Sentences with phrase «other foods containing»

It is therefore extremely important that you keep your sugar - free gums or any other foods containing xylitol out of your dog's reach.
Like other foods containing allicin, chives have been shown to protect heart health in humans and some other animals; they may be able to help reduce bad cholesterol levels, which can directly lower heart disease risk.
I especially make sure that meat and other foods containing fat are organic because pesticides can be stored in fats.
The men studied maintained their previous lifestyle and diet patterns throughout the study, but abstained from other foods containing the anthocyanin compound.
There are long lists of other foods containing phytate, but nothing about pumpkin seeds.
Examples of other foods containing smaller amounts of FOS: asparagus, ripe bananas, brown sugar, chicory roots, dahlia, endive, garlic, leeks, onions, murnong (Australian tuberous plant), yacon (Peruean tuberous plant)[5].
You also excluded grains and other foods containing fiber.
Consumption of other foods containing soy, such as soybeans, tofu, deep - fried tofu or other fermented soybean products was not associated with reduced risk of breast cancer (J Natl Cancer Inst 2003; 95:906 - 913).
This chronic digestive condition is triggered by eating gluten, a protein found in bread, pasta, cookies, and many other foods containing wheat, barley or rye.
Nuts, fish and other foods containing unsaturated omega - 3 fatty acids are other good choices of foods with healthy fats.
Some vegetables: Tomatoes and tomato products, spinach, red beans, eggplant, olives, pumpkin, avocado, pickles, relishes, and other foods containing vinegar
All other foods containing preformed vitamin A need to be consumed in atypically large amounts in order to meet the vitamin A requirement.
Other foods containing calcium don't fill the mineral gap for most people.
In one study reported in the Journal of Pediatrics, none of the infants receiving human milk as the only milk in the first 12 months of life, without other foods containing iron, were anaemic at 7 months, compared with 43 % of those breastfed for a shorter period.
You should include into your diet other foods containing protein like cheese, tofu, low - fat fish.
Recently though, I've noticed a wave of worriers, let's call them gluten alarmists, who won't touch traditional bread, pasta or other foods containing gluten with a 10 - foot pole — in public, anyway.
This may limit the shelf life of fats and oils but can also limit the shelf life of many other foods containing fats and oils.
Donuts, soda, and other forms of refined sugar lead to an energy boost that lasts a mere 20 minutes, while oatmeal, brown rice, and other foods containing complex carbohydrates release their energy slowly, which enables you to sustain your focus.
No other food contains so -LSB-...]
Cow's milk is a great source of calcium but many other foods contain calcium as well.
So if your diet doesn't contain a few servings of cold water fish or other food containing DHA (like fortified eggs) every week, you might consider a supplement.
Beef, chicken, eggs, soy and other foods contain large amounts of protein and amino acids.
Several other foods contain good amounts of lycopene and they include guavas (5204ug), papaya (1828ug), and grapefruit (1135ug).
Even marinades, salad dressings, ketchup, breads, and 100's of other foods contain loads of belly - fattening HFCS!
Only one other food contains all three of these compounds, gogi berries.
What other food contains this good fat?
Many other foods contain prebiotic fiber, but are not listed, usually because they provide well less than 5 grams at typical serving sizes.

Not exact matches

The list is composed of the top 12 foods — including spinach, strawberries and tomatoes — that «tested positive for a number of different pesticide residues and contained higher concentrations of pesticides than other produce,» according to the EWC.
When, in the course of his remarks, he intimated that some parts of the Scripture were more truth - containing than others and admonished his hearers to feed their souls upon the best of the spiritual food, James interrupted the Master, asking: «Would you be good enough, Master, to suggest to us how we may choose the better passages from the Scriptures for our personal edification?»
Death is one... the difference here that some prefer it healthier since the kill was meant for food and not for hate... some prefer it releasing naturally all the contained contaminated blood while other masses prefer it similar to a strangled to death animal for keeping it's blood within it unreleased...!
I would make sure that your food processor is pretty powerful in order to be able to handle all the recipes containing medjool dates and other sticky ingredients!
All of the Dishes Contain Curry — While many popular Indian dishes do use curry, other common spices used to cook Indian food include turmeric, ginger, garlic and green chilies.
That is because they contain soluble fiber (cheerios not that much, oatmeal its sort of ok) but there are other better food options that can lower cholesterol much better, and this is one of them.
Relying too much on a food that contains so many phytoestrogens may not be great for you, and there are plenty of other complete proteins that are also vegan.
They contain phytochemicals, substances found only in plant foods that help fight cancer and other chronic diseases.
The Gluten Intolerance Group's Gluten Free Certification Organization (GFCO) has published a study titled «The Use of Visual Examination for Determining the Presence of Gluten - Containing Grains in Gluten Free Oats and Other Grains, Seeds, Beans, Pulses and Legumes» in a special section of the Journal of AOAC International, focusing on food allergens and gluten.
Just as with any other food that you may purchase in the bulk section, make sure that the bins containing the walnuts are covered and that the store has a good product turnover so as to ensure its maximal freshness.
Be careful of the artificial ingredients in this bar as it contains numerous types of artificial food colorings, which have been linked to hyperactivity and other problems to those who are sensitive to it.
Well, not quite... Superfoods are just that - foods that contain significantly higher quantities of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other health - boosting, anti-aging, disease - fighting goodies.
Just as with any other food that you may purchase in the bulk section, make sure that the bins containing the cashews are covered and that the store has a good product turnover so as to ensure its maximal freshness.
However, the more I researched the more I realized that most of these types of foods tend to help milk supply in one of three ways: they contain phytoestrogens or some other hormone impacting component, they have a high micronutrient density (iron, calcium, potassium...), or they provide a good boost of energy.
Just as with any other food that you may purchase in the bulk section, make sure that the bins containing the oats are covered, free from debris, and that the store has a good product turnover so as to ensure its maximal freshness.
The natural products industry, along with many concerned consumers and others, have long pressed for and supported efforts to require mandatory labeling of foods containing GMOs.
Just as with any other food that you may purchase in the bulk section, make sure that the bins containing the lentils are covered and that the store has a good product turnover so as to ensure its maximal freshness.
Just as with any other food that you may purchase in the bulk section, make sure that the bins containing the sunflower seeds are covered and that the store has a good product turnover so as to ensure the seeds» maximal freshness.
Flaxseed contains 75 to 80 times more lignans than other plant foods.
canned foods are likely to contain BPA and other harmful chemicals in the can liners.
What we need in the future: In the United States, the FDA should clarify for industry whether growth media for bacteria (and other microorganisms) are considered ingredients, incidental additives, or processing aids, and whether the use of wheat, barley, or rye precludes the food containing the bacteria from being labeled as gluten free.
This gluten - free foods list can help you know what to look for (and what to look out for) when choosing grains and other foods that may contain gluten.
The best way to avoid harmful gluten - containing additives and other harmful fillers and GMOs is to make your own food at home.
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