Sentences with phrase «other dreck»

In lieu of taking in this weekend's Prom Night, or other dreck at the theater, one might be advised to simply enjoy an analytical look back at the story of the original, very Canadian slasher film, from 1980, and its desperate stabs at Americanization.
Kidman continued to make daring choices outside of some of the other dreck she found herself in (The Stepford Wives, Bewitched) and found an ideal collaborator in British director Jonathan Glazer.

Not exact matches

The problem is that there aren't enough of them, and there's no room to move other young players in because of the veteran dreck that is clogging up he roster.
For all the cinematic dreck currently peddling disorienting editing as «action,» no one in good conscience could deride Tarantino for his indulgence in split screens or extreme close ups or smash zooms or any other mode of cinematic gimmickry, when it affords us hauntingly sparse centerpieces such as The Bride's live burial, an aural choir of oppressive dirt, panting whimpers, and futile struggling set to the visual accompaniment of pitch black confinement that stretches on well past any spectator's comfort level.
To remind us once again that certain films are commercial dreck appealing to the lowest common denominator, whereas others are within a genre of festival films designed to purvey a sense of cultural distinction, is finally to give all the power to the institutional and class divisions that one presumably wishes to challenge.
The other day, I wrote «Bad, Indie Writer, Bad», taking on the opinion that indie authors are «spamming» Amazon and «polluting» it and other stores with what is basically dreck.
For just about any other traditional publisher their logos set off a caution warning, as they have developed a reputation for putting out far too much dreck and ignoring what the readers really want.
I'll take that any day over knowing my book, one I know people would buy because they've been buying other books like it that I've written, was overlooked by publishers for the sort of dreck they bought from Sean Penn..
I'll offer that by Michael's metrics of innocence there are other much better candidates to uphold as examples of self - deluded, internally honest communicators of climate science dreck.
Rose repeats the same dreck, and Judith continues to reference it, for the most part uncritically or with tepid criticism quite unlike that which she directs to the other side of the debate.
Here's the problem: Facebook and Pinterest and Instagram and all the other social media dreck exacerbates the pitch - black divide between what I thought my life would be like after law school, and how it has turned out so far.
But the problem, as noted by others, isn't just that they ripped off my name, but that they did so with unadulterated dreck.
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