Sentences with phrase «other eternal»

Though economists and other eternal optimists have not yet figured that the supply of crude oil is a limited resource, a growing number of petroleum geologists speak about peak oil, a time when world oil production peaks, then starts downward, perhaps after sitting around a plateau for some unknown time period.
Just as in mathematics the quantities represented by the variables are not treated independently, but in a complex network of interrelations, so Whitehead later postulates: «An eternal object, considered as an abstract entity, can not be divorced from its reference to other eternal objects» (SMW 229f).
An eternal object, considered as an abstract entity, can not be divorced from its reference to other eternal objects and from its reference to actuality generally; though it is disconnected from its actual modes of ingression into definite actual occasions» (SMW 229f).
They likewise have a reference to other eternal objects, because relatedness is a condition of organism even at the level of abstraction.
P. 93: «the ingression of one eternal object in some event necessarily involves the ingression of other eternal objects.»
The multiplicity of eternal objects could be ordered into a well - structured realm, and that ordering by actuality could serve as the reason why each eternal object is what it is and is definitely related to all other eternal objects.
Therefore, sensa and patterns do not differ in the respect that they must be essentially related to other eternal objects in physical ingression, and this aspect of their relational essences guarantees that no eternal object can physically ingress individually.
Thus, though the individual essences of neither sensa nor patterns require references to other specified eternal objects, sensa presuppose no other eternal objects in their individual essences, while patterns do presuppose sensa.
In ingression, it is the nature of the eternal object as hierarchically related to all other eternal objects and as it is in itself which lures the particulars of the actual occasion in process as it informs them.
The result of these further relations to other eternal objects is the expression (and, perhaps, formation) of yet another more complex eternal object.
Moreover, sensa are declared to have some form of realization that differs from that of patterns: «But the realization of a sensum in its ideal shallowness of intensity, with zero width, does not require any other eternal object, other than its intrinsic apparatus of individual and relational essence; it can remain just itself, with its unrealized potentialities for patterned contrasts» (PR 115 / 176).
By «realization» in this passage Whitehead is often read as meaning «ingression»: no pattern as a particular manner of relatedness can obtain without the simultaneous ingression of other eternal objects (sensa) that constitute its matter: «The realization of a pattern is through the realization of this contrast,»
Third, it is for - the - whole of all relations, the totality of both possibility and actuality in that it has internal relations (of segments of the pattern during the instantiation as it ingresses in actual occasions) and external relations (to, in the close perspective, some other eternal objects).
Thus, it is in their capacities as eternal objects that both sensa and patterns have individual essences by which they can be conceptually identified without reference to other eternal objects.
It is — in relationship to and in distinction from other eternal objects — a definite quality, hence possesses a certain qualitative definiteness.
On the other hand eternal objects, viewed in their individual multiplicity, are by definition bound to be connected with other eternal objects, 26 just as, analogously, an occasion has to be viewed as a concrete relation to other occasions and nexuses of occasions.
i) the relationships of any eternal object A, considered as constitutive of A, merely involve other eternal objects as bare relata without reference to their individual essences, and
An actual occasion synthesizes within itself the complete relatedness of «Fugue» to every other eternal object, including the eternal object «C major.»
In so far as «C major» is highly valued in this particular aesthetic synthesis, it is included and with it every other eternal object with which it is internally related — including «D major.»
In sum, we can say that the eternal object «Fugue» is determined with respect to other eternal objects, and is indetermined, or has a «patience» for relationships to actual occasions.
But the eternal object must also be considered in reference to other eternal objects — that is, in its «relational essence.»
This means, as Whitehead puts it, that «a particular determination can be made of the how of some definite relationship of a definite eternal object A to a definite number n of other eternal objects, without any determination of the other n objects, x1, x2,... x11, except that they have, each of them, the requisite status to play their respective parts in that multiple relationship» (Science and the Modern World 237).
An eternal object is supposed to bestow or withhold a specific, precise form of definiteness, but how can this be if every eternal object drags along with it, so to speak, the whole choir of eternal objects in virtue of the fact that its relationships to other eternal objects are internal relations?
As a unique, determinate entity, the color green has a set of definite relations to all other eternal objects.
These different modes of ingression are a function of the eternal object's relational essence, that is, of its patience for being jointly ingressed with other eternal objects having the requisite relational essence (SMW 229f).
As Ambrose, the fourth - century bishop of Milan, told the recently initiated: «You must not trust, then, wholly to your bodily eyes; that which is not seen is more really seen, for the object of sight is temporal, but that other eternal, which is not apprehended by the eye, but is discerned by the mind and spirit» (Ambrose of Milan, De mysteriis, III, 15).
As Whitehead says in Science and the Modern World (p. 160), «Since the relationships of A [an eternal object] to other eternal objects stand determinately in the essence of A, it follows that they are internal relations.»
If some certain eternal object were actualized [for a particular actual entity], then all other eternal objects would be relevant in some way or other [to that entity]» (IMW 274).
Woman's singular strength arises from her awareness that God entrusts other eternal subjects to her and even where modernity has resulted in a «gradual loss of sensitivity for man, that is for what is essentially human», maternal love must «ensure sensitivity for human beings in every circumstance: because they are human!».
While an admonition such as «Remember, O man, that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return» sounds like the solemn - admonitory, the point of the memento mori is to contemplate worldly death in order to fit oneself for otherworldly life in communion with other eternal souls, not somehow to find comfort in the commonality of our mortal lot.
Only God decides and we are not to judge others eternal fate..

