Sentences with phrase «other effects of global warming»

Other effects of global warming would include more storms of the kind that displaced millions of people and caused $ 15 billion in damage to coastal provinces (according to reports from Xinhua in August 2006).
Glacialquakes represent only a small portion of glacial motion.3 Scientists have observed many other effects of global warming on Greenland.
Almost 100 organizations Thursday launched a worldwide petition that calls for dramatically curbing greenhouse - gas emissions and helping vulnerable communities prepare for rising sea levels, more - frequent storms, longer droughts and other effects of global warming.
Meanwhile, the coastal communities of Oakland and San Francisco are battling increased flooding, coastal erosion, and property damage from rising sea levels and other effects of global warming.
While CO2 fertilization is boosting foliage expansion, however, scientists warn that the other effects of global warming like higher temperatures, water scarcity and severe weather could offset the gains in greenery.
An arduous expedition to highlight how rising temperatures, melting sea ice, changing wildlife, and other effects of global warming are altering life for the native peoples of the Arctic has finally reached its conclusion.
Nothing has changed when it comes to climate sensitivity, to the temperature record, to the physics of the greenhouse effect, to the energy budget, to the Arctic sea ice, the melting permafrost in Siberia and all the other effects of global warming.
The second order effect of increasing cloudiness caused by more GCRs when «atmospheric conditions are suitable» for the formation of high clouds due to the other effects of global warming should be warming.
Warmer winters, prolonged drought, and other effects of global warming multiply the threat of fire in these communities

