Sentences with phrase «other deviations»

Sweet Home makes a few other deviations from your standard RPG formula.
It was expelled by the Vatican for, among other deviations, favoring the ordination of women and an inclusive view of gay people.
The court may adjust the total minimum child support, or either or both parents» share of the total minimum child support based upon other deviation factors, such as high medical expenses, special needs of the child, age of the child, or seasonal variations in a parent's earnings or expenses.
Bus service in the five boroughs, suspended in the midst of the raging snow and wind, is back in action but «expect delays, route changes and other deviations from normal Sunday service» Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office says.
If the earth was to stop rotating, or any other deviation from natural law (i.e. supernatural), then the proof for God would be there, somewhat.
This approach would call foul on all sorts of things: Moses wielding a sword but not a staff; Moses being chatty but Aaron having almost no lines; Moses killing lots of people and fighting in the Egyptian army; no «staff - to - snake» scene; no repeated utterances of «let my people go»; no «baby Moses in the Nile» scene; and every other deviation the film takes from the narrative in Exodus 1 - 14.
The information provided by spectral lines and other deviations from the perfect black body spectrum represents an entropy deficiency.
However, their are other deviations from the simple picture that still render the logarithmic proportionality an approximation.
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