Sentences with phrase «other data sources»

Furthermore, the reporting of ethnicity, and subsequent interpretation of the results, is complex, and poses challenges for comparisons with other data sources.
This is so far from other data sources, it makes the «pause» look like small potatoes.
There are a number of other data sources on students enrolling in college.
It is always desirable to have other data sources such as observational data to supplement self - report data.
It gives lenders a broader view of your credit history than do other data sources, such as a bank's own customer data.
It's possible different trends would have emerged if we had considered other data sources.
If other data sources for sea ice extent are used, the corresponding mean monthly ice extent values can be adjusted by an offset to roughly correspond to the NSIDC value.
One recent project examined the locations of pedestrian fatalities and used other data sources such as roadway characteristics and sociodemographic information to better inform where pedestrian risk is occurring at the neighborhood level.
Long - term, independent records from weather stations, satellites, ocean buoys, tide gauges, and many other data sources all confirm that our nation, like the rest of the world, is warming.
The unconditional means for special education participation as reported by parents in the NSCH are, as in other data sources, higher for blacks than whites, and lower for Hispanics and Asians than whites.
Estimates and trends from other data sources suggest that certain population groups may be overestimated or underestimated in the NHS.
The SMMIS database is extremely useful for the study of pregnancy outcomes by place of birth, because it overcomes many of the problems inherent within other data sources.
Teams select evaluation tools that best suit the focus of their project and draw from other data sources including pre - and post-tests, and external data.
They corroborate patterns from other data sources already in the public discourse around how race, ethnicity, and gender relate to special education.
Evaluating other data sources (Fatality Analysis Reporting System, Highway Safety Information System, and Strategic Highway Research Program Safety Database) that may provide insights on the performance of the ET - Plus in the field.
On Twitter, Mary Ellen Gordon from Flurry said the app shares were created with «app - focused estimates incoprotaing other data sources,» whatever that means.
Access and import lawyer and party contact data from Outlook, Law Societies and other data sources quickly and easily.
Insurers will also check other data sources to determine term life insurance quotes.
It's possible that Cambridge tapped other data sources, including what Cruz's campaign app collected.
Basic identity verification: Finding the applicant's Social Security Number links him or her to numerous other data sources and locations, and provides a critical trail of information.
MORE EFFICIENCY FOR HIGHER ED «Data Access is a well - constructed series of datasets that will allow combining Brightspace data with other data sources,» said Cheryl Ainoa, COO of D2L.
In addition, flagged values were dropped and previously manipulated GHCN - M and Hadley Centre data was ignored in favor of other data sources when possible.
Balk and his co-authors, including several at the International Osteoporosis Foundation, scoured the research literature and other data sources for any studies that reported national averages of daily calcium intake among adults around the world.
While child poverty and population data are used in the federal process of generating district - level allocations, districts may and often do use other data sources to determine school - level allocations, most notably free - and reduced - price lunch (FRPL) eligibility rates.
You can use imported and linked tables and queries from MySQL, PostgreSQL or Microsoft Access and many other data sources, or design your own with Base, to build powerful front - ends with sophisticated forms, reports and views.
Whilst email and structured data remain the most common sources of evidence, other data sources such as social media and satellite navigation systems are gaining in importance and providing key insights into many cases.
Possible Discrepancies in Data from Other Sources Although AAAS relies mostly on OMB, agency, and congressional data, we rely on data from other data sources to provide a wider context for the federal R&D enterprise.
Other data sources are used when the IO disaggregation is insufficient to permit individual commodity value calculations.
«We've moved from data silos and point solutions to collective cloud solutions which enable us to look at our data holistically and benchmark it alongside our other data sources,» he explained.
Last week, the company updated its privacy controls for users and ended its third - party «Partner Categories» program that allows advertisers to target ads based on purchasing behavior, demographics and other data sourced from data brokers such as Axciom and Epsilon.
Information on the quality of NHS data on immigration, place of birth, citizenship, ethnic origin, visible minorities, language and religion as well as explanations of concepts, classifications, questions and comparability with other data sources can be found in the series of reference guides for these topics.
Electronic filing improves data matching with existing IRS and other data sources, resulting in increased State revenue through denied refunds and more accurate final returns.»
When these other data sources are used, they are noted in tables and charts.
For the most part, these other data sources are used to highlight broad funding trends and to discuss the federal R&D portfolio or the U.S. R&D portfolio in the aggregate.
But Klausner said that because it is important to link NCI with other data sources — such as the Census Bureau, Medicare records, and state health department records — NCI can't break away from existing population categories on its own.
So researchers trying to measure the human cost of the wars have had to turn to other data sources.
«Primary» data sources will provide significant insight, «secondary» sources will be useful but limited, and «tertiary» data sources will be more than likely used in conjunction with other data sources to provide insight.
LPI estimates total supply of only about 260,000 teachers, even though we know from other data sources that we've over-produced teachers year over and over for at least 30 years (see Figure 2 here).
Other data sources from the 2 weeks of camp included transcripts of video recordings, photographs of teaching materials, and the campers» writing.
In addition, the NCTAF review synthesizes the findings from the empirical research with other data sources: policy statements and advocacy papers from the websites of a variety of national education associations and technical assistance providers, and the insights of a panel of experienced practitioners.
The study examined three aspects of data quality: the comprehensiveness of school - level spending data, consistency with other data sources, and the relative accuracy of allocating expenditures to schools by formula (rather than tracking actual expenditures for each school).
I am interested in developing webinars and sessions for pre-service and in - service teachers that build on lessons from research on how to best make use of MAP and other data sources.
Although many of the discussions revolve around student achievement data, collaborative structures can be organized to examine any school data including school culture, teacher data, and other data sources that school leaders can access.
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