Sentences with phrase «other forms of intervention»

However, it would be wrong to view relationships as merely conduits for other forms of intervention.
Relationship experts and proponents of the benefits of longterm marriage, myself included, believe that there's basically only one reason: an unworkable and obvious red - flag issue in the relationship that hasn't responded to counseling or other forms of intervention.
Students attending a school where violence occurs, experts say, clearly will need crisis and grief counseling and other forms of intervention to cope with tragedy.
«I hope that this peculiar clause will be removed from the Bill, if not now then at a later stage, not because it is not vitally important that we do everything we can as quickly as possible to improve our schools, because it is, but simply because it is extremely foolish for Ministers to tie their hands and prevent themselves from carrying out other forms of intervention that might be the right pathway for improving schools in the long term.»
Of course, I'm making an assumption that other forms of intervention may be more appropriate for addressing and treating some issues and diagnoses.
When developing parenting programs and all other forms of intervention, the people from the culture being served need to be a part of developing, designing, implementing, and evaluating these programs.
I never took that as a statement of absolute principle, nor that John was belittling any other form of intervention.
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