Sentences with phrase «other false beliefs»

Just go ahead and pull that off the list of other false beliefs you irrationally cling to, you racist POS.

Not exact matches

Other than that, do as you wish, you want to serve a false god, do it, you want to believe in no god, believe it, just everybody shut up about your stupid beliefs, neither side can prove crap.
«Well aware that the opinions and belief of men depend not on their own will, but follow involuntarily the evidence proposed to their minds; that Almighty God hath created the mind free, and manifested his supreme will that free it shall remain by making it altogether insusceptible of restraint; that all attempts to influence it by temporal punishments, or burthens, or by civil incapacitations, tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness, and are a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, who being lord both of body and mind, yet chose not to propagate it by coercions on either, as was in his Almighty power to do, but to extend it by its influence on reason alone; that the impious presumption of legislators and rulers, civil as well as ecclesiastical, who, being themselves but fallible and uninspired men, have assumed dominion over the faith of others, setting up their own opinions and modes of thinking as the only true and infallible, and as such endeavoring to impose them on others, hath established and maintained false religions over the greatest part of the world and through all time.»
And Amnesty International, in a report released earlier this year, said «repeated calls by the Supreme Leader and other authorities to combat «false beliefs» - apparently an allusion to evangelical Christianity, Baha'ism and Sufism - appear to have led to an increase in religious persecution.»
There are way too many people out there that have their own beliefs, but consider all other belief systems as false.
God calls His people not to impose our beliefs and dictate rights, but to warn others of the price of sin and the finality of inevitable death (in the same way we would wake someone asleep on railroad tracks), and to defend His Truths and to correct false understandings that deceive, and to share the joy that we experience from God's grace.
Why should I encourage people to follow beliefs that are demonstrably false and lead to actions that cause real world harm to others?
Unless, you can show me no other group of humans have ever died for a belief, that is false.
Conceding to believers that they can redefine the term «religion» to encompass «atheism», or whatever other ideas they wish to encompass within the word, if that suits their purposes in trying to put anyone who doesn't believe in their god or any god into the same category as themselves, grants to them the opportunity to dismiss anyone who doesn't believe in their god as holding a religious belief no more valid then their own and to classify you as just another follower of a «false religion» unlike their own, which is the «true» religion.
And hopefully show others that the long - standing belief that every christian is a crazy bible thumper is false (I do nt think your input helped on that one though Heaven Sent, sorry.)
And it's a weak argument at best, twisting words to fit an agenda but not addressing a false prophecy that disproves your belief and quantifies it as myth alongside other religions.
Projecting one's own beliefs to society at large, even going so far as to make up false resons that can not be backed up by fact, «women are seen as objects», as to why others should do the same, is just plain odd.
It was started by people of other religions who wanted to spread their false beliefs and practices.»
Then there are people like Eloise, who allow their religion and their ignorance to hurt others because their beliefs give them the false sense of superiority.
It typically shares with other religions the belief that every other form of worship is false.
And excusing people for their false beliefs that they force upon others by attempting to legislate morality because they are a majority is righteous how?
It stands to reason that an all knowing eternal God could predict what you and I would believe no before He made and thus have already know whether we would except him or not And I'm not sure what you trying to say by that And because we want to tell others about Him and be used by Him to reach others And that commit does not make any sense, but clearly God is not a punk, as I have already demonstrated And your main point, as I already explained is false No, but my belief is true, none the less, it is by definition virtually impossible to prove anything And no, I don't need knee pads.
Your attempts to discredit all other belief systems by giving them a false equivalency with your delusional belief system is a waste of time.
ARE delusions because, no matter how much you think otherwise, those beliefs have been proven with 100 % certainty to be false... Those voices you hear in your head that you think are god are actually you, so give yourself some credit for your successes... And stop trying to force your beliefs on others.
Heavily influenced by the Enlightenment and the philosophical tradition of Logical Positivism (the idea that if something is not able to be judged true or false, then we are rationally compelled to ignore it as irrelevant), much of the modern Church has bought into the belief that the truth of Christianity should be treated like any other set of factual claims, and that people of faith can somehow rationally observe ultimate truth with a level of personal detachment and objectivity.
For the religiously orthodox, religious belief systems were felt to represent «objective» reality as it really is, and thus if one of them is true the others must be false, either absolutely or in some degree.
What I have noticed for many years, when Christians stand and accuse each other of false beliefs, we may be correct in some portions of the truths we are standing on.
