Sentences with phrase «other hand really»

on the one hand i understand the risks you describe (sitting on a delisted stock investment), on the other hand I really like the KWGs strategy (with their focus on B - and C - locations and very frugal criteria when the buy new assets) and the exposure to the german real estate market.
E-Readers on the other hand really struggle with a stock version of Android.
I on the other hand really enjoy talking to customers.
I on the other hand really enjoyed the 10 Little Indians based horror thriller Identity.
I on the other hand really really miss our nursing time and I hope that he continues to remember to latch so we can continue our nursing relationship together with babe too.
Dalglish on the other hand really doesn't act the gentleman at all.
On the other hand we really need to do some serious trimming of the squad before the window closes and I think we all know who those selected few are by now.
Joe on the other hand really wanted to get baked before work and needed a paper and Jesus was handy.

Not exact matches

And if on the other hand I do think you are the perfect candidate from really benefitting from our product, then I'll let you know that too.
Alibaba, on the other hand, has huge profit and revenue growth and really strong margins.
It's not like child labour, where you can say yeah, it's unfortunate, but on the other hand these kids really do need the income.
«To get the full change to happen, we probably need not only greater representation of women, but we need to see also a cultural shift in organizations that really places greater value on gender equity in the workplace, and makes it more legitimate and acceptable for women to lend a helping hand to other women in the work place.»
«Other kinds of work — be it exercise, a creative hobby, hands - on parenting, or volunteering — will do more to preserve your zest for Monday's challenges than complete vegetation,» she has written before recommending that, if you really want to feel jazzed up after a break, you should proactively schedule challenging or engaging activities rather than just planning to chill and take things the days as they come.
On the other hand, if Delta really expected Charnas to give up her seat for the whole flight, I can imagine how distressing this would be.
Problem No. 2: On the other hand, CSR is unfairly burdensome, if really taken to heart — that is, if you really think that the pursuit of social contribution ought to take over a manager's entire way of thinking.
If you fall into the group that's tired all day, on the other hand, it might be nice to know it really is a thing, so you can tell all those annoying early risers and Energizer bunnies constantly urging you to buck up and stop hitting snooze that there is a biological basis for your permanent exhaustion.
«When you are growing and you need the money, you really want to take the money, you can't create the business if you don't take the money, but on the other hand, you take the money and sometimes you find that you have made a deal with the devil.»
On the other hand, the tiny company in Burnaby has been derided for making clean energy plans based on unproven physics, leaving one wondering just where the truth really lies.
It's not specifically geared for the bathroom — it can be used anywhere, really — which means it needs to sit on the toilet or some other shelf and still needs to be controlled by a sopping wet hand from within the shower.
I did not know about this, but I though it was really hands - on ideas for every kind of job: Find 3 related areas where you can sell your work, and the fuel the other ones.
But on the other hand, Apple doesn't really have a loss, since it was doing what Icahn wanted anyway, and since Icahn ended up blinking first.
On the other hand, things may really turn out awesome.
But on the other hand, staying with the ICO space for a minute, some of these ideas are really interesting.
Yeah, there's a dilemma that we're faced here in the sense that it feels like Facebook / Google are taking advantage of their online monopoly and backing marketers into a corner, whilst on the other hand they're offering a way to reach users that no other platform does and it delivers really good ROI.
On the other hand stands the political interest of promoting the idea that it is not really the land's site value that is rising, but construction costs.
On the other hand, I have also been blessed with some really profitable currencies.
Other than the added weight, there really isn't much to separate the 33C and 34C, so it will come down to whichever one feels better in your hand.
On the other hand, being too conservative can lead you to work longer, or live more frugally than is really necessary.
I have no first - hand experience in this, we didn't put any funds into starting up Six Revisions or Design Instruct because they were all allocated to content production, development, and our technology infrastructure, but I personally know a few bloggers that have invested in online advertising like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc. and it really shortened the time it required for them to get serious site traffic compared to others (like us) who chose not to invest in getting that initial boost in site traffic.
