Sentences with phrase «other faceless»

We do not represent insurance companies, corporations, HMO's, or other faceless entities, in order to protect our clients from any possible conflict of interest issues.
Instead they walk into Midway City along with a special forces unit led by Flagg (Joel Kinnaman), who also happens to be June Moone's boyfriend, battle an army of faceless overlord minions indivisible from every other faceless movie overlord minions and lose everything that made them interesting in a swirling tornado of special effects.
So, now, if this squad plus some other faceless and nameless bodies were given a 25 - point lead in the second half, would they be able to beat the 2016 Fighting Irish?
He would one day leave, just like Ferguson, but not at the request of Konstantine, jon fox or what other faceless online deluded fellow.
I pray for all of us who struggle with depression and other faceless adversaries.

Not exact matches

People like to do business with other people, not with faceless corporations, and your About Us page is a great place to humanize your brand.
Where others see surveys, faceless respondents, forums and posts, we see people.
When all evil and nothingness pass into the faceless epiphany of a total Antichrist, then the ultimate ground of chaos will be dissolved, every inherent sanction for all alien and compelling demands will be removed, and every opposing other will stand revealed in a lifeless and vacuous form.
A debate in which the thoughts are not expressed in the way in which they existed in the mind but in the speaking are so pointed that they may strike home in the sharpest way, and moreover without the men that are spoken to being regarded in any way present as persons; a conversation characterized by the need neither to communicate something, nor to learn something, nor to innuence someone, nor to come into connexion with someone, but solely by the desire to have one's own self - reliance confirmed by making the impression that is made, or if it has become unsteady to have it strengthened; a friendly chat in which each regards himself as absolute and legitimate and the other as relativized and questionable; a lovers» talk in which both partners alike enjoy their own glorious soul and their precious experience — what an underworld of faceless spectres of dialogue!
then that would make you deluded simply thinking that you a faceless person on the other side of the monitor can truly accomplish what all others that bother us on a daily basis face to face failed to achieve?
The result of the attempt has been, in the post-Cartesian west, the catastrophic isolation of each «self» from other selves (except when it submerges itself in the collective, where it becomes «faceless» and loses its creativity, in the popular sense of that word).
There can be no true human relationship or bonding principle between faceless people, people who can't look into each others» eyes and see something there that can complete or complement their own lives.
The agency clarified that the said publication is nothing other than wild imaginations of the faceless mischief makers desperately bent on casting aspersions on the reputation of Director General of NEMA, Management and Staff through the falsehoods, forged documents and baseless innuendoes.
For a discontented electorate, convinced in large part that the country is being run for some faceless «other» — whether it's the fat - cat capitalists, the immigrant hordes, or the greedy MPs themselves — the story of inequality is an easy one to swallow.
If anything, just to have a date «outside» of this challenge, to see whether we really do get on, when I'm not comparing him to 29 other men, 23 of whom are still faceless!
Remember to add your photo to your online dating profile as other singles may just wonder what you're hiding if you appear faceless, and it increases your chances by 90 % of getting a reply.
Unlike other dating sites, we provide more than a list of faceless gay dating personals.
Starting out of nowhere, it never really allows the faceless, nameless and voiceless player to find out what is going on, since all the other characters are only available for interaction when the developers allow it and reveal little to no information.
And, despite an impressively deep mythology, there's nothing differentiating its faceless monsters from the countless hundreds of enemies seen in other, more polished titles.
For me and, I think, most viewers, other horror movie villains like psychotic killers and deadly animals are simply no match for the faceless unknown that feels like a more plausible and insurmountable threat.
I really love finding hotels like this that have charm and personality, and aren't just like every other big, faceless hotel.
Indeed, consider it this way; the use of sound and the fact that the camera lingered on Theon's tortured face was a startling reflection of how I can only imagine rape victims must often feel — dishonored, humiliated, alone, faceless, helpless, unknown to others.
At SNIPER: GHOST WARRIOR 3 was the huge potential and a game initially was faceless, it is just a compound of practices from Far Cry and S.T.A.L.K.E.R and other games.
Unlike the other two games, a large majority of the gameplay takes place under the faceless individuals, and it's hard to really care about what's going on to these individuals let alone the world.
Playing io games online means facing faceless foes from around the world in classic games like — here with a Tron - like dark - and - neon twist and an endless sea of other live snakes to get in the way of you carving out your own piece of the game board — or completely new, like, where you need to eat to grow and grow to stay alive in this world where there's always a bigger foe ready to eat you instead (and, as this is a Dodge game, expect the full list of top internet memes to make an appearance).
Games like Metal Gear Solid explicitly position killing the faceless, nameless mooks that populate game worlds as a sort of moral failing, and other games like Chrono Trigger, Ni No Kuni, and Shining Force occasionally show the «wild» monsters you kill as being somewhat intelligent.
Ninja Pizza Girl is about the hideous minefield that is teenagehood, and as such, protagonist Gemma's «health» is measured in self - esteem as other teenagers fill the shoes of the usual faceless goons.
Some rave about the brutality of boss battles or the speed of play, while others focus on how id has helped bring a sense of joy to a faceless, silent protagonist.
That human beings respond far better to other human beings on the internet, than they do to faceless, corporate spokesmen.
Like other postmodernist artists, such as Damien Hirst (1965) and Tracey Emin (1963), Saville has benefited considerably from Saatchi's patronage, and her disturbing (sometimes gross) depictions of obese, occasionally faceless women have gained widespread attention without being seen as feminist art or linked with feminism.
Ominous clouds and landmasses, monks, ears, mysterious female figures, faceless busts and other enigmatic characters float over craggy and rolling landscapes.
Firelei Báez's large - scale works on paper visualize mythical feminine creatures, imagining the man - eating Ciguapa and other figures through oozing, faceless contortions and dissolving silhouettes.
My comment @ 33 follows my comment @ 22, and basically is a suggestion to get around the tendency to treat scientists as the faceless other and to fill in the blanks with something more realistic and hopefully beneficial.
Other grassroots initiatives to raise awareness include the Walking with Our Sisters Campaign and the REDress Campaign (two separate art installation projects) and the Faceless Dolls Project (an initiative of the NWAC).
Perhaps not the most important factor but, like many, I rather regret the suppression, in whole or in part, of some of the great brand names of professional publishing, such as Sweet and Maxwell, Butterworths, Tolley, CCH, Carswell, Matthew Bender, Clark Boardman and others, in favour of somewhat faceless corporate identities that have less meaning.
Such personal interaction is the key to an effective online presence since people would rather hire other people to handle their legal matters — not large, impersonal, faceless institutions.
As other smartphones are increasingly faceless, monolithic black slabs, HTC sandwiches its screen between two bassy front - facing speakers.
Rather than hiding behind a list of faceless achievements, job titles and mind - numbing jargon which other candidates can sedate employers with, you should strive to show just what it is which makes you a unique fit for the job.
So be careful before you disclose anything too personal about yourself until the nameless, faceless entity on the other side of your computer is represented by a legitimate person or business.
Here REALTORS: happily LOAD their fully detailed listings on this web site allowing it to quietly build a database which it collects for free; pay for the privilege of advertising prominence they often complain they don't get and fall all over each other as they shamelessly sell (I am too polite to use the real word) themselves to nameless, faceless, cyber city demanders of free information.
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