Sometimes Christian believers themselves are responsible for giving a false impression or deficient account of their faith, and indeed they may give scandal to others that create barriers to belief.
One's emotions, such as unwillingness to be wrong, the comfort of old beliefs, the fear of stepping out from the familiar into the unknown, keep Christians and Athiests alike from seeing what might be true in the other side's beliefs, or what might be false in their own.
There is no explanation other than these people are idiots and must have IQ's of 40... Just another ridiculous example of self gratifying behavior and false grandiose beliefs of oneself.
BTW, since the God of Israel and any other God are mutually exclusive beliefs, one need only to determine that the God of Israel is real to conclusively determine that all others are false..
I agree about the Agave, just as bad as any other fructose sweetener, perhaps worse due to the false belief that it is somehow «better» for you.
In other words, in the wake of evidence that their fundamental beliefs were false, cult members responded by ignoring the evidence and attempting to explain how the fact that their beliefs were shown to be false, actually proved them to be true!
Because the gorillas seem to be taking account of the thoughts of others, they are showing some theory of mind competence, says Byrne, although they do not pass a standard theory - of - mind test called the false belief test, which looks at the ability to infer another's perspective.
Young children's understanding of others» false beliefs is at the heart of a debate among psychologists trying to explain years of inconsistent findings.
But they — and other primates — had not been shown to hold false belief.
«Having the ability to represent false beliefs means recognizing that others can have different thoughts from us,» said Peipei Setoh, who, as a graduate student, conducted the study with University of Illinois psychology professor Renée Baillargeon and fellow graduate student Rose Scott.
University of Illinois professor Renée Baillargeon and her colleagues found that young children know when others hold false beliefs.
But Laurie Santos, a cognitive psychologist at Yale University who has shown that rhesus macaques lack an understanding of false belief, thinks the «paper raises more questions than it provides answers,» especially because there have been «so many past results showing that chimpanzees and other primates lack this capacity.»
Through this course, Passionate Purpose Vibrant Health, I unlocked more false beliefs and behaviors that were habitual protections yet blocking me from loving myself and connecting with others at the level of spirit.»
As I've heard from numerous other writers, both fiction and nonfiction, these myths are just what they are — false beliefs.
Unfortunately, anyone dedicated to fighting BSL will be forced to deal with officials and others who believe some or all of the below false beliefs about pit bulls.
On the other hand, the New Religion of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Alarm (CACA) is in truth a superstition — a system of belief that is falsifiable and has been demonstrated to be false.
For these reasons and others, it is not possible to reach valid and reliable judgments about systematic patterns in news coverage either through anecdotal blogging about specific articles or by a lone individual reading through a population of articles, especially when the individual has a deep and longstanding commitment to a belief in widespread false balance.
On the other hand, many of the beliefs of the climate extremists can be demonstrated to be false.
ATTP repeats that he doesn't understand Tol's point, doesn't mention the explanation of the other professor I cited, and makes another false claim about my beliefs (again no explanation or evidence given).
It's still a false dichotomy, and even without the usual issue of whether a person can simply choose to change their beliefs (like the original version), it allows the one proposing the wager to set up outcomes favorable to them while ignoring other possibilities.
It is called close minded thinking, and it is very different, and it usually finds ways to substantiate itself — to convince itself it is using reason and perpetuate the pattern and persistence in a false belief or idea; only further enabled when so many others want to do the same, the issue produces a lot of passion, and there is massive information (often put out by ideological think tanks who are fighting possible ways of redress by instead sowing doubt over the issue itself.)
confirmation bias, false beliefs, societal beliefs, religious beliefs and so on do run deep and affect how the mind works across domains in the frontal cortex and in other areas.
In other words, the plaintiff in a defamation action may be required to expend a considerable amount of money to bring the action, may experience significant negative publicity which repeats the false accusations, and if unsuccessful in the litigation may cement into the public consciousness the belief that the defamatory accusations were true.
In other words, they frequently form false beliefs about themselves, others, and the world around them.
Delusions are false beliefs that are not shared by others.
These false beliefs are frequently encouraged by a parent about the other parent.
Experiences in our past such as dysfunctional family dynamics, being bullied in school, and other forms of abuse and trauma become subconscious false beliefs about ourselves such as; «I am not worthy of love, or I'm not good enough.»
3) A psychiatric disorder can be created / induced by a delusional parent through various deceptions that cause the child to adopt an intransigently held fixed false belief (a delusion) that the parenting of the other parent is bad or abusive.
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