Sentences with phrase «other ethno»

There is no doubt that the bilingualism requirement will make other criteria harder to satisfy, from regional representation through racial or other ethno - cultural identities.
Nicholas Faraclas, a linguistics scholar on the Houma, wrote that like other ethno - linguistic groups, the Houma tribe are a community in which «contact between groups with different languages and cultures is the norm, rather than the exception, and in many cases integrated formally into traditional marriage, trading, and ceremonial patterns.»
These «Muslim - Majority» nations also have Non-Muslim minorities, who often come other ethno - religious backgrounds - such as Jews.
The association also accused the government for the increased killings for alleged blasphemy and other ethno - religious killings in Northern Nigeria on the government's inaction.
The report also found that the Conservatives» electoral appeal among black Caribbeans is far weaker when compared with other ethno - religious groups (such as Indian Hindus and Sikhs).
As if no other people suffered during the course of turbulent history in the Balkans, Izetbegovic discussed crimes committed only on Bosniaks — leaving Croats, Serbs as well as other ethno - national and religious groups aside.

Not exact matches

It's funny how some of these posters are so ethno - centric, they seem to be ignorant of the fact that our fellow humans in other nations can not afford to buy diapers or formula (thus prolonged nursing.)
These include the introduction of territorially autonomous regimes that can be formed without the need to have been part of other pre-existing political - administrative divisions, but on the bases of ethno - cultural features; the recognition of community justice as parallel and coexistent with ordinary justice, exercised by the «native indigenous peasant nations and peoples» authorities according to their principles, cultural values, norms and proceedings» (Art. 199); and the consolidation of a system of collective land titling following ethnicity - based criteria.
Dr Wendy Pullan comments: «Much of the research of Conflict in Cities has been devoted to understanding how ethno - nationally contested cities are both like and unlike each other, and what we can learn from making such comparisons.
ethno - national groups that have been traumatized by repeated suffering at the hands of other groups seem to have little capacity to grieve for the hurts of other peoples, or to take responsibility for the new victims created by their own warlike actions» (in Redekop, 2002, 157).
Challenging the tradition of documentary / ethnography as objective, woods creates ethno - fictive documents that investigate invisible dynamics in society, remixing memory and imagining other possibilities.
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