Sentences with phrase «other dying cells»

«Often things go wrong right away when stem or therapeutic cells are injected into the body because some cells can migrate, while other dying cells are eaten by the body and expelled,» says Xiao - an Zhang, an assistant professor of chemistry at U of T Scarborough.

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She died from cancer, and yet her cells have been used to save the lives of countless others.
«We die daily»: so it is often said, not only with reference to the death of our bodily cells and their replacement by other cells every few years, but also in respect to our possible human growth.
Following an initial brain injury, the dying cells produce substances that go on to damage other brain cells.
While doing her Ph.D., Wang came across a defense mechanism in plants involving apoptosis, where «the plant cell is induced to die around the infection site so the pathogen can not be spread to other tissues,» Wang says.
The tremors and other movement impairments of Parkinson's are triggered by the death of dopamine - producing cells in the brain, so the investigators used flies that had been genetically engineered to have their dopamine cells die off as they age.
Two fetuses died before birth from the treatment; in two others the cells — all from aborted fetuses — didn't engraft.
Now, scientists have a provocative new theory that might explain in part this universal human decline: Dying cells secrete a protein that could trigger others to die as well, accelerating the body's deterioration.
The other cells that die are axons, the long fibers extending from the neurons that carry signals from neuron to neuron.
«If we apply the same technique that works for 20 other species of rodent, for some reason that's not good enough for blind - mole - rat cells — they always die,» says Gorbunova.
Following cancer therapy, the dominant cells may die first, and other cells that were originally not as fit may find themselves better able to compete for necessary space and nutrients and continue to grow and take over the tumor.
But if you mutated almost any of the other 30,000 genes, the cells would die or be crippled.
Known as the phosphatidylserine receptor, or PSR - 1, the molecule can locate and clear out apoptotic cells that are pre-programmed to die as well as necrotic cells that have been injured and are causing inflammation, said CU - Boulder Professor Ding Xue, who led one study and co-authored the other.
Yet, this increases the probability that the other stem cells in the root stem cell niche will die due to the cold, leading to the plant's death.
This is thought to be due to the beta cells dying off or at least gradually producing less insulin, amongst other things.
One produces pigment for the hair before dying off, while the other becomes a new melanocyte stem cell.
The researchers studied the brains of people who died from HD and those who died of other, non-neurological diseases and identified a very specific genetic signal that strongly correlates disease severity and extent of neuronal, or brain cell death.
One of the paper's co-authors, Hugh Willison, who studies GBS at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, says it's possible that something more subtle is happening: Like other viruses, the one that causes Zika hijacks a cell's own replication machinery to make new copies of itself, which then break out of the dying cell and infect neighboring cells.
In other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's — which primarily affects a person's motor abilities — scientists know that nerve cells begin to die long before symptoms appear.
In meiosis, a precursor cell — primordial germ cell — produces four spermatozoids during spermatogenesis, while only one oocyte is formed during oogenesis (the other three cells die during the process).
The other 1 million or so oocytes present at birth die off gradually by programmed cell death, or apoptosis, until a woman reaches menopause at mid-age.
In tests using human neural progenitor cells (NPCs)-- self - renewing, multipotent cells that generate neurons and other brain cell types — the scientists found that exposure to sofosbuvir not only rescued dying NPCs infected with the Zika virus, but restored gene expression linked to their antiviral response.
Scientists have discovered a novel form of cell death in which cells crawl inside other cells to die.
Cells in five different organs had died and other cells were expressing proteins associated with radiation respoCells in five different organs had died and other cells were expressing proteins associated with radiation respocells were expressing proteins associated with radiation responses.
They have built proteins that disrupt other protein interactions in cells, including the interactions that prevent cancer cells from dying.
Treatment that targets the DNA in HIV - infected cells has been challenging because the persistent, incurable human immunodeficiency virus is able to insert its own DNA into the DNA of any infected cell while disabling that cell's ability to die to save other cells from a viral invasion.
Many of the infected cells died, and others showed disrupted expression of genes that control cell division, indicating that new cells could not be made effectively.
The goal is to understand why some cancer cells more or less lie dormant, while others grow aggressively and why do some cancer cells die from chemotherapy, while others spread unhindered despite treatment.
Mice with a transgenic copy of the human SMN2 gene lose approximately 20 percent of their anterior horn cells, are extremely weakand underweight, and display other manifestations of disease, as well as die after two weeks.
Normally, NOTCH1 controls how cells differentiate into other kinds of cells, mature, stop dividing, and ultimately die.
While we do have a few theories about why we, and other species we share the planet with, have evolved to grow old and die, we understand very little about the mechanism that makes living cells lose their ability to mend broken and damaged DNA.
We can then ask whether blood vessels overgrow in the absence of this regulatory pathway; whether overgrowth causes fluid loss from the vessels that in turn causes eye cells to die; and how the eye might try to recover even without any other intervention.
All of these have been published; we noted that ganglion cells, before they die, begin to deprogram themselves, in other words, the genes that normally make them ganglion cells, those genes get to be turned off.
«A few cells reach the end of their life span and die, and a few other cells are created.»
Neural stem cells are like stem cells in other tissues and organs — they give birth, if needed, to new cells that replace dead or dying ones.
«Using stem cells, we can generate a virtually unlimited supply of healthy (retinal) cells, which are the first cells to die off in (Stargardt's Macular Dystrophy) and other forms of macular degeneration.»
For example, some mutations may accelerate cell growth, while others may prevent cells from dying when the cease to function properly.
Do these cells die or is there delayed / other cell division defects in the mutant mesendoderm?
These disruptions cause neurons in the brain to stop working properly, lose connections with other cells, and then die.
These new cells replace the ones that continuously die off from the skin, hair, nails, muscles, bones, and internal organs — in other words — the whole body!
Cells that die, and cells that replicate in a damaged state are the cause or contribute to premature aging, sickness and diseases such as high cholesterol, heart disease, osteoporosis and many otCells that die, and cells that replicate in a damaged state are the cause or contribute to premature aging, sickness and diseases such as high cholesterol, heart disease, osteoporosis and many otcells that replicate in a damaged state are the cause or contribute to premature aging, sickness and diseases such as high cholesterol, heart disease, osteoporosis and many others.
Once they are used do many times just like other cells they stop working correctly and or die.
Testosterone slows down bone turnover rate — just like other cells die and require replacement, so do bone cells.
Several other fascinating research studies on the healing properties of lemons and limes have shown that cell cycles — including the decision a cell makes about whether to divide (called mitosis) or die (apoptosis — are altered by lime juice, as are the activities of special immune cells called monocytes.
Some of these cells simply die, while others develop mutations that eventually result in disease.
Still it did get us thinking - it happens on occasion, even if our brain cells are dying in alleged console - related tragedies — about other highly unlikely game releases...
One of the other bright spots with this kit is that, like Yale's locks, the Smart Deadbolt 02 includes posts on the outside of the door to which a 9 - volt battery can be connected in case the primary batteries (four AA cells) die while you're outside.
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