Sentences with phrase «other crisis situations»

With trial and arbitration experience spanning the past 18 years, David represents his clients in high stakes litigation and other crisis situations.
This group of volunteers provides shelter and care for animals who are displaced by natural disasters or other crisis situations like puppy mills.
They provide free screenings and matching programs for those who are in the hospital for extended periods of time, on deployment, or in other crisis situations.
He has counseled numerous boards and non-management directors on governance issues, investigations and litigation involving corporate officers and other crisis situations.
When staff and students are prepared, similar outcomes happen for other crisis situations.

Not exact matches

In other situations, the crisis can't be avoided.
Her advice to other women business owners going through a work / life crisis is to be open, honest and transparent about your situation.
When faced with a crisis, emerging leaders have an opportunity to showcase their ability to assess a situation calmly, make decisions under pressure, take calculated risks, rally others around them, and persevere in the face of adversity.
«By refusing to act decisively at an early stage, they in a sense perpetuated the crisis, creating a situation where in the end the euro - area politicians had no other choice than to do the right thing,» Mr. Kirkegaard said.
Others say they might be helpful methods of payment, such as in crisis situations where national currencies have collapsed.
Others say they can be helpful methods of payment, such as in crisis situations where national currencies have collapsed.
18.12, 13, and the moment we turn to those verses, deliberately forgetting the other versions and interpretations, we find we have a story of panic and pleasure, of a sudden crisis that changes all values and of a new situation of joy and gladness.
Why not accept the situation now for what it is and join the many other non-believers who are actually trying to make a positive difference in the world, instead of just trying uselessly to pray away our current crises?
Barack Obama and David Cameron will join others to discuss things like the crisis in Iraq and situation in Ukraine.
While you can't completely shield your children from whatever crises you face (even if they're not directly involved, kids are notorious for picking up on stressful situations their parents face, as if by osmosis), you can do other things to minimize their exposure to the stress.
Three, the Franco - German plus Frankfurt club's attempts to solve the crisis by imposing ever deeper austerity on struggling member states whilst starting to intervene — through high profile public statements and pressure — into other member states» domestic politics is a combustible situation and completely at odds with how the EU should and normally does function politically.
Drawing on her latestbook, she writes that the European context of crisis and austerity created a situation that Labour — together with other European social democratic parties — failed to steer through successfully.
He joined 14 other members of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) to discuss conflict and crisis situations across the continent.
On Monday and Tuesday, in the state Capitol, there was little desire to talk about the Hoosick Falls water crisis, or what steps could be put in place to protect other communities around the state from a similar situation.
Lovett has been covering the financial crisis on Wall Street and tells us how Governor Paterson and other New York politicians are handling the situation.
While some artifice creeps in during the sometimes strange dialogue and sensationalist situations, there is an underlying truth to each scene and character that anchors the film from becoming too overwrought, as many other family crisis dramas tend to suffer from.
Teachers see students every day and are in the best position to notice changes that might indicate a crisis or some other situation that needs to be addressed.
«There are other schools in Manchester where we've had similar situations recently where staff have reluctantly shrugged their shoulders because there's a funding crisis.
Perhaps it will be sufficient for teacher preparation to follow the lead of NYU's Steinhardt program with a crisis preparedness seminar centered on case studies of situations that arise in school and which brings in guidance counselors, other professionals, and students themselves to consider what can arise in schools — including shootings.
This may be particularly important in situations when members of the OSET are off - site, and how other staff must respond to a crisis.
The authors have done their homework, done the research, lived through a variety of situations where they had received the outreach of others... in other words; they've become the expert in what to say, do, help when it comes to crisis.
Some more exotically - structured funds (such as SVXY, XIV, among others, although XIV is an ETN that doesn't have options) define in their prospectuses very specific criteria by which, in a crisis situation, the fund will be unwound and capital returned to investors.
Still others made comparisons about how this new loan will re-create the conditions of the U.S. subprime crisis — creating a situation where over-leveraged buyers take on too much housing debt.
The crisis is not as severe as many would say, and there are other ways of handling the situation.
