Sentences with phrase «other foundational»

If you or your spouse have cheated because there was a lack of physicality between you, it probably has more to do with the absence of other foundational aspects of a strong marriage.
Basic assumptions of Imago Relationship Therapy are listed and references to other foundational theories support the thinking in Imago therapy.
connecting your legal writing classes with students» other foundational courses; connecting and collaborating with other faculty to improve your students» ability to transfer what they have learned to clinics, externships, and jobs; connecting legal writing classwork with clinics or external nonprofits; connecting with alumni and practitioners; connecting with other legal scholars; and connecting with others to help improve legal writing faculty status.
This goal fits well with our other foundational goals: training 21st Century, T - shaped lawyers and engaging with industry partners to identify needs and problems, work toward solutions, and test, improve, and implement solutions.
According to a panel of development experts, sub-Saharan Africa will need to power its factories, hospitals, schools, and other foundational infrastructure with cheap and reliable sources of electricity, and, at least in the near future, that will likely come from hydro and fossil fuels.
While the Sierra Club lambasts electrical grids as outmoded technologies, centralized grids are exactly what Africa and other low - income countries need to power hospitals, school, factories, and other foundational infrastructure.
With echoes in her forms of Picasso, Matisse and other foundational painters of Modern Art, Tarsila made paintings that are emphatically Latin in their imagery and palette.
VCO: There are other things happening simultaneously: Los Angeles in the late 1960s and early 1970s, which is the other foundational stream in this, is where artists like Senga Nengudi, Maren Hassinger and Ulysses S. Jenkins come into play.
Alphabet Time uses print and digital materials to teach phonemic awareness, phonics and other foundational skills.
The scientific definition and the screening allow teachers and parents to focus on early literacy instruction on phonemic awareness and other foundational skills that these children will
Teach phonics and other foundational reading skills to small groups of beginning readers with Read Naturally GATE's explicit reading instruction.
Content from our over 80 CTE courses — and other foundational or college and career prep content — can be incorporated into any course to help:
Unfortunately, somewhere along the road to the brave new world of charter schools and market incentives, Bloomberg and Klein either forgot, or never comprehended in the first place, that all good education, and, even more so, education for disadvantaged children, starts with systematic and explicit instruction in the basic skills of literacy, numeracy, and other foundational academic subjects.
Other foundational threads are introduced slowly, allowing for student's educational weaving to begin.
Lead author Emily Rivest of William & Mary's Virginia Institute of Marine Science says its findings are also likely applicable to other foundational reef species such as oysters.
Removing the 2nd Amendment would require the same process as removing any of the other foundational rights, such as freedom of speech, the presumption of innocence, or trial by jury (and is about as likely to happen.)
, and painting and covering other foundational elements to your furniture and decorative touches goes a long way toward creating a cohesive look.
Moving forward, Perdue will design and implement an approach to baby chick nutrition that better supports its birds as they develop their immune, skeletal and other foundational systems that help keep them healthy later in life.
Their liberalism moves very swiftly from sexual ethics to sacramental theology, and thence to other foundational issues — the nature of the priesthood, the authority of the Bible, the very identity of Jesus Christ.
Eric — no one can offer you proof of the existence of God or in other foundational beliefs.

