Sentences with phrase «other found materials»

In the lobby, plastered pods of porous bulbs made from plastic Easter - egg containers and other found materials hang under the central staircase.
Much of the exhibit is comprised of what Vicuña has named precarios, the precarious assemblages of wood and plastic and other found materials described at the beginning of this essay.
Robert Rauschenberg, American, 1925 — 2008, Coexistence, 1961, oil, fabric, wood, and other found materials on canvas, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Gift of the Sydney and Frances Lewis Foundation
Bone and other found materials often inspired Moore's sculptures and sometimes formed the basis of the maquettes, here bone inspires both the form and the choice of white, porous marble.
I would also connect Ossorio's material extremeness to Michael Tracy's altar - like constructions and to the paintings made of rings and other found materials by Michael Kelley, who may have learned about Ossorio's assemblages from Gerome Kamrowski (1914 — 2004), an Abstract Expressionist painter with whom he studied at the University of Michigan.
Medium: Assemblage Style: Recycled sorcery Birthday: 1926 Superpower: Saar, who didn't become an artist until the age of 46, creates hypnotic assemblages that incorporate «black collectibles» and other found materials referencing the spiritual and technological, serving as a force of creative resistance for women and African Americans and a tribute to Saar's textured heritage (African, Native American, Irish and Creole.)
There, David started making three - dimensional objects from wood, wire, coral, soldered metal and other found materials [3].
This is particularly evident in the nature of her «Assists» series, in which the artist uses chairs in combination with other found materials to imitate the frame inherent to a painting, using the combined elements in a symbiotic relationship that allows them to remain standing.
Thornton Dial, «The Color of Money: The Jungle of Justice», 1996, Fabric, shoe, gloves, jigsaw puzzle pieces, artificial flowers and plants, dolls, stuffed animals, rope carpet, toys, cotton, found metal, other found materials, oil, enamel, spray paint, industrial sealing compound, on canvas mounted on wood, 77 x 86 x 12 inches, 195.6 x 218.4 x 30.5 cm, TD015
Then, in 2013, Vadis was selected for the Friends of Materials for the Arts artist - in - residency, which provides workspace in the warehouse, as well as the opportunity to create and exhibit new work inspired by the ever - changing warehouse inventory and other found materials.
FIELD reimagines the gallery as series of constructed landscapes using wood, concrete, carpet and other found materials, combined with light, text and sound to create a full «landscape» experience.
Michael Lazarus» mixed media panels made of paint, wood, glass, adhesive lettering, and, in some cases, plastic reflectors and other found materials, share a vocabulary of pared down imagery, color, and response to materials culled from the artist's everyday surroundings.
Works from the «Background Story» series occupy the SCAD Museum of Art lobby and present Xu Bing's playful recreation of delicate brushstrokes through the repurposing of plastic bags, refuse and other found materials.
At Île - de-Vassivière's Centre International d'Art et du Paysage in France, the artist Fernanda Gomes is showing works constructed with wood pieces, fabric, pieces of glass, and other found materials.
The Friends of MFTA Artist Residency provides an artist with workspace in the Materials for the Arts warehouse, as well as the opportunity to create and exhibit new work inspired by the ever - changing warehouse inventory and other found materials.
This show looks back to those early years in which the artist, unable to secure government - controlled art materials, was forced to paint on tablecloths, bedsheets, wood and other found materials.
The Friends of Materials for the Arts artist - in - residence program (#MFTAir) provides an artist with work space in the Materials for the Arts warehouse in Long Island City, as well as the opportunity to create and exhibit new work inspired by the ever - changing warehouse inventory and other found materials.
The Friends of MFTA Artist - in - Residence program provides an artist with workspace in the Materials for the Arts warehouse, as well as the opportunity to create and exhibit new work inspired by the ever - changing warehouse inventory and other found materials.
Recycling magazines, maps, data, and other found materials, he creates lush collage portraits on canvas that reveal themselves the further you stand away from them.
In John Armleder's highly original assemblages, which incorporate fragments of furniture and other found materials, one can detect a range of styles, styles that can often be linked to specific periods and places.
Known by the tag name «Twist» for his graffiti and street art, McGee has also developed a career within museums and galleries, exhibiting drawings, paintings, prints, and large - scale, mixed - media installations that take inspiration from urban culture, incorporating elements such as empty liquor bottles, cans of spray paint, signs, scrap wood or metal, surfboards, and other found materials.
Born in New York City in 1941, artist Tony Berlant is celebrated for his intricate and highly inventive collages constructed from metal and other found materials.
Her sculptures use fired and unfired clay, hair, fabric, and other found materials.
Fashioned from wire, leather, cloth, and other found materials, Cirque Calder was designed to be manipulated manually by Calder.
Steel, metal, plastic, glass and other found materials..
Using raw surfaces such as compressed wood, cardboard, and other found materials, the vitality of his subjects are as alive as the pulsing heartbeat of the city they live in.
Trying his hand at it, Mr. Katz was more interested in work that used cut paper and other stuffs as expressively as paint, like Matisse's large - scale paper cutouts of the 1940's and 50's, rather than the satirical Dada type of collage made from magazine snippets and other found materials.
Visitors to Moniker's debut NYC edition will step into the open studio of Derek Gores, who recycles magazines, maps, data, and other found materials to create his lush collage portraits on canvas.
The video is an assemblage of YouTube clips and other found material.
British artist Ptolemy Elrington works with a variety of materials including hubcaps, shopping trolleys, scrap metal and other found materials, which he remodels into a variety of life forms.
Occasionally some of Tuttle's titles refer to the shapes of his pieces / similar to the meticulously made objects of Martin Puryear His forms are made of paper, cardboard, wire, paint, or other found materials.
Using tempera paint, gouache, metal, mesh, wire, string, cord, and other found materials (her studio was in an abandoned textile factory), she began to employ an amalgam of two - and three - dimensional representation.
The strokes and puddles of color are then cut and assembled onto larger supports and collaged with portions of her works on paper, screens and other found materials.
She is also guided in her color choices and compositional decisions by wood, paint chips and other found materials she incorporates into her constructions.
In the absence of classic art materials in Uganda in his early yerars, Mukasa used paper from magazines and other found material to make collages.
Nests have always been a fascination of mine — I tend to make them out of recycled steel, wire and other found materials.
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