If a dog regularly reacts to certain fear - or anxiety - inducing situations or stimuli by trembling, drooling, urinating or defecating, attempting to flee, or inflicting harm to themselves or others, this dog is experiencing a welfare crisis; it is our responsibility as pet owners to act immediately to provide relief as quickly as possible.
Perhaps the biggest crisis we ever responded to was the 61st Street kennel situation, where over 118 dogs were being neglected, allow to attack and often kill each other, right in our own backyard, in South Central LA.
We care for people and their pets in crisis through referrals to our Domestic Violence Assistance Program and by providing shelter to animals while their owners are hospitalized or in other emergency situations.
Petaluma, CA — North Bay Canine Rescue — Dedicated to rescuing dogs from crisis situations, some of which include euthanasia by animal shelters, neglect and other forms of abuse, or «free to a good home» ads, which result in dogs being bounced from one home to another, or being acquired by animal brokers («bunchers») and sold to research laboratories where they are used for testing, then discarded («cruelty industries»).
Our driving force is our mutual love for animals and our support of each other during crisis situations.
Other services include a charity veterinary clinic, dog training classes; a free behavior hotline; and short - term accommodations for emergencies program, providing temporary housing for pets whose owners have been involved in crisis situations, e.g., domestic violence, fire, flood, illness, or foreclosure.
But the temporary halting of flights raises a larger issue, particularly as we head into hurricane season: What options do you have if you're traveling on an award ticket and the airline cancels your flight because of storms, unstable political situations or some other crisis?
The global media almost never depict contemporary Africans in ordinary situations; images of crisis frequently eclipse other representations.
If we do not act to end climate change, other cities are likely to find themselves in crises similar to the current situation in Cape Town.
Psych experiments reveal that people will not intervene in a crisis situation — even an obvious crisis situation, like a room on fire or a woman being attacked — until they see others doing the same:
The AG points in the direction of official EU sources such as the Commissions ECHO factsheet on the crisis in Syria and other countries that are in a dire situation, but also to reports published by NGOs working in the field as sources of information that need to be taken into account by the Member States» authorities in taking a decision under the Visa Code.
Jan Egeland, head of UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, has proclaimed that the situations in Congo and Uganda have each exceeded Darfur as humanitarian crises, but the world has not paid it equal attention, even though he noted there is even more of an opportunity to save lives in these other situations.
At other times, entities may self - initiate internal investigations to evaluate and manage crisis situations, such as whistleblower allegations, fraud or financial reporting issues.
Creating Early Warning Systems: It is very easy to create «early warning systems» that will raise red flags to the legal department or other areas of the company before a situation reaches a crisis.
After testing the feature in these markets, Facebook hopes to widen its availability to all countries worldwide and include other types of crisis situations such as terrorist attacks and intentional, man - made disasters.
Charted and recorded information in client files.Tracked client movement on and off the unit by documenting times and destinations of clients.Checked facility for open windows, locked doors, malfunctioning smoke detectors and other safety hazards.Quickly responded to crisis situations when severe mental health and behavioral issues arose.Documented all patient information including service plans, treatment reports and progress notes.Conducted outreach, advocacy and rehabilitative services for regular cases and crisis intervention.
Tracked client movement on and off the unit by documenting times and destinations of clients.Charted and recorded information in client files.Checked facility for open windows, locked doors, malfunctioning smoke detectors and other safety hazards.Quickly responded to crisis situations when severe mental health and behavioral issues arose.Taught clients anger management techniques, relaxation skills, impulse control, social skills, emotional coping skills and functional living skills.
Gary has also helped leaders navigate through crises, labor issues and other special situations by keeping an eye on the big picture and leading with a calm hand.
Position Overview An emergency response technician is hired by organizations (both government and private) that provide emergency services in cases of accidents, fires, gas spills, and medical crises — amongst other situations.
• Fully certified EMS professional • Able to remain calm in any type of situation • Strong medical background • Excellent communication and crowd organization skills • Strong driving skills with emergency vehicles • Dedicated to helping in a crisis and insuring the safety of others
On - call rotation with the Safe Place crisis line, one week night, every fifth weekend, and two mahor holidays; required problem - solving in the midst of a crisis, advocacy for placing youth in safe situations, resourcelfulness for solutions, empowering the youth to make choices and take responsibility, and communications with other agencies to maintain healthy / beneficial relationships within the community based upon integrity.
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