Sentences with phrase «other horrible people»

I hope that Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and countless other horrible people were sentenced by the Lord to Hell.

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«I'm fighting a battle against a horrible group of deep - seated people — drain the swamp — that are coming up with all sorts of phony charges against me and they're not bringing up real charges against the other side,» the president said.
Kids, like the rest of us, fall prey to this cognitive bias, which causes people to blame other people's bad actions on their horrible character and our own on circumstances beyond our control.
I sent out to some people last Wednesday why I thought the CDS market would outperform ETF's, and that is still my view, and has a lot to do with the bonds that make up the high yield index and their rate risk exposure for some, and horrible convexity for others.
Others deemed it so horrible they just couldn't look away, labeling the selfies a group of people took in the aftermath of a gas explosion as «disaster porn.»
These types of ra nts lead down the path of religious per secution and have been the same kinds of words during horrible religiously motivated at roci ties — ki ll ing of people because their flavor of Christian faith didn't meet the standard of some other self - right eous mob.
Thomas Jefferson, unfortunately, said a lot of racist and horrible things about other groups of people.
We have great things like food stamps (a horrible waste of tax dollars since majority of the people on them waste them, and could afford food if they did nt smoke, drink, or other things not needed for survival.)
These horrible tragedies happen because people will not quit sinning and seeking to do evil, so it brings harm to others.
I'm not sugar coating anything your denying people love, dude thy tyrant did the same thing yo me and my people they said we cant love humans,... so i lead a rebellion these people love each other but That God has to have all the love to himself jealousy is a horrible curse.
How can God love everyone equally, but give some people a home, a family and lots of money while he forces others to starve and die horrible deaths through disease.
To most people, «such a God appears to them to have little or nothing to do with the situation of the world, in which almost daily horrible news reports come, one after the other, and many people are deeply troubled by anxieties of the future.»
We get reports daily of religious people doing horrible things to others.
It's these things that put me off organised Christianity amongst other horrible experiences I've gone through like tithing while in debt and battling to feed my kids to a pastor who is much richer than me and having to fast when I'm working a day job and if I don't fast and pray I'm sending people to hell.
Peace prizes have gone to people associated with horrible acts, economics is all theory and is proven accurate one year and inaccurate the next, and literature is of dubious contribution to advancement — ignoring of course the fact that what some consider to be great literature, others feel is dull and uninsightful.
because of his relationship with something, not someone, who's invisible and has all these stories told of him, by other people, and we all know people lie..., i'd just like to say this whole finding «faith» in a religious god, is horrible for society....
Why can't people live without religion (which is most always the root cause of war and other horrible things) and still be good people who can cope with mortality without flipping out?
He suggests that the horrible nature of such military tactics may be more than counterbalanced by the horror of other means of warfare or of being an enslaved people.
I find a lot of helpful things on the web, like this page, that helps me to see that other people have been there too and maybe questioning the Bible and the church's interpretation of it is not the most horrible thing in the world I can do.
I for one don't think so, but I do have a problem with people who push their religion (any kind of religion) on others and act like they are a moral authority while at the same time commit horrible sins.
Your detesting the «divisive nature of religious mind control that makes good people do horrible things» is again, part of what the whole issue is about, in the opinions of people like myself, @BG and others.
Heaven sent us tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, and famines, plus cancers, typhoid, meningitis, lupus, and other horrible diseases that cause horrid suffering and death to millions of people worldwide.
People do horrible stuff to each other, always have, always will.
I'm just writing this to agree with ALL of the other reviews except the person who is diabetic (I'm sorry you have this horrible condition.).
@Pires it is uncouth to call other people idiots because they voice their opinion.It is common sense that what is happening at arsenal football club is horrible and simply unacceptable.No one feels this pain more than the fans, so please let these people voice their concerns and also be careful when pointing your finger coz you may be that idiot yourself.
Not just annually jettisoning your front office, not just annually jettisoning your HC, but also years (and I mean years) of horrible drafting and a player culture where people hated being around each other.
