Sentences with phrase «other deficits»

I'm also vegan and try to eat as healthy as possible, but the problem is that all vegans have very less Vitamin B12 and so they get anemia and many other deficits.
Having stated a simple and uncontroversial truth — ability varies and it varies a lot — Murray argues that this has transmuted into an untruth: «that everyone is good at something, and that educators can use that something to make up for other deficits
Banks lent to foreign governments from Third World countries to other deficit countries to cover their national payments deficits, to private borrowers to buy the foreign infrastructure being privatized or to buy foreign stocks and bonds, and to arbitrageurs to borrow at a low interest rate to buy higher - yielding securities abroad.
Klein got away with what he did because of record resource revenue, but left us with other deficits that we now have to deal with at this time when we have less to work with.
Blinder recommends using carbon tax revenue to reduce the deficit and underscores the advantages of a carbon tax over other deficit reduction strategies:
Assessment of the entire family dynamics, with an awareness of Gardner's descriptions of parental alienation, appears useful in understanding these complaints and differentiating them from alienation resulting from cases of abuse or other deficits in the alienated parent and his / her relationship with the children.
With this will come increased incidence of genetic disorders caused by recessive mutations, decreased disease resistance, smaller litters, higher puppy mortality, and the many other deficits that are typical of inbreeding depression.
But they can as well complement each others deficits.
But in one of the most competitive races of the day, a first - time candidate prevailed over a long - time elected official, overcoming an expected gap in name recognition and other deficits, in a City Council district struggling with concerns for its future and looking for its next local leader to advocate for its interests.
I know that green smoothies have had a dramatic effect on my recovery and I now no longer experience fatigue or many of the other deficits I had, post stroke.
The symptom that bothers us, be it a perceived character flaw or some other deficit or deficiency, has often become split off from ourselves.
But can we deal with unhappiness, mental ill - health, or other deficits in the same way?
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