Sentences with phrase «other human activity in»

Continuous data streaming back to Canada's University of Victoria will enable rapid responses in the choices we make about Arctic shipping and other human activities in the far north.

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These tools are most useful for traders because they allow us to look at price activity in an objective way (without the human error that is associated with other types of forecasts).
An amendment added to a farm bill that was approved by the House Agriculture Committee would bar people from «knowingly slaughtering a dog or cat for human consumption,» as well as transporting or participating in other commercial activity related to eating pet meat.
«In handling common stocks, as in most other fields of human activity, success depends on a combination of hard work, intelligence and honesty» Phil FishIn handling common stocks, as in most other fields of human activity, success depends on a combination of hard work, intelligence and honesty» Phil Fishin most other fields of human activity, success depends on a combination of hard work, intelligence and honesty» Phil Fisher
It is a very helpful guide to the formation of conscience with respect to questions raised in voting and other political activity if, in fidelity to the Church's teaching, one recognizes the «intrinsic evil» of taking innocent human life in abortion.
Present human activity, in other words, reflects a decision about one's place as an individual in the wider world.
Although the machines involved are extraordinarily dangerous, the moral principle governing their use is perfectly ordinary: It is the familiar one that human beings should engage in an activity that poses dangers to others only if, in the totality of the circumstances, doing so is reasonable» i.e., if the good to be achieved, taking account of the probability of success, is proportionate to the possible ill effects.
The emphasis has characteristically been on «a theology of the infinite» — an inquiry into the identity and existence of divine beings, divine activity in history and nature, the purpose and destiny of human life as these are revealed by a being called «God» to others called «persons.»
Change in worship, as in any other human activity, is inevitable.
In other words, economics as a human activity is not ethically neutral and must be structured and governed in an ethical manner; that is, in accordance with the highest ends of man.&raquIn other words, economics as a human activity is not ethically neutral and must be structured and governed in an ethical manner; that is, in accordance with the highest ends of man.&raquin an ethical manner; that is, in accordance with the highest ends of man.&raquin accordance with the highest ends of man.»
Others — a larger number — conclude that reason and religion occupy different «spheres» of human activity and hence may never be in conflict.
Linking prayer to your day - to - day activities in solidarity with other humans around the world can bring a new perspective and depth to our prayers.
The resurrection of Christ is a way of affirming that God has received into his own life all that the historical event, designated when we say «Jesus Christ», has included: — his human existence as teacher and prophet, as crucified man upon his cross, in continuing relationship of others with him after that death, and also what has happened as a consequence of his presence and activity in the world.
If the fashion in which the basic New Testament proclamation has been interpreted in the preceding chapter has validity, then talk of the resurrection of Christ is a way of affirming that God has received into his own life all that the historical event, designated when we say «Jesus Christ», has included: his human existence as teacher and prophet, as crucified man upon his cross, in continuing relationship of others with him after that death, and along with this what has happened in consequence of his presence and activity in the world.
The divine nature, like the divine activity, must then be grasped as nothing other than the «pure unbounded Love» which in Jesus was vividly manifested, as he has been responded to and as through him a vivid and decisive enabling of human life has been made possible.
This assertion is not meant to imply that religion is either false or ultimately nothing more than the fabrication of human minds — indeed, Berger argues in other writings that the transcendent seems to break through humanly constructed worlds, as it were, from the outside, However, the social scientist must recognize the degree to which religion, like all symbol systems, involves human activity.
What matters here is that the total witness found in the Gospels, as well as in the epistles of Paul, John, and others, is to an activity of God in human existence and through a human activity, through which «newness of life» has been known; God has been seen as sheer Love - in - action, and human existence has been given meaning and value as a potential agency for divine Love in the world and in human affairs.
The other possibility — and the one I believe makes much more sense and is more in accord with the biblical witness — is that in Jesus the energizing and indwelling activity of God in human creation reaches a climactic stage.
In an empirical observation of human activity and life, a la Hobbes, desire seems to know no end other than death.
The Biblical writers do not understand social ethics in terms of one or the other of these human values, but in terms of the nature and activity of God who demonstrated their interconnectedness and indissolubility.
In fact, some would say that there is no human value or goodness unless this value pattern is exemplified in our activities; that the capacity to realize this structure of relations in our lives (to a greater extent than can the other animals) is what largely constitutes our humanitIn fact, some would say that there is no human value or goodness unless this value pattern is exemplified in our activities; that the capacity to realize this structure of relations in our lives (to a greater extent than can the other animals) is what largely constitutes our humanitin our activities; that the capacity to realize this structure of relations in our lives (to a greater extent than can the other animals) is what largely constitutes our humanitin our lives (to a greater extent than can the other animals) is what largely constitutes our humanity.
It is not especially illuminating to know that a human being falling in a uniform gravitational field moves according to the law s = 1/2 gt2 — though such information might be of vital importance to divers, high - wire walkers, parachutists, and others engaged in activities of the utmost gravity.
Sometimes — and this is more in accord with what has been said in this book — it has been urged that every access to divine reality (however this may be conceived) which has been opened to men and women is nothing other than the working of the Self - Expressive Activity of God which in Jesus, as we are convinced, is given focal statement in human existence.
It is rather the next stage in the evolutionary advance on the planet Earth of overwhelming importance to us humans at this time, but perhaps only one among myriads given God's creative activity on other worlds.
Here, the idea is not that the person in authority knows better than other people, but that certain kinds of human activity require the coordinated action of many human beings, and the easiest way (often the only practical way) to get such coordination is to set up one person to give directions to others.
It soon becomes apparent that this response to God's saving activity is, in part, not only the means of achieving the goal of Nicodemus and other humans.
