Sentences with phrase «other effect of poverty»

Moreover, the number of deaths attributed to climate change is lower than for any other effect of poverty according the UN's very own figures.

Not exact matches

So: yes, we must admit that capitalism does indeed permit some individuals to get very rich and others to be poor, and that even in a responsible capitalist system that ameliorates the effects of poverty this disparity exists.
In other words, rather than a systemic interpretation of the problem leading to a systemic view of its solution, the systemic diagnosis provides a framework that says, in effect, this is the way it will always be, and then individual attributes are credited with causing people to stay in poverty or to move out of it.
This credit should be a tradable asset that, when conjoined with other new ventures such as community shares or social investment, can generate an asset effect for those whose routes out of poverty are presently so curtailed.»
I am alarmed about the effect of that on fuel poverty and about the incentive for businesses in this country to migrate to other countries.
This association held even after the researchers accounted for other potential factors, including total population, number of law enforcement employees, median age, gender distribution, race distribution, poverty rate, unemployment rate, unobserved heterogeneity among cities (e.g., city area, legal system), and unobserved time - varying effects (e.g., macroeconomic conditions).
Moving forward, Suri and Jack now aim to conduct similar research on the impact of mobile - money services on poverty in Uganda, Tanzania, and Pakistan «to find out if this is just an effect for Kenya or more systematic across other countries,» Suri says.
With these findings, published in Springer's American Journal of Community Psychology, Sharon Kingston of Dickinson College in the US challenges the growing perception that marriage and other forms of interpersonal support can buffer the negative effects of poverty.
Other aspects of poverty exacerbate the effects
«We are seeing overwhelmingly an effect of poverty as an influence on outcomes,» Kuzawa says, although cautioning on extrapolating from one specific set of circumstances in the Philippines to any other country.
There would still be other challenges — starting with the effects of poverty and the distractions and stresses of many modern families.
On the other end of the distribution, there was no detectable EITP effect at higher - poverty schools.
While rural and urban schools share certain challenges, including the devastating effects of poverty on school children, there are myriad other problems specific to rural schools, which is why applying an urban model and urban solutions to rural schools simply doesn't work.
However, some of the rhetoric surrounding charter school academic performance would lead one to believe that charters can «beat the odds» and overcome the deleterious effects of poverty and other socio - economic factors.
In addition, many kids are devastated by the effects of poverty and other obstacles in the way of learning that alter their rate of learning.
Topics of focus include the effects that income disparity, race, gender, family backgrounds, and other factors can have on educational outcomes as well as the causes, patterns, and effects of poverty and inequality.
Significant amounts of research shows that it is not just poverty that limits a student's life outcomes; living in high - poverty areas and attending school among other poor students — in other words, concentrated poverty — have significant effects as well.
Here he depicts suffering under the effects of war, starvation, poverty, and other disasters.
Dr. Frederick Seitz, a legendary figure in the world of physics (recipient of the National Medal of Science, NASA's Distinguished Public Service Award, and other honors; a former president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and president emeritus of Rockefeller University), wrote a letter accompanying the petition in which he challenged the Kyoto treaty as «based upon flawed ideas,» and declared it «would have very negative effects upon the technology of nations throughout the world, especially those that are currently attempting to lift from poverty and provide opportunities to the over 4 billion people in technologically underdeveloped countries.»
New Hampshire car insurance rates go up and down from one zip code to another, due to the differing population densities, unemployment data, poverty statistics, median income levels, crime rates, the percentage of uninsured drivers on the roads, and other demographic effects that change between zip codes, even within the same state.
Studies suggest that reforms or policies that reduce family unemployment in combination with progressive tax and benefit systems may be effective in reducing child poverty rates.64 Based on the findings from the current study, and many others, it is likely that reducing the number of children exposed to poverty will also have positive public health effects.
Because poverty predicts risk for school adjustment problems, low achievement, crime, and other problem behaviors, the effects of the full intervention on children from poor families were investigated using logistic and linear regression methods as appropriate, with terms for intervention and free lunch eligibility as main effects and an interaction term for intervention by participation in the free lunch program.
Poverty and other adverse social determinants have a detrimental effect on child health and are root causes of child health inequity in the United States.