Not exact matches

WLES underpins other, more complex skills, so if you organize formal or informal higher levels of training — such as quality - assurance systems or computer use — you could be missing out on the full value of those programs if your employees don't have foundational literacy and numeracy skills.
One of the foundational principles of US competition law is that while it's legal to have a monopoly, such companies are generally forbidden from trying to use that power to extend their dominance into other markets.
These foundational skills will then be built upon throughout other classes included in the bundle, including lessons on pro forma modeling and projecting future earnings.
Platforms — especially those foundational ones that other large companies need to function — are the best businesses to be in the new tech economy.
Continuing into the early afternoon, the panel moved through several tangential topics, all of which seemed to be laying a foundational understanding for how central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) might emerge relative to other possibilities, including government - issued cryptocurrencies, e-money, and digital fiat currency (DFC).
In this foundational series, you'll get advice from other tech startup founders and growth gurus on building your startup growth strategy and implementing sustainable processes.
If you want to influence others positively, managing your thoughts and consciously choosing the mental frame through which you view the world is an important, foundational leadership skill.»
It has quickly been accepted as foundational evidence in support of the tariffs and other punitive trade measures that President Donald Trump's administration has initiated against China in recent months.
And while it is true that the gift of pastor (or pastor - teacher) is a foundational gift, this does not make it a better gift than any of the others.
They are foundational to every other moral and theological issue facing the Church today, and in the future.
I take the five (or four depending on how you understand the grammar) spiritual gifts in Ephesians 4:11 along with Paul's statement in Ephesians 2:20 as being the «foundational» spiritual gifts, meaning, they lay the foundation of Jesus Christ upon which the other spiritual gifts build.
This created a foundational need to convince others, or at least intimidate them into acceptance.
[48] J. Van Lin defines theology of religions as the theoretical and practical foundational ideas on the basis of which «Christians can determine their relationship to people of other living faiths.»
Even the ideas which I think are original with me owe a large debt to the foundational ideas and writings of other authors and teachers.
The emphasis of Vatican II is on the Church as sacrament, which, he says, is of «foundational importance» to the ecclesiology of the council, appearing four times in Lumen Gentium and six times in other documents of the council.
In fact, however, morality is the foundational principle to the others.
In Roman society, an auctor was one who, by virtue of some combination of qualities, was thought to stand closer to the foundational beliefs and forms of life of the Roman people than others and was consequently assigned responsibility for protecting and augmenting those beliefs and ways of living.
Noll writes, «the foundational profession of Reformation Protestantism to rely on Scripture before — or even apart from — other authorities faded as Protestant self - identification strengthened.»
You raise many philosophical and foundational issues that many do not consider in such debates around Calvinism (and other theological debates).
«Scripture's male - female prerequisite for marriage and its attendant rejection of homosexual behavior is pervasive throughout both Testaments of Scripture (i.e. it is everywhere presumed in sexual discussions even when not explicitly mentioned); it is absolute (i.e. no exceptions are ever given, unlike even incest and polyamory); it is strongly proscribed (i.e. every mention of it in Scripture indicates that it is regarded as a foundational violation of sexual ethics); and it is countercultural (i.e. we know of no other culture in the ancient Near East or Greco - Roman Mediterranean basin more consistently and strongly opposed to homosexual practice).
This is to say, then, that God must be asserted to be in some sense the subject of the experience of others as well as of self, lest the foundational assertions of Christian theology fail to be congruent in meaning with the apostolic witness that is their norm.
Each person has a set amount of time (their «life») to choose these truths and others... these are foundational.
(2) Until not many years ago, the foundational Endowment Ceremony for all faithful Mormon who want to attend their temples, stated that leaders of other churches were «Hirelings of Satan.»
You adamantly refuse to recognise the historical fact that «scientific atheism» was both a foundational philosophical position and an actual policy of the Soviet Union and other atheist states from the time of Lenin on, and responsible for massive persecution, torture, suffering, humiliation and death far in excess of the numbers of the «victims» of Christianity - So now the history that isn't in your book is factual?
In other words, to state it negatively [in my own words], membership in the church is not predicated on a person's meeting of certain physical and psychological conditions extraneous to the foundational confession of faith; and no - one is barred a priori from consideration for ordered ministry who is a member of the church.
The reason the abortion issue is so foundational is not because Catholics love little babies ¯ although we certainly do ¯ but because revoking the personhood of unborn children makes every other definition of personhood and human rights politically contingent.
Epistemology was thought to be foundational for all other inquiries.
An adult's foundational attitudes about himself, others, and the world in general are colored by these powerful feelings from his earliest experiences.
The Court keeps on going back to Roe as foundational to justify all the other rights that the Court found emanating from that decision.
Their power and foundational role in experience account for Merleau - Ponty's descriptions of fleshly ideas such as those of music and literature possessing us, rather than the other way around.
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