Sentences with phrase «other essential structures»

You may not know that the organization offers opportunities to build or improve housing, schools, clinics and other essential structures in 40 countries around the world.

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When one puts the theory to the task of developing an account of divine experience, it therefore follows quite directly that temporal ordering and structure will be judged to be as essential to the divine experience as to any other.
As for the other, strictly metaphysical implications of faith and justice, I propose to explicate, first, what they necessarily imply for the essential structure of the reality of God.
Both Marxism and pragmatism, along with more recent analytic philosophies of action, help to make sure that the other moment of action or praxis in the self's essential structure will be brought out no less effectively than the moment of existence or self - understanding on which existentialist philosophy so sharply focuses.
This means that the inclusive whole of reality that we experience as strictly necessary in contrast to the radical contingency both of ourselves and of all others must also be distinctively dipolar in its essential structure.
Martin weighs the merits of his «all truths are timeless,» or can be so formulated without loss of truth, against what he takes to be my view (for no reason in my writings that I can see) that all are time - bound; he ignores the moderate or less extreme view that some (namely, truths about extremely universal and abstract, eternal and necessary things, including the essential structure of time as such) are timeless, and others (those about less universal and abstract, also non-eternal and contingent things) are time - bound, but this not in every way a careless thinker might suppose but in a definite and logically intelligible way.
It is particularly instructive in showing the possibility of reconceiving the unity of theological education on a teleological basis (as have the other proposals), but without postulating an ideal «essential» structure to the education's ultimate subject matter.
Other essential nutrients in onions are antioxidants that promote cellular structuring, increase immunity, and protect from free radical damage to the cells.
The information will help assist commissioners in making well - informed decisions that are essential to protecting and maintaining the overall character of the District as well as the architectural integrity of individual buildings and other locally designated Landmark structures.
The additional uses, which include commercial solar farms, storage warehouses and other structures that some consider essential to modern agriculture, were approved by the Suffolk County Legislature on properties for which Suffolk has paid hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase «development rights.»
There are details of the structure of the living cell, essential features in the composition of metals, cotton, silk, rubber, paint, bone, nerve, and a thousand other things which are hidden even from the microscope, and must always remain so hidden because the failure does not lie with the skill of the optician but with the incapacity of light itself.
The cortex and its gateway, the thalamus — the quail egg — shaped structure in the center of the brain — on the other hand, are essential for consciousness, providing it with its elaborate content.
Applications: The goal is protecting nuclear reactors, dams, airports, government offices, and other sensitive and essential structures from earthquake damage.
Stewart and other researchers would like to compare primitive genes and proteins with modern ones, in order to sort out which molecular structures are essential to life, and which are passed down through the ages as «frozen accidents».
You can print the violin's structure, divided into three main parts, in 10 - 20 hours, but you can't make the music happen without buying other essential, non-printable parts, such as strings and tuners.
The technique could facilitate the use of nanoparticles for optical, electrical, optoelectronic, magnetic, catalysis and other applications in which tight control over size and structure is essential to obtaining desirable properties.
Besides providing a major new tool for observing shattered bones and other structures inside the body, X-rays eventually became essential tools for scientific investigation in astronomy, biology and other fields.
«Heat shock proteins help maintain the structure of other essential proteins.
Unlike wires, however, the axons are fluid - filled cylindrical structures that not only transmit electrical signals but also ferry nutrients and other essential substances to and from the cell body.
This clearly indicated that other factors in the structure of hAgo2 are essential to its RNA - slicing activity.
In fact, as their name suggest, they are essential and must be consumed regularly as the body has limited storage for them.They can not be converted from other fats and both must be present in the diet in a proper balance for good health.Their difference lies in their chemical structure and their roles in the body.
The zinc and the other naturally occurring essential minerals and vitamins in oysters give it the ability to promote the healthy structure and function of our collagenous systems in our bodies.
Individuals who fail to consume, digest or absorb adequate amounts of protein may benefit from taking AminoSelect ™ to provide the essential amino acids needed to build muscle fiber and other protein - containing structures in the body (for example, collagen, bones, antibodies and enzymes).
This structured shoulder bag can fit a small laptop, tablet, and other essentials, making it the perfect purse to take to the office.
With this in mind and whatever the governance structure in place (single converter or a more complex multi academy trust model), it is essential that governing body members understand their role in ensuring that risk and risk management is taken seriously and is part of their accountability to parents, the wider public and other stakeholders.
Featuring raised garden beds and a flowering shrub labyrinth among other live - plant structures, the Outdoor Learning Lab will reflect Dr. Maria Montessori's focus on outdoor experiences as an essential extension of the classroom environment.
You won't need to stress over the structure, errors, due date and other essential points of interest on the off chance that you let our influential article composing administration deal with everything!
Much consideration is paid to the way toward arranging of the report, since instructors dependably harp on the structure, reference style and other essential components of the required organization attempting to show students do an efficient report.
The orbit is essential for protection of the eye and other structures.
They are essential for building cat condos and other cat structures.
EcoWellDog — Skunk Odor Neutralizing Products EcoWellDog's Skunk Odor Neutralizing Spray and Skunk Odor Neutralizing Shampoo contain naturally derived essential oils and organic compounds that neutralize skunk odors and other foul smells by chemically altering the molecular structure of the malodor components.
In today's society, these ideas are highly relevant as well as explosive: on the one hand, they reflect an essential structure of life in the digital age, on the other hand — by casting many possible views on one and the same thing — they symbolize openness and tolerance as basic principles of peaceful coexistence in a society.
There are hundreds of millions of vehicles, a great many high - GHG power plants, many millions of belching cows, vast stretches of suburban sprawl, and a zillion other contributors to global warming that are now part of the development structures and processes essential to the welfare and lifestyles of billions of people.
While the experiences of the Canadian provinces are not yet conclusive, they strongly indicate that the adoption of alternative structures in isolation of other regulatory modifications, and notably of these two essential ones, is nearly if not entirely impossible.
Keeping barbeques away from your home is important, but also keeping them away from fences and other outdoor structures is essential.
Efficiently performed essential work in support of the HUD Human Capital Accountability Program; partnered with the Accountability Officer in the assessment of the Department's human capital management systems and programs to ensure conformity with the structures described in the Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework (HCAAF); extensively conducted various types qualitative / quantitative analyses, prepared responses and reports based on findings and required actions; identified trends, researched Federal regulations and other related documents to ensure program compliance; managed human capital audits and served as the audit liaison, coordinated communication between the organization and OPM; organized briefings, reviewed and tracked deliverables.
Palmer said the department was currently «looking to find ways to expand» one of the first quality improvement initiatives it had funded: the Healthy for Life program that collects data from about 100 Indigenous primary health care sites across Australia on essential health indicators and others relating to organisational structure and care provision.
Last year I wrote an article on the essentials of agreements for commission (Commission agreement basics, REM, July 2013) that outlines the fundamental points all agents need to know about legislative requirements, format, payment structure and entitlement, amongst others.
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