... A number of scientific studies indicate that most global warming in recent decades is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides and others) released mainly as a result of human activity... Doomsday predictions can no longer be met with irony or disdain.
Prayer, in the Christian sense, presupposes a creation in which human activities, like every other event or occurrence, have consequences and make a difference.
And that tradition dares to insist that the story which I have been telling in its human and historical shape is the other side of another story — the story of God's unceasing concern for and activity in and upon the created order and more especially for, in, and upon the men and women whose existence is in that created order.
Conversely, a contemplative religio - cultural and ecclesiastical agenda for theology was preoccupied exclusively with the specificities of the energy that flows from the God - human encounter; it neglected the fertile activity of God in the other realms of the world.
7 In discussing an earlier version of this paper, Hall responded that while there might be some aesthetic quality associated with technology, the «difference of degree» between this and the aesthetic character of other modes of human activity is so great as to constitute a «difference in kind.&raquIn discussing an earlier version of this paper, Hall responded that while there might be some aesthetic quality associated with technology, the «difference of degree» between this and the aesthetic character of other modes of human activity is so great as to constitute a «difference in kind.&raquin kind.»
As necessary as its analysis of the self as existence still seems to me to be to any anthropological reflection, the value of this analysis as well as its limitations are more likely to be justly appreciated when it is viewed together with the other post-Hegelian philosophies of human activity that Richard J. Bernstein has so ably discussed in his book, Praxis and Action.
Robert T. Miller examines the morality of using unmanned robotic drones: Although the machines involved are extraordinarily dangerous, the moral principle governing their use is perfectly ordinary: It is the familiar one that human beings should engage in an activity that poses dangers to others....
[35] In other words, CAR activists believe that Christians should refrain from trapping or severely limit their trapping activities on the basis that trapping violates God's requirement that humans protect His creation.
In other words, prayer is an «other - regarding» activity of the human personality.
Like any other human activity, art is not an absolute end in itself, but is ordered to and ennobled by the ultimate end of man.»
The fact that the Christian passion for humanity may resemble other forms of humanism which appear to owe nothing to specific Christian origin or inspiration, and that humanists outside the Christian tradition can make a common commitment with Christians to enlarge and enhance the human and humane, does not mean that these individuals» differing sources of humanism are to be treated deprecatingly or indifferently; Christians will see in those sources evidence of the radical freedom and the unpredictable activity of the Logos, to which the Fourth Gospel first gave witness.
The notion that morality applies to individuals and not to governments is completely contrary to a central doctrine of Reformed theology which is endorsed, in varying forms, by other Christian traditions as well: that Jesus Christ is the Lord not just of the church, nor of a special sphere of religious activity, but of all of the natural and human world.
But his control over the universe was regarded as quite limited; other gods and goddesses were free to do pretty much as they pleased in the particular realms of nature or human activity over which they held jurisdiction.
This idea depends on developments in general systems theory, which views «all of nature and all of human activity as a hierarchically arranged structure of levels of interlocked subset systems in which the process of any particular subset system affects and is affected by other subset systems at its own level, as well as below or above it.»
The fact of evil in the world and in human experience raises serious questions for any Christian discussion, as much about human existence as about the reality and activity of God who in Christian faith is affirmed to be nothing other than «pure unbounded love.»
Like all intellectual activity it compares, abstracts, relates; by these means it seeks coherence in the manifoldness of human experience, unified understanding of the objects or the Other in that experience.
What has been implied is the conviction that reflection and criticism form an indispensable element in all human activity, not least in the activities of the Church, but that such reflection can not be independent of other activities, such as worship, proclamation, healing, et cetera.
1) Protective Antioxidants: Blueberries rank # 1 in antioxidant activity, according to researchers at the USDA Human Nutrition Center (HNRCA) in a study that compared blueberries to 40 other fresh fruits and vegetables.
Scintigraphy, which has been used for years in treating humans, reveals more accurately than any other diagnostic tool the precise location and extent of the abnormal activity.
Post-its, Outlook, and Doodle have become indispensable tools in the perpetual ball balancing act, which most moms would agree is both exhausting and largely oriented towards serving others — counseling clients, shuffling kids to various activities, warding off household disarray, perpetuating human existence.
As a (poor) analogy, arguing whether or not it's human - caused feels a bit like planning to develop real estate on a seaside clifftop which some specialists have said might suffer dangerous erosion in the next 70 years unless you put up some seawalls to prevent water action at the base of the cliff - and basing your view whether to build seawalls and other erosion defences upon whether or not there's proof that human activity would be the cause of any future erosion, rather than whether or not erosion is likely and if so how harmful it might be to your interests if nothing is done to reduce it.
Reacting to the various verbal attacks fired against each other by various political camps engaged in campaign activities for the Anambra governorship election, the CLO said that nothing could be so callous than people playing politics with human blood.
«The Coalition of CSOs on Human Rights and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria undertakes review of the ongoing - war on terrorism to ascertain maximum adherence of the military to the rules of engagement by the Nigerian military, enforcement of fundamental human rights of civilians and protection of man's dignity and respect for person and to ensure that the activities of non-state actors are in conformity with the general principles and purposes of the United Nations and other conventions» riHuman Rights and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria undertakes review of the ongoing - war on terrorism to ascertain maximum adherence of the military to the rules of engagement by the Nigerian military, enforcement of fundamental human rights of civilians and protection of man's dignity and respect for person and to ensure that the activities of non-state actors are in conformity with the general principles and purposes of the United Nations and other conventions» rihuman rights of civilians and protection of man's dignity and respect for person and to ensure that the activities of non-state actors are in conformity with the general principles and purposes of the United Nations and other conventions» rights.
Human activities are driving phosphorus levels in the world's lakes, rivers and other freshwater bodies to a critical point.
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