Not exact matches

«The U.S. has obviously been clear about where it stands with the Paris Agreement, but it is heartening that 19 other countries reaffirmed their commitment to the agreement,» said Thoriq Ibrahim, minister of energy and environment for the Maldives and Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States, a group of countries vulnerable to the effects of global warming.
Without better crop varieties or other agricultural technology improvements, irrigated wheat yields, for example, will fall at least 20 percent by 2050 as a result of global warming, and south Asia as well as parts of sub-Saharan Africa will face the worst effects.
Dr Meleady, a lecturer in psychology, added: «If similar interventions were to be implemented in comparable situations in other cities and countries, the potential contribution to reducing air pollution, improving short and long term health, and reducing effects of global warming could be substantial.»
Other experts say that the effect of hurricanes on global warming would probably be minimal as only the largest storms are expected to get stronger.
Results showed, for instance, that 29.6 percent of conservative white males believe the effects of global warming will never happen, versus 7.4 percent of other adults.
«The study was the first to specifically isolate CO2's effect from that of other global - warming agents and to find quantitatively that chemical and meteorological changes due to CO2 itself increase mortality due to increased ozone, particles and carcinogens in the air.»
The researchers then linked the healthcare - related emissions to specific environmental and health outcomes, including global warming; ozone depletion; respiratory disease from air pollutants; cancer from chemical exposure; and the environmental effects of acid rain, among others.
A new study by scientists from WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and other groups predicts that the effects of climate change will severely impact the Albertine Rift, one of Africa's most biodiverse regions and a place not normally associated with global warming.
SAVANNAH, GEORGIA — The glut of humanmade carbon dioxide (CO2) that is spurring global warming may have an unwelcome side effect for hay fever sufferers: It could help ragweed flourish and crowd out other plants, ecologists say.
But while the destructive effects of CFCs appear to have been conquered, the global warming almost certainly induced by rising levels of carbon dioxide could tip the balance the other way, says Harris.
Beyond preparing for the inevitable, the report also calls for climate mitigation, including implementing the 2015 Paris Agreement in order to have «any hope of avoiding catastrophic effects from sea - level rise and other outcomes of global warming
The stifling of the warming trend is generally attributed to a counteracting cooling effect caused by global dimming, an inference that has since been supported by data collected by Ramanathan and others from a number of field campaigns.
Unlike others, I'm not saying that because of all this, «global warming stopped in 1998 therefore CO2 has little effect».
On the other hand, another effect of global warming, namely massive, continent - wide, intense, persistent drought, could begin at any time and have catastrophic effects on agriculture, leading to widespread famine within a few years.
Secondly, while there are indeed lots of other unsustainable human impacts on ecosystems and the Earth's biosphere generally, the rapidly escalating effects of anthropogenic global warming threaten to overwhelm all of those other problems in the very near future, with devastating impacts not only for human civilization and the human species, but for all life on Earth, for a long, long time.
The social effects of global warming will include a spread of infectious disease in some areas and drought and starvation in other areas.
But more generally, something I've wondered is: while in the global annual average, aerosols could be said to partly cancel (net effect) the warming from anthropogenic greenhouse forcing, the circulatory, latitudinal, regional, seasonal, diurnal, and internal variability changes would be some combination of reduced changes from reduced AGW + some other changes related to aerosol forcing.
However, that doesn't stop the fact that there are other ways to combat the effects of global warming and I think all ways should be used immediately.
2) Anthropogenic global warming will not affect the Arctic (or any other region) solely by increasing local temperatures, but also by its complex effects on climate as a whole, which includes affects on patterns of wind and ocean currents.
While pressing for cuts in greenhouse - gas emissions and better efforts to control hunting, both legal and illegal, the participating scientists concluded on an optimistic note, saying they were «optimistic that humans can mitigate the effects of global warming and other threats to polar bears, and ensure that they remain a part of the Arctic ecosystem in perpetuity.»
Global warming, on the other hand, is far less of an immediate threat, many of its effects can not be reversed no matter what we do, the cost of attempting such a reversal could destroy the economies of emerging nations and make their development impossible — and it is a slow moving threat, that governments can plan to deal with over time.
Global climate models have successfully predicted the rise in temperature as greenhouse gases increased, the cooling of the stratosphere as the troposphere warmed, polar amplification due the ice - albedo effect and other effects, greater increase in nighttime than in daytime temperatures, and the magnitude and duration of the cooling from the eruption of Mount Pinatubo.
I honestly think she's too young to be listening to me going on and on about such confusing stuff as oil, gas, coal, greenhouse effect, global warming, manmade climate change, population explosion (she knows about it), deforestation, desertification, rapid extinction of other species, pollution, problems, overconsumption, overindustrialization, problems, politics, economics, consumerism, and problems, religion, war, etc., etc., etc..
IF cool deep sea water were mixed relentlessly with surface water by some engineering method --(e.g. lots of wave operated pumps and 800m pipes) could that enouromous cool reservoir of water a) mitigate the thermal expansion of the oceans because of the differential in thermal expansion of cold and warm water, and b) cool the atmosphere enough to reduce the other wise expected effects of global warming?
So in the case of global warming just like many other cases, I would indeed say that if the economic and quasi-economic rules of journalism dictate that a complex story shouldn't be covered, indeed, «global warming» shouldn't be covered because it is one of the very complex systems on Earth influenced by very many complex effects and their relationships.
This is what I get out of it: the Arctic - ice - albedo situation is more complicated than earlier thought (due to clouds, sun - filled summers, dark winters, etc), but NET EFFECT, the ice loss and all these other related factors (some negative feedbacks) act as a positive feedback and enhance global warming.
As in other climate phenomena, there may be a multitude of factors responsible for the observed trends — but are Gray, Pielke, Klotzbach and Landsea really claiming that global warming has no effect on SSTs?
• Greenhouse gases contributed a global mean surface warming likely to be in the range of 0.5 °C to 1.3 °C over the period 1951 to 2010, with the contributions from other anthropogenic forcings, including the cooling effect of aerosols, likely to be in the range of − 0.6 °C to 0.1 °C.
In other words, the harmful effects of global warming may open opportunities for further accelerating the harmful effects of global warming.
A number of studies have used a variety of statistical and physical approaches to determine the contribution of greenhouse gases and other effects to the observed global warming, like Foster & Rahmstorf and Lean & Rind.
Just as a hypothetical example: If climate scientist will tell me that recent pause in global warming is due to the effect of an inactive sun (which is the reality as reported by following) and that they will go back and improve their models to account for this, then I would be more inclined to believe their other claims... Instead the IPCC doubles down on their predictions and claim the future effects will be worst than they originally thought?
On the other hand, despite the overwhelming evidence that global warming will transform the Earth's climate for centuries, with fearful consequences for human health and wellbeing (not to mention the survival of many species and ecosystems), the world can not agree to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions because of concerns about the effects on economic growth.
Choices regarding emissions of other warming agents, such as methane, black carbon on ice / snow, and aerosols, can affect global warming over coming decades but have little effect on longer - term warming of the Earth over centuries and millennia.
I watched this with growing disinterest — it was certainly an answer to the Great global warming swindle in that both were pretty dreadful — this was shockingly over simplistic and you knew from the start who was going to win — even Eastenders can manage a bit more intrigue — but then look what kind of rubbish passes for a subject on things like Panorama; Having over done every other exciting angle on the «credit crunch» they did a program on how it's effecting us — based super scientifically on a small sample of people moaning sorry responding to panorama online which somehow justified a whole program of what some people were doing like driving less or renting a room out — totally pointless.
On the other hand; global warming has a number of significant effects on the environment; including the rising sea levels, melting ices, and lately being associated with possibility to cause stronger Hurricane.
Andrew Dessler, a professor of atmospheric science at Texas A&M University, estimates that the U.S. has as many as 2,000 scientists who study global warming and its effects on the atmosphere, oceans, ecology, and other scientific fields.
Before it is safe to attribute a global warming or a global cooling effect to any other factor (CO2 in particular) it is necessary to disentangle the simultaneous overlapping positive and negative effects of solar variation, PDO / ENSO and the other oceanic cycles.
Greenhouse gases contributed a global mean surface warming likely to be in the range of 0.5 °C to 1.3 °C over the period 1951 − 2010, with the contributions from other anthropogenic forcings, including the cooling effect of aerosols, likely to be in the range of − 0.6 °C to 0.1 °C.
Surface global temperature data may have been hopelessly corrupted by the urban heat island effect and other problems which may explain some portion of the warming that would otherwise be attributed to GHGs / CO2.
«Lorenz and others argued that the recently observed global warming might be no evidence of a greenhouse effect or any other external influence, but only a chance excursion in the drunkard's random walk.»
While the Earth seems to be managing the steady increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide relatively well so far (although the effects of this increase may not be felt for many decades to come), there are concerns that passing the 400 parts per million atmospheric carbon dioxide threshold will bring the Earth's atmosphere closer to a tipping point at which global warming accelerates rapidly with dire consequences for mankind and other creatures on Earth.
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