Sentences with phrase «other descriptors»

The way you write tells me and and all other educated people that you are trying to make pro-choicers look cruel, selfish and uneducated, among other descriptors.
There are the sweaty palms, weak knees and other descriptors from the first few bars of «Lose Yourself.»
There's concentrate, isolate, organic, hydrolysate, and tons of other descriptors floating around the supplement industry.
- Increase investment in research and development of plant - based foods and clean meat; - Clarify that food producers can use compound names such as «soy milk» and other descriptors on food labels; - Include commonsense measures to reform checkoff programs; and - Incentivize the production and consumption of specialty crops and pulses.
It's a pretty simple process, but you're not given other descriptors like smoking or drinking habits or common Facebook likes.
Other descriptors include «platter,» «nuggets» and «entree.»
WE»VE now had four major reviews into climate change science, all of them prompted and demanded by deniers, sceptics, [insert appellation of choice here] or whatever other descriptor you choose.
• Streets of Rogue, by Matt Dabrowski, launched on Steam last March and carries, naturally, the the roguelike tag along with a bathtub of other descriptors.
But building a buyer persona isn't as simple as narrowing your customers down to an age range, location, occupation type, gender, or some other descriptor.
The role has a profile of how old the character is, what it might look like, where it fits into the story, and other descriptors.
Matching algorithms work like this: If you craft a profile with your interests, hobbies, income, and other descriptors, and you identify the qualities you are looking for in a match, then voila — the online dating site will find those candidates best suited for you.
Other descriptors that come to mind are «totally involving,» «quite scary,» and «as memorable as your first bungee jump.»
Unlike some blown fours, the 2 - liter Ecotec's power delivery is never lumpy, surgy, or any other descriptor that could be associated with the seven dwarves.
vary body language and other descriptors of emotion (avoid too many nods or facial expressions, etc., ignoring other sources of body language)
Continuous improvement, process improvement, lean, six sigma, kaizen, and all of the other descriptors for changing to be more effective and efficient have the core value of providing the best possible customer service.
All custom licensing terms are enforced by smart contracts; these contract details, as well as ownership rights and other descriptors, are hashed and cryptographically registered on the Bitcoin blockchain.
The initial heads - up for store employees was screencapped and relayed by TmoNews and told of the T - Mobile REVVL as having a 5.5 - inch HD screen, a 13 - megapixel camera and other descriptors.
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