Sentences with phrase «other dogs of any size»

The most desired shade of brown is chestnut.Size: Dogs and bitches â $ «Height: 22 Â 1/2 - 27 Â 1/2 inches / Weight: 65 - 85 poundsBreed Specific Health Issues: Generally healthy, Hip Dysplasia has been found in them, like most other dogs of their size.
At this point, Belle was ready for the «Big Time»: Belle was allowed to enter Michael's Pack Play - Time arena where she could run free with other dogs of her size in an enclosed room supervised by a trainer, and really learn to socialize with other dogs.
He loves all creatures big and small and will play with other dogs of any size.
She is wonderful with cats and other dogs of all sizes.
She lives in a house with other dogs of all sizes, cats and humans.
I get along great with other dogs of all sizes and humans of all sizes too!
I'd be happiest in a home without cats, but other dogs of any size are great!
I like meeting other dogs of all sizes on my walks.
Phinn gets along well with other dogs of all sizes, so he would be happy to share his forever home with another dog.
The average lifespan for the Brazilian Terrier is about 12 to 14 years which is on par for other dogs of its size.
She is great with other dogs of all sizes and loves children.
But if a dog is still piling on the pounds long past the point where other dogs of his size has stopped growing, you need to ask yourself some questions, such as «am I overfeeding my dog» and maybe get him a check up with your vet.
He enjoys the company of humans of all ages and other dogs of all sizes, but especially loves spending lots of time on the sofa getting belly rubs from his foster family and playing in the snow.
He gets along great with other dogs of all sizes and loves going to doggy daycare.
No evidence was presented to demonstrate that a pit bull's bite is any stronger than other dogs of its size and build.
He is a 1 - 2 year old neutered male Pit Bull who is excellent with other dogs of all sizes, great with kids and is a fantastic exercise...
It's important for dogs to learn to play appropriately with other dogs of all sizes.

Not exact matches

The other day one of our atheist posters named Dyslexic doG had the following to say: «We tend to have a good working knowledge of the age, size and history of the Universe.
The immature female burrows permanently into the skin of a warm - blooded host — it also attacks dogs, rats, cattle, and other mammals — where over 2 weeks it swells up to many times its original size, reaching a diameter of up to 10 mm.
Domestic dogs, who are descended from cooperatively breeding wolves, and elephants also perform better on socio - cognitive tasks, such as imitation, compared to other animals of similar brain size.
If you're about to heave a downward facing dogsized sigh of relief, it's important to know that you might still be making contact with PFRs via other products in your home, gym, or workplace, Carignan says.
Rosie has been socialized since she was 10 weeks old with other dogs, but she has issues with any and all Great Danes; the sheer size of them terrifies her.
Moreover, there may be other factors, unrelated to class size, that lead to swings in classroom performance, such as a dog barking in the parking lot on the day of the test or special classroom «chemistry» reflecting a good match between a particular classroom of students and a particular teacher.
A: Despite the Pug's short muzzle, it has a similar lifespan (approximately 12 to 15 years) to other dog breeds of that size.
The difference between pit bull types, Akitas, Huskies, or other powerful dogs, and breeds who are, in fact, more likely to bite (like Cocker Spaniels and Chihuahuas among others) is in the consequences, which increase in severity and mortality proportionally to the size and strength of the dog.
These masks fit a large range of animals from all sizes of dogs and cats, to birds and other exotics as well.
A young dog left in a kennel with several littermates or other dogs of similar size or age may fight over food, water, or play objects.
Small cosmetic differences can sometimes be enough to recognize two dog types as separate breeds, while other dog breeds include a multitude of size and colour variations.
Unlike every other veterinary drug, 1 ml of vaccine is given to every dog, regardless of his size.
Treatment for CHD can be as mild as recommending rest, or as severe as surgery, depending on the severity of the dysplasia, amount of DJD, the age of the dog, the size of the dog, and many other factors, treatment will vary.
Tip # 2 Keep in mind the size of your dog Size matters when it comes to letting your dog loose to play with other dsize of your dog Size matters when it comes to letting your dog loose to play with other dSize matters when it comes to letting your dog loose to play with other dogs.
Nero's perfect home would be without young kids (because of his XL size and freakish obsession with frisbees) and without other dogs.
Zirk is great with people of all shapes and sizes, but needs a slow and proper introduction to other dogs before he is comfortable around them.
Sadie is used to living with other male and female dogs of various sizes but needs a few days to warm up when she is moved to a new home.
We already have 2 other dogs of similar size.
Depending on the size of the dog and risk of possible injury to people or other animals, he would recommend appropriate safety gear, such as basket muzzles, a two leash method, and possibly a deterrent for loose dogs should they approach the dog.
Like other dogs of a similar size, small dog syndrome is a concern with Shih Tzus.
black, dark grey, blue, ligth brown, red or brindle brindle from dark too ligth grey / yellow / red males 64 - 68 cm / females 60 - 64 cm + / - 4 cm male 59 - 64 cm / females 55 - 59 cm goes back too roman times based on original dogs on the canary islands mixed with mastiffs and bulldogs the english brought with them So basic gist one is a newer smaller breed which has to be brindle, the other is an old breed where some colors of solid is allowed and its bigger in size Read all the answers in the comments.
Browse our colorful collection of boy dog clothes sized for small doggies, including Yorkies, Morkies, Chihuahuas and other small breeds.
Other factors, however, influence the daily calorie requirements of adult dogs, besides their size and physical activity level.
If you're not sure what size or style of crate to get for your Kerry Blue Terrier, or any other dog, this is the article for you.
Nonetheless, Yorkshire Terriers seem to be rather unaware of their diminutive size that sometimes leads to their tendency to dominate other dogs.
However, as with any mixed breed dogs, the temperament, and other facts (even color and size) can vary greatly when breeding two sets of dogs.
While not as large a dog as some of the others on this list, this medium - sized mutt is a powerful protecting machine in the face of danger.
All dogs need ample socialization with various noises but also with other dogs of different sizes and shapes.
These shepherd dogs live well with children as family dogs, as well as with other animals, and they make affectionate additions to families of all sizes.
List the traits you most want in a dog: breed, size, predictable behavior, good in my climate, obedience titles, easy to train, good with kids, coat care, amount of exercise, ability to find a good breeder, good with other dogs, etc..
Apartment Dogs - Although many apartment managers restrict dogs based solely on size, there are many other considerations which are of at least equal importaDogs - Although many apartment managers restrict dogs based solely on size, there are many other considerations which are of at least equal importadogs based solely on size, there are many other considerations which are of at least equal importance.
Pedigree recommends that you feed senior dogs 20 percent less for their size than other dogs but 319 calories per cup is not an excessive amount of calories.
This means that a Boston Beagle Terrier mix is likely to have a long life of between 12 and 15 years, which is a bit longer than many other dogs of the same size.
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