Sentences with phrase «other feasible alternatives»

I claim no particular expertise on the issue of whether, on balance, increased extraction of natural gas through hydraulic fracturing is a good thing for the environment and our economy, in relation to our current methods of energy generation or other feasible alternatives.
However, the relevant comparison is not a utopian ideal but the far - from - utopian status quo and other feasible alternatives.
The U.S. has no other feasible alternative than DEFAULT ON THE DEBT OR DEVALUE THE DOLLAR... and rest assured Washington will elect for the latter by trashing the greenback, which will catapult the gold and silver prices into orbit.

Not exact matches

«Other options like rail or truck are not feasible for the transportation of large quantities,» said Elizabeth Shope, anti — tar sands advocate with environmental group the Natural Resources Defense Council, in a conference call with reporters, noting that such alternative transportation more than triples the cost of moving tar sands oil.
I haven't tried a lot of other publishers platforms, just because I'd rather not read digital versions of stuff I can get in book form, but I do like that digital offers a cheap alternative to titles that might not be feasible in a print format, and I'm curious to see if more publishers take that route in the future.
Furthermore, a reverse mortgage line of credit does not need to paid off until you are dead, making it a potentially feasible alternative to other options for long term care.
ï ¿ 1/2 If feasible, it may also help to let the bully cat outdoors in a safe manner to help them burn off their excess energies on alternative things, other than the victim cat.
A few I've brought home from time to time when no other alternative seemed feasible.
While we develop other alternative resources, and prove them both technically, feasible, and ask ourselves, are the cost effective, before we jump off the cliff?
The World Bank Group, along with several other major players, is limiting the funding of new coal power plants to only developing countries with no feasible alternatives.
«(C) reduce unnecessary agricultural or other biomass burning where feasible alternatives exist;
(9) The alternatives to relocation and whether it is feasible and desirable for the other party to relocate also;
By offering these alternative forms of dispute resolution to clients when feasible, we can contribute to a healthier resolution of disputes that often leads to stronger long - term relationships for families who retain ties due to children or other circumstances.
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