Yeah, Henry Rollins might provide a workable way (for sophomoric liberals) to protest LAPD heavy - handedness in the early 1980s, and other minor Western maladies, and maybe punk music really could strengthen your spine in the aughties if you're an alienated Egyptian liberal youth under the boot of Mubarak, but no, the example of Rollins and such sure can't find help you navigate your way to political effectiveness between the Egyptian military on one hand and popular Islamist groups on the other.
It's not quite right to think of we Americans as questing after fugitive moments of happiness; really, we're questing after fleeting respites from happiness, too, just as we're oscillating constantly in our strivings for individuality on the one hand and a relief from individuality on the other.
On the other hand, things that you really want or need do not need to be advertised at all ie.
really — i never said any religion is dirty or less clean then any other... i said most people don't wash there hands, then i stated that it is a sin in islam to not be clean....
What is really at stake is a fair judgment on modernity, an assessment, a fine discrimination of both its nobility and ethical allure, on the one hand, and its self - destructiveness, and self - flattening and demeaning tendencies, on the other.
On the other hand, if you are convinced that there is a special place for you after you die where you live in happiness for eternity, well then for you nothing really matters here.
Atheist on the other hand are arrogant in their stance of «knowing» how the universe wasn't created even though they really don't understand how it WAS created.
As with everything, it is only a few that ruin it for everyone else, but on the other hand the «many» hasn't really done anything to inhibit the actions of the «few.»
Lying and saying you're not angry when you really are, on the other hand, is a sin.
«Living quiet lives, working with our hands and minding our own business» is probably key for me on focusing on what others really need - Jesus Christ.
Some people the church folk might call sinners are some of the nicest people I know, while on the other hand some church folk can be really nasty and mean.
If, on the other hand, the new Court majority really does favor Scalia's reading of «free exercise,» religious exemption is out the window for the foreseeable future.
On the other hand, churches really don't want equal footing, they want totally subsidized municipal services (trash, police, fire protection, civil and national defense) AND they want to dictate to the governments that provide them the terms under which they operate.
Still other material was found and used by Mark, including some that is clearly legendary — that is, «popular» stories handed down orally in extended form, and not necessarily all of them really Christian in origin — for example the great legends of the Gerasene demoniac, 5:1 - 20; the death of John the Baptizer, 6:17 - 29; the walking on the sea, 6:45 - 52; and the cursing of the fig tree, 11:12 - 14, 20 - 25.
On the other hand, true spirituality is a mess and there's no way to really know for certain how someone is progressing.
I do not know if these hands are really stained as the other claims.
The second case is really the same as the first, except that now the question is not between A and B, for neither has the fact, but between A and B, on the one hand, and the zoo keeper, on the other.
Am I then really all that which other men tell of, or am I only what I know of myself, restless and longing and sick, like a bird in a cage, struggling for breath, as though hands were compressing my throat, yearning for colors, for flowers, for the voices of birds, thirsting for words of kindness, for neighborliness, trembling with anger at despotisms and petty humiliation, tossing in expectation of great events, powerlessly trembling for friends at an infinite distance, weary and empty at praying, at thinking, at making, faint and ready to say farewell to it all.
You know, it really makes no sense to (on the one hand) condemn the Bible as anhistoric, and (on the other hand) condemn the deity believed in as a brutal butcher.
Within the next decade we shall have assiduously to canvass the question whether the religious orders and congregations will really put into practice the Decree on the Appropriate Renewal of the Religious Life, whether they will produce a style of life and of government which, on the one hand, is truly suitable for our time and, on the other, is seriously engaged only in the service of Christ.
On the other hand, Christian faith is often; defended by repeated assertions that «the Bible says...» without any attempt to recover the historical situation in which the books of the Bible were written or to get beneath the surface to find out what God really is saying through it.
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