I also feel relieved to know I'm not alone but also was hoping to find at least one person who was able to turn this horrible situation around... I've been with my husband for almost six years and the first two we couldn't keep our hands off each other... we would have all kinds of sex everywhere even in public places... as soon as I moved in with him he lost all desire to be with me sexually....
Other people have experienced horrible, drawn - out and acrimonious divorces that leave both parties bitter and angry, sometimes because it was an unwanted divorce by one spouse.
Yes, there are some horrible comments below from other people saying those things.
The hospital births did not end up being horrible, and the nurses and doctors were (mostly) good people, yet after the homebirth, I can't imagine doing it any other way.
When I was in the middle of it I felt horrible about putting my needs above my child's needs, but in hindsight I feel pretty good about the way I started to teach my son that other people had rights, too, and that respecting someone else's needs didn't mean he was being abandoned.
On the one hand I understand how she could be in denial because facing the death of your child must be beyond horrible, on the other hand there are people who truly believe that all decisions and circumstances in their life are attributable to a higher power and therefore they take responsibility for nothing.
I was polite about it at first, then I finally told them that I thought it was horrible, etc.... It's like the people that follow it have to indoctrinate others to make them feel less guilty about what they're doing to their kids.
That makes steroids a tool to be used by all kind of people as they seem fit — and sadly, as with all other tools, they can be used for a variety of horrible purposes.
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On the flip side, I have gotten a lot of emails and letters from people who follow a low - carb diet or specifically paleo diet who are working out 5 - 6 days a week and dealing with horrible sugar cravings, hormone imbalance and other issues similar to what I experienced, and I can only attribute this to our body's preference for using the glucose from carbohydrates as its primary energy source.
Other people feel really sluggish and horrible for quite a long time so I really think it depends on the person as to whether they are going to respond.
To be honest, if I was the person on the other side of your conversation I would feel horrible!
i just think that these people must be paid to write horrible comments about other dating sites, so that their own site looks better.
Francesca: «It's also a horrible feeling knowing that there are potentially a lot of other people in competition with you.
And we also get how horrible, grimy, cruel and sadistic people are towards other people, er, I mean prawns.
At best, a filmmaker could have taken this scenario to record a vicious circle of murder, where inherently decent and normal people are driven to horrible acts as a means of escaping punishment for other horrible acts.
But there's another school of thought growing within the Wakandan people, one that argues a more aggressive stance needs to be taken, particularly when the citizens of other African countries have undergone such horrible treatment on the global stage.
Watch the first ten minutes of the evening news any night — you know the ones with all the nasty, horrible things human beings do to each other that grab us to find out what the weather will be like in three days — and you will not even account for half of the sadistic, deranged, and depraved activities and people that the two central characters of Running Scared encounter in one night.
Writer / director Leslye Headland's debut feature, «Bachelorette,» was an incredibly cruel and unfunny dark comedy filled with selfish people doing horrible things, so it comes as a bit of a surprise that her follow - up, «Sleeping with Other People,» hardly has a mean - spirited bone in itspeople doing horrible things, so it comes as a bit of a surprise that her follow - up, «Sleeping with Other People,» hardly has a mean - spirited bone in itsPeople,» hardly has a mean - spirited bone in its body.
To take other examples: people can relish murder mysteries without the reality of killing; they can watch suffering in a tragedy and still savor the presentation; they can observe evil characters in a film plotting horrible deeds and be hooked; a medieval painting of the tortures in Hell can draw tourists in droves.
When your Dropout Nation editor has been brought low by that horrible viral - based disease called Influenza, it not only forces him to spend days sleeping in bed (when not coughing and other disgusting aspects of being sick), but limits him to reading a lot of really smart people writing and saying dumb things.
STGRB is a needed voice for victims, be it authors, readers, reviewers and anyone else that has experienced the trauma of being targeted by horrible people with the intent of inflicting emotional and psychological harm on others.
And re the horrible emails — sometimes people have nothing better to do than pick on others and it's generally because their own lives are somewhat lacking — I'm sure you're very thick skinned, but just thought I'd share that with you too
Over and over again, the narrative fights with itself — «Your child is wrong and you are horrible» versus «Your child wanted to be born and is your child, screw those other people».
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