Not exact matches

«It is a great hope for future peace when two great nations hating each other as foes have seldom hated, one side vowing eternal hate and vengeance and setting their venom to music, should on Christmas day and for all that the word implies, lay down their arms, exchange smokes and wish each other happiness.»
Some of the more paranoid or lawsuit - fearing companies in the U.S. require office couples to sign a wavier or «love contract,» vowing that their relationship is consensual and neither will take legal action against their employer (or each other) should the love prove less than eternal.
On the other side of the coin, just as many eternal optimists argue that the stock market is headed perpetually higher.
IAC Chair Barry Diller steamrollered Michael Eisner and other directors in his bid for eternal control with a new class of stock.
Judgment is clear and just as one goes to heaven while the other looses eternal presence with God.
You might want to start there, since no other god was brutually beaten and crucified on your behalf, so that you may have eternal life.
I do not however believe that there will be a god who teaches love on one hand, but hands out eternal suffering with the other if you chose not believe in him... cant see why that would be so important to this supposed ultimate being..
I try not to worry what other people think about eternal souls or allegorical references in literature.
3) The Jewish people will experience eternal joy and gladness (Isaiah 51:11) The ruined cities of Israel will be restored (Ezekiel 16:55) 4) The peoples of the world will turn to the Jews for spiritual guidance (Zechariah 8:23) Once he is King, leaders of other nations will look to him for guidance.
The true after - life ontology of heaven (note that heaven does not exist, nor hell) is one of an eternal blissful state of union with God and others choosing salvation.
Emerald... in a way though, if you believed something to be true... like really believed... no doubt, for instance, the only way for others to be happy or not suffer eternal damnation (or whatever), wouldn't you feel wrong by not trying to convince others.
If eternal life is the main reason you've accepted Christ into your life, then, as so many others have, you have missed the point of Christianity.
Some will be rewarded with heavenly bliss, and others will be condemned to eternal torment.
In just those last few moments each thief understood his eternal destiny — the one to be with Him in «paradise», the other, well, by default, not with Him in paradise.
From a human point of view it seems ridiculous that a human being could torture, maim, and kill others relentlessly during her lifetime or that he could sexually abuse child after child with no remorse and then upon a sincere deathbed confession of Jesus Christ as Savior, be granted eternal life, no questions asked.
The most holy, the noblest, the best, the most godlike things about us is our human capacity to learn personhood in responsible self - government (taking up personal responsibility for our own eternal fate) and to share in communion with other persons, and most of all with the unseen God.
This is a simplification of the complex Hindu understanding of history as determined by the past lives of others: that we are all stuck in an eternal cycle of suffering perpetuated by reincarnation.
Apparently you just ignored the whole point that there is a difference between the concepts of «immortality», where everyone will be resurrected and become immortal no matter who you are since physical death came abut through Adam and the fall, and «eternal life», which is living with God or in other words it deals with the quality of that immortal life.
Romney views other Americans (and all human beings) as his eternal brothers and sisters, children of one God, who all have unimaginable potential for good.
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