Sentences with phrase «other giant corporations»

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While monolithic corporations like AT&T may be looking to grow by snapping up other giants like Time Warner, some longstanding Internet brands are winning by taking the exact opposite approach.
As Businessweek writes, «Tech giants and other corporations that have grown by serial acquisition fear the Actelion precedent could expose them — at least in California — to open - ended liability over licensing disputes involving the smaller new - technology companies they are wont to gobble up like so many cocktail nuts.»
Tech giants and other corporations that have grown by serial acquisition fear the Actelion precedent could expose them — at least in California — to open - ended liability over licensing disputes involving the smaller new - technology companies they are wont to gobble up like so many cocktail nuts.
Barbell industry structures consist of a relatively few giant corporations on one end, a narrow middle consisting of a shrinking number of mid-sized firms, and a large and growing number of small, micro and one person (solopreneur) firms on the other end.
It envisions a barbell structure for most industries, with a few giant corporations on one end, a relatively small number of mid-sized firms in the middle, and a large group of small businesses balancing the other end.
On the other hand, our concern for equality will prompt us to check very carefully whether the tax breaks are producing their desired effect, or whether they are being used by the rich to purchase yachts and by giant corporations to gobble up smaller companies.
She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.
However, the farmers believe the force behind this push is Golden Rice patent owner Syngenta and other giant biotech corporations including Monsanto.
Singapore - based Pardoo Beef Corporation, run by Bruce Cheung, purchased the 198,000 hectare Pardoo Station for $ 13.5 million earlier this month while other major operators such as Great Giant Livestock Co, the second - largest cattle feedlot in Indonesia, and Japfa, also known as Santori, spent a combined $ 50 million buying cattle stations in the far north.
Other green groups and corporations, including,, Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy and British Oil Giant BP, among others, also offer carbon calculators on their websites.
Taiwanese electronic paper (e-paper) company E Ink Corporation and Japanese electronics giant Sharp have signed a 10 - year patent cross-licensing agreement, allowing both parties to use each others» technologies and maintain «patent peace».
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has joined the American Legislative Exchange Council, a private group set up for corporations and other interest groups to ghostwrite legislation that is sponsored by legislators in state capitals around the country.
Other chapters cover things like rules limiting how countries regulate corporations, limiting how countries make laws that might limit corporation profits, and other rules that grant giant multinational corporations special protections from competiOther chapters cover things like rules limiting how countries regulate corporations, limiting how countries make laws that might limit corporation profits, and other rules that grant giant multinational corporations special protections from competiother rules that grant giant multinational corporations special protections from competition.
And, except for two congressmen who didn't take any energy industry money, the signatories received sizable contributions from a number of other corporations that compete with wind, including coal barons Arch Coal and Alpha Natural Resources; and oil and gas giants Chesapeake Energy, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Valero Energy.
Instead of putting the responsibility for feeding ourselves in the hands of giant corporations, we would be trusting other people in our community who may be more interested in our health and safety.
As CMD recently reported, the giant utility American Electric Power this week became the 107th corporation to abandon ALEC since CMD launched the ALEC Exposed project in 2011, joining BP, Shell, Google and others in ceasing financial support.
Although bitcoin is more common currency for consumer payment transactions, the adoption of Ethereum blockchain technology by such giant corporations and governments indicate that it will eventually be a larger platform than any other cryptocurrency platforms.
Whether you own your own business or are part of a giant multi-national corporation, you can't afford to think of yourself or your career in any other terms.
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