Sentences with phrase «other early ancestors»

Chinook and some of my other early ancestors provided vital transportation for Admiral Byrd's Antarctica expedition.
Other early ancestors of the Boykin are reported to be the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, English Springer Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel and the American Water Spaniel.

Not exact matches

I could go on and elaborate on a number of other disciplines or facts that creationists have to pretend into oblivion to retain their faith, including the Ice Ages, cavemen and early hominids, much of microbiology, paleontology and archeology, continental drift and plate tectonics, even large parts of medical research (medical research on monkeys and mice only works because they share a common ancestor with us and therefore our fundamental cell biology and basic body architecture is identical to theirs).
I began to feel that the Mass gave me a living connection with my ancestors in England and Scotland before the Reformation and with other ancestors thousands of years earlier than that, in the woods and in the caves on the mudflats of Europe.
When we think of all the horror stories we've been told about what will happen if we don't follow a laundry list of rules about how to raise our children in today's modern, Western society, you can bet that pretty much none of it applied to our early ancestors (or even other cultures today).
A few researchers have argued that ancestral humans did not regularly control fire until more recently, and others, such as Richard Wrangham of Harvard University, think that our ancestors mastered fire much earlier.
Others contend the two are not human ancestors at all because they appeared around 400,000 years after the first evidence of H. habilis, the earliest in the Homo line.
For one thing, Suddendorf says, the subjects «already have language and have grown up with language,» and so it would be expected that they would learn more effectively when they could talk to each other, which may not have been true for our earliest ancestors.
A new study concludes that the art of conversation may have arisen early in human evolution, because it made it easier for our ancestors to teach each other how to make stone tools — a skill that was crucial for the spectacular success of our lineage.
In a new report in Nature Communications, researchers conclude that this Neandertal, as well as others whose mtDNA was previously sequenced, inherited their mitochondrial genomes from mating with an early ancestor of Homo sapiens.
Still others believe their Jewish ancestors arrived as early as the 8th century BCE.
They add: «What is similar between now and then is the human genetic material, our genome, including ancient polymorphisms that were uncovered to predispose the carrier to the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease... however, our ancient ancestors were certainly susceptible to many other conditions, such as infectious diseases, nutritional deprivation, and trauma, which often resulted in death at an early age, before atherosclerotic heart disease had a clinical impact.»
«In other words, the factors that set our lineage apart from our earlier ancestors were unrelated to an increase in body size, which has been the linchpin of numerous adaptive hypotheses on the origins of our genus.»
In earlier work, James Sikela, a genome researcher at the University of Colorado, Denver, and Jonathan Pollack from Stanford University and colleagues found 134 genes that had been duplicated primarily after human ancestors split off from other primates.
Some of those early machines resembled pianos, some (including Remington's first product) looked like sewing machines, others were the recognizable ancestors of modern typewriters, and still others resembled no machine you have ever seen.
Smell is a primitive sense that our early ancestors used for foraging, hunting and mating, among other skills necessary for survival.
* Correction, 22 March, 4:42 p.m.: This story has been corrected to remove any implication that because the San's ancestors branched off early from other human populations, living San are unusually closely related to ancestral humans.
But the fossilised hominim is not necessarily our earliest ancestor and may have separated from some other early species that would eventually go on to become Ardipithecus.
At a time when our earliest human ancestors had recently mastered walking upright, the heart of our Milky Way galaxy underwent a titanic eruption, driving gases and other material outward at 2 million miles per hour.
It revealed that Homo heidelbergensis, aka Heidelberg Man, lived during the Middle Pleistocene and shared a common ancestor with Denisovans, a group that migrated out of Africa early and later wound up in Siberia with a few other Homo species.
Rosas said that some people think the last common ancestor «was Homo heidelbergensis; others think it was an earlier species, such as Homo antecessor.»
On the other hand, the widespread presence of Boule in eumetazoan animals indicates that the ancient Boule gene was present as early as 600 million years ago in the Precambrian era, in the common ancestors of Bilaterians (often called Urbilateria) as well as eumetazoans (Figure 6 and Figure 7)[66], [67].
Although the diversity of sponges and their uncertain phylogeny make it doubtful that any single species can reveal the intricacies of early animal evolution, comparison of the A. queenslandica draft genome with sequences from other species can provide a conservative estimate of the genome of the common ancestor of all animals and the timing and nature of the genomic events that led to the origin and early evolution of animal lineages.
The modern human sequences in the Altai Neanderthal appear to derive from a group of modern human ancestors from Africa that separated early from other humans, about the time present - day African populations diverged from one another, around 200,000 years ago.
As so much had been borrowed from a glorious past it came as no surprise that the new model was by a certain margin more expensive than any other Bentley motor car - there had been the case with its famous ancestors too like for example the Gurney Nutting Sedanca Coupé on Bentley Mark VI chassis, the most expensive coachwork on Bentley during the early post-war period...
As explained earlier in the article, the Techichi, ancestor of the Chihuahua, was a type of dogs and probably some of them had deer - shaped heads, while others had apple - shaped skulls.
This volume includes, amongst other series, selections from «Diary / Landscape,» in which Welling matched the writing of his ancestors» letters with Connecticut winter landscapes; «Glass House» a meditation on Philip Johnson's 1949 residence, shot using colored filters; examples from his «Degrades,» pure color photograms created in the darkroom as well as selections from his recent «Wyeth» and «Choreograph» track his early interest in painting and dance.
I suggest look at the fossil sequences of human ancestors from early apes to australopithicus, homo erectus and homo habilis to homo sapiens, and notice how they morph one into the other quite smoothly, all explained by Darwinian evolution, while with respect the old testament verision is clearly a creation myth like you find in early greek and roman culture etc, an imaginative guess, and very implausible in light of our current understanding of things.
=== It is fairly likely that any «advanced version control system» people use has an early ancestor or at least inspiration in PWB / UNIX Source Code Control System (1974 --RRB-, which was developed by Marc Rochkind (next office) and Alan Glasser (my office - mate) with a lot of kibitzing from me and a few others.
Your earliest ancestor, perhaps one named Glug, was only concerned about food, clothing, shelter and being eaten by any number of other Glugs.
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