Sentences with phrase «other fingers pointing»

Truth can not be suppressed so BMJ may well find itself in the embarrassing position of having boldly pointed one finger at disreputable researchers with three other fingers pointing back at itself.

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Amid the toughest stretch of the Cavs» season in which the team has lost five of their last six games, blame has reportedly been passed around the locker room, with players pointing fingers at each other, the coaching staff, Cavs ownership, and most recently, Kevin Love.
Some observers point the finger at labour - saving technology, others at the demographics of aging itself — seniors simply buy less stuff.
«Mr. Speaker, only a Conservative would call pushing the pause button on corporate tax breaks a tax hike,» he said, pointing his finger at the other side dismissively.
Earlier this week it also put out a wordy blog post attempting to diffuse this line of attack by pointing the finger of blame at the rest of the tech industry — saying, essentially, that a whole bunch of other tech giants are at it too.
Since 2009, governments have been pointing fingers at Bitcoin and other digital currencies as a conduit for money laundering and fraudulent activities.
Yes, they must always apend «credible» and then they get to decide who is credible, just like they point fingers at each other and claim «he's not a True Christian.»
Point your finger at others and criticize all you like, but don't then complain when people turn around and do the same to you.
So easy to point the finger at them like many other conspritors of gov» t involvement.
I love you Darlene, and I am sure you are a lovely persom, but I need you to stop the judgment, be true to your values and beliefs, but don't point your finger at others... because I know, you want to promote love, isnt that what your faith is based on?
It is easy to fall into this scapegoating, finger - pointing mentality and accuse others of doing it while I myself practice it toward them!
And lest you think this post is about finger - pointing, I have no doubt in my mind that if my own assumptions and prejudices go totally unchecked, if I never stop for a moment to consider the other side and wonder if I might be wrong, I too am capable of using the Bible to my own ends, of convincing myself that God is on my side.
«Isn't this the last guy who should be pointing fingers and accusing others of taking pills for recreational purposes?»
Because it's «justified» and «made to appear ok» when you do it... but point fingers at others as if it's wrong.
Maybe it doesn't help if we point fingers at other people, but that is not what I'm talking about here.
And he make a living pointing fingers at other people.
OF course they clair delusion is real while pointing the finger at the other cults.
The difference is, is that if a child is brave enough to step up and point a finger most other people are punished by the law.
For anyone to walk around pointing the accusing finger at other religions - pro or con - is really stupid.
Conversely, I will not point my finger at any house church, emergent movement, or any other gathering that seems to look more like a New Testament church and declare: «You have the biblical and historical right to exist!»
Let's stop pointing fingers and start listening to each other.
«People are in line to sort of point the finger at him and say that he's this, that, or the other.
Avoid pointing fingers or blaming the other person.
Don't point fingers at other people, religious or not, everybody is guilty.
At least this kid is acting on his beliefs instead of pointing fingers at others!
But the worst ones are the self - righteous ones who point their fingers at others and fail to recognize their own bigotry.
We point fingers at other countries for allowing Afghanistan to become a terrorist haven, but we were the ones who abandoned the Afghans to the feuding factions whom we had armed and whose fundamentalist Islamic passions we had ignited in the, campaign against the Soviet Union.
From my Buddhist environmentalist perspective, we are all in this together, and we can't afford to waste time pointing fingers at each other.
The point I am making about pointing the finger at ourselves (or myself at least) is that it seems out of place that we, who are all sinners, would so quickly judge others, whose motives and hearts we can not see, when we have complete access to our own hearts, and all too often know first - hand that we are in the wrong.
I think the thing that truly is troubling is not the fact that we ascribe these events to God's sovereign power, but more that we ascribe them to the sins of other people when in truth we should be pointing the finger at ourselves.
As Christians, we judge gays, lesbians, the rich, the homeless, people of other religions, atheists, heretics, criminals, drunks, drug addicts, prostitutes, pimps, politicians, and anybody else we can think of to point our finger at.
Real Christians know they are sinners just like others and will not point fingers.
We tend to be a very judgemental people, looking for excuses to point our fingers at others.
typical christian point finger at others so they do nt look at u.... christians do nothing but spew hatred and bigotry... and here we have it.
As long as there are people who need to put others down to lift themselves up, there will conservative christians As long as people choose to point fingers at others, because they don't want to focus on their own short comings, there will be conservative christians.
Maybe instead of pointing fingers at others, we should do our own deeper study of the bible and learn what it means to examine our own hearts, especially those of us tat like to name groups of people to push the blame on.
What isn't uncommon is everyone is quickly able to sit and point fingers at others then 1.
You are condeming an awful lot of pastors that have worked tirelessly and unselfishly all their lives to help others without a shred of evidence (sorry pointing a finger at to a handful of televangilist does not prove that tens of thousands of other pastors are the same.
Pay close attention to what I would like to know from you, or any other Christian who enjoys pointing their finger at «sinners».
I'm glad I don't go to a church where people go round pointing the finger at other people and calling them a sinner — can you imagine how oppressive that would be?
the pope and catholic leadership (all men of course) will continue to point fingers and blame others and cry to the heavens as the church continued to shrink and die; never realizing or admitting that they are the ones to blame!
Yet the followers of this novel continue to point fingers at the other.
So, if you like to point the finger at others, and send e-mails about how Mr. Leader is moving into heresy (i.e., anything you don't believe), and make phone calls to put your neighbor on the «prayer chain» (Gasp, Can you believe she got pregnant out of wedlock?!)
Point the finger at others, and no one is looking at the one's who truly are to blame.
One of your fingers points at others while three more of your fingers point back at you; you're a judger are you not?
Hold the shell in the palm of your hand with one end in the direction of your fingers and gently cup your hand so that you open up the shell by pressing the two pointed ends slightly towards each other.
BUBBA»S BBQ JOINT — As you search vainly for a menu, finally asking the belching busboy for help, you discover «there ain't one, Bub,» as he delicately points with a hangnailed index finger (the other fingers on that hand are missing) toward a chalkboard of «Daily Specialz.»
@Pires it is uncouth to call other people idiots because they voice their opinion.It is common sense that what is happening at arsenal football club is horrible and simply unacceptable.No one feels this pain more than the fans, so please let these people voice their concerns and also be careful when pointing your finger coz you may be that idiot yourself.
Having people pointing the finger at each other usually causes more harm internally, we do not want the board and manager to be more focused on finger pointing than doing their job, I do feel though that Gazidis is happy to finger point towards Wenger to cover his own inability to do a top job.
I am sick of watching this man, trotting up and down the pitch, only able to watch as Kos and others are busting their guts making last ditch tackles, or throwing their bodies around to cover shots as he stands motionless pointing his finger at God knows what.
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