With an awareness and understanding of the effects of poverty on children, pediatricians and other pediatric health practitioners in a family - centered medical home can assess the financial stability of families, link families to resources, and coordinate care with community partners.
Adding indicators of living circumstances reduces the association between poverty and cognitive functioning, although associations between persistent and cumulative poverty, as well as early poverty at the age of 9 months remain significant in addition and above the effects of the other variables included in the model.
For low - income families headed by single mothers, the associations between maternal employment and children's cognitive and social development tend to be neutral or positive, but much of this difference is a function of pre-existing differences between mothers who are or are not employed.2, 3,4,5 The effects of maternal employment on children's development also depend on the characteristics of employment — its quality, extent and timing — and on the child's age.2, 6,7 On the other hand, poverty has consistently negative associations with young children's development, but here, too, there is considerable controversy about the causal role of income per se, as opposed to other correlates of poverty.8, 9,10,11,12,13
While underlying inequalities drive incarceration rates, it is obvious many other cultures are also suffering — from high suicide rates, obesity and poverty, as well as the effects of climate change.
Conclusions An income intervention that moved families out of poverty for reasons that can not be ascribed to family characteristics had a major effect on some types of children's psychiatric disorders, but not on others.
Despite decades of research describing the harmful effects of family poverty on children's emotional and behavioral development, eg,12 - 17 experimental or quasi-experimental manipulations of family income that could go beyond description are rare18 and tend to examine the effect of such manipulations on physical health or academic attainment, rather than emotional or behavioral functioning.19, 20 Other analyses of the Great Smoky Mountains data set have focused on educational and criminal outcomes.21 The few studies looking at emotional or behavioral outcomes tend to have a short time frame.22, 23 Some studies of school - based interventions have followed up with children through to adulthood, 24,25 but we have found none that have looked at the long - term effects of family income supplementation on adult psychological functioning.
Intergenerational cycles of poverty are known to be associated with poor outcomes for children.40 41 Low maternal birthweight42 and poor maternal nutrition during childhood43 are associated with low birthweight in the mother's offspring, which is associated with poor outcomes in infancy, childhood, and into adult life.44 Material deprivation increases the risk of illness and other adverse outcomes throughout the life course.45 46 In addition, the length of time in poverty appears to have important effects on child behavioural and educational outcomes, which are probably mediated, in part, by the adverse effects of long term poverty on parenting.
For children living in poverty, although parenting has been shown to be a consistent predictor of later child functioning, other factors in the child's social environment have been found to contribute independent variance to children's adjustment, effects that are not accounted for by parenting.15 Such factors include parental age, well - being, history of antisocial behaviour, social support within and outside the family, and beginning around age three to four in Canada's most impoverished communities, neighbourhood quality.16
There are a number of factors which make managing A1C particularly difficult for teens including: Social pressures and responsibilities, motivation, personality, nutrition, substance use, sleep habits, brain re-structuring, defence mechanisms (such as denial and avoidance), social justice issues (oppresion — racism), diabetes education, individuation, future - oriented culture, access to health services, family structure and dynamic issues, marital conflict between parents, family and friendship conflict with teen, mental health stigma, academic pressure and responsibility, limited mindfulness and somatic awareness, spirituality (especially concerning death), an under - developed ability to conceptualize long - term cause and effect (this is developmentally normal for teens), co-parenting discrepencies, emotional inteligence, individuation, hormonal changes, the tendency for co-morbidity (people with diabetes can be more prone to additional physical and mental health diagnosis), and many other life / environmental stressors (poverty, grief etc.).
Using data from the NLSY and structural equation models, we have constructed five latent factors (cognitive stimulation, parenting style, physical environment, child's ill health at birth, and ill health in childhood) and have allowed these factors, along with child care, to mediate the effects of poverty and other exogenous variables.
Also, because the effects of interventions provided by these agencies are themselves unknown, studies using these types of samples confound the effects of maltreatment and the effects of institutional interventions.9 Other researchers have contended that associations between physical abuse and later adjustment problems can be accounted for by confounding factors, such as poverty and family stress.5, 10
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