Sentences with phrase «other electromagnetic radiation»

Black holes are objects so dense with matter that light and other electromagnetic radiation can not escape their gravitational fields.
The pulsar's rotation is thought to slow because the neutron star's powerful magnetic field acts as a giant dynamo, emitting light, radio waves and other electromagnetic radiation as the star rotates.
The finding that a single layer of atoms modifies properties of light and other electromagnetic radiation has implications for controlling light at subwavelength scales in photonic devices such as LEDs and photovoltaic cells.
Unlike photons and other electromagnetic radiation, they would have travelled freely through the newborn universe.
The researchers observed FRB 150807 while monitoring a nearby pulsar — a rotating neutron star that emits a beam of radio waves and other electromagnetic radiation — in our galaxy using the Parkes radio telescope in Australia.

Not exact matches

One other item that's helped me quite a bit that you might like to look into is electromagnetic radiation in your living environment.
Some maintained that light and other frequencies of electromagnetic radiation are composed of particles, while others asserted that electromagnetic radiation is a wave phenomenon.
His equations explained light as one form of electromagnetic radiation and predicted that there should be many other forms, invisible to the human eye.
«The evidence that these new gravitational waves are from merging neutron stars has been captured, for the first time, by observatories on Earth and in orbit that detect electromagnetic radiation, including visible light and other wavelengths,» said Chad Hanna, assistant professor of physics and of astronomy & astrophysics and Freed Early Career Professor at Penn State.
Because these particles rarely interact with ordinary matter, they would have to be electrically neutral and hence invisible to light, X-rays, or any other form of electromagnetic radiation.
So thirsty are theorists for new insights into black holes and relativistic processes that, with each LIGO detection, observational astronomers have leapt into action to target those enormous patches of sky, hoping to see some afterglow or other emission of electromagnetic radiation — even though by definition the resulting larger black hole should emit no light.
The term usually refers to optical telescopes, but there are telescopes for most of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation and for other signal types.
«It seems we have strong reason to conclude that light itself (including radiant heat, and other radiations if any) is an electromagnetic disturbance in the form of waves propagated through the electromagnetic field,» he wrote in 1864.
They say that the electromagnetic radiation, which took the form of γ - rays and seemed to exceed what known sources should produce, could be the result of dark - matter particles concentrating near the centre of the Milky Way and then colliding with and annihilating each other.
Previously, all astronomy observations have relied on light — which includes X-rays, radio waves, and other types of electromagnetic radiation emanating from objects in space — or on very - high - energy particles called neutrinos and cosmic rays.
Some of the main contributors are poor diet, emotional stress, electromagnetic radiation (phones, Wi - Fi, etc.), as well as many others.
Robbins occasionally takes time out from his usual seminar patter to hawk unrelated products — like QLink, a pendant that, he says, will protect you from cell - phone radiation, electromagnetic pulse, and other types of harmful ambient energy.
Three other works make historical time visible: two cast bronze and aluminum sculptures inspired by the nameplates of Britain's intercity trains, and the sculpture Johns Radiometer, which is modeled on a nineteenth - century device for measuring electromagnetic radiation.
This is why (absent sufficient solar or other non-LW heating) the skin temperature is lower than the effective radiating temperature of the planet (in analogy to the sun, the SW radiation from the sun is like the LW radiation, and the direct «solar heating» of the part of the atmosphere above the photosphere may have to due with electromagnetic effects (as in macroscopic plasmas and fields, not so much radiation emitted as a function of temperature).
It doesn't have red, purple, infrared, Xrays, or any other type of electromagnetic radiation other than green light.
I don't think that they and other CAGW fans understand that electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is a different form of energy to HEAT, and yes the electrical analogy is a good one.
(I'm certain you have mastered Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of physics and understand action principles), electrodynamics (so that Maxwell's equations are no mystery to you, nor is relativity theory and the theory of electromagnetic radiation — did I mention that the other textbook I've written is a graduate level text in classical electrodynamics?)
«Heat», on the other hand is the mechanical energy of motion or vibration etc of atoms or molecules, and Electromagnetic radiation does not need any molecular material to propagate.
Their reasons for objecting to the technology range from health concerns about the radiation and electromagnetic signals emitted from the devices, which they fear could cause cancer, migraines or other illnesses, to security and privacy fears.
When the energy enters and leaves the terrestrial system, it must be in the form of electromagnetic radiation, since space is a vacuum and does not provide a medium for other types of energy transfer (Pierrehumbert 2011).
There still seems to be a belief by some posters, that electromagnetic radiation (either a wave or photons; your choice) in a certain wavelength range is «heat» and other wavelengths; the UV, Visible, near IR are not; how about radio / TV / microwaves; are they «heat».
It might be useful to consider other sources of energy into the earth - system than the obvious radiation one, the electromagnetic route (EM).
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