide study of census data relevant to each congregation in the United Church of Christ; David O. Moberg, `' Theological Position and Institutional Characteristics of Protestant Congregations: An Explanatory Study,» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 9 (1970): 53 - 58; Wade Clark Roof, Community and Commitment; Thomas Sweetser, The Catholic Parish: Shifting Membership in a Changing Church (Chicago: Center for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1974).
Although a few of these may refer primarily to other images, the average report portrays the congregation as a machine whose work is detected by quantitative measurements and program vectors.
The minister has a responsibility to teach the choir, ushers, custodian, and congregation to grasp the uniqueness of worship, as contrasted with other gatherings of people.
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