Sentences with phrase «other human concept»

If God can be known in what we call experiences of transcendence or ultimacy, then of course theology can talk of God, as it can of any other human concept.

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Some are intrigued by the concept (such as Frank Vasquez, a recording engineer with Snoop Dogg's Doggy Style Records) while others view the claim that software can approximate human mastering as downright offensive.
The idea that these grand concepts can not be scaled up cheaply or quickly due to physics or other severe limitations of Nature is anathema to a faith in the unconquerable power of human ingenuity and open markets.
In other words, these problems come from bad intention and human error, not flaws in the underlying concepts.)
With no concept of how civilized human society behaves in the developed world, they bring their crass ignorance to the party and ruin it for all the other tranquillity - seeking customers who've parted with the same chunk of change that they have.
Other faiths believe in burning candles or saying prayers in behalf of the dead — the Latter - day Saints believe in the same concept, but taken to the next level: that we really can open a portal to salvation for every human on earth, if they want it.
I well know that those concepts which have had origin in the human mind will prove more acceptable and helpful to all other human minds.
Culture analysts, psychologists, sociologists and others who probe the content and the dimension of human society have worked diligently to define the concept of transcendence.
The process by which this happened - by which concepts such as personal freedom, human rights and equality have been slowly distorted to mean something quite other than they did when Christian Europe gave birth to them - has been laboriously traced by historians of ideas such as Charles Taylor and Alastair Maclntyre.
Assertions to the effect that God is the Creator of the universe, the Father of mankind, or that he came in human form in Jesus Christ, probably do not relate helpfully at any point to the experience of the questioner and may well clash with well - grounded concepts derived from other areas of his experience.
Yes robert brown... these are all HUMAN concepts... You will find similar passages in many other religions and or human stuHUMAN concepts... You will find similar passages in many other religions and or human stuhuman studies.
To continue Robert, as I have studied the conceptof intelligence, especially how it pertains to other animals, most of those concepts are not even confined to humans.
By the time I had graduated, the field had become «one that maintains its interest in literary texts but explores all forms of aesthetic speech and that views performance as an art and recognizes its communicative potential and function» There were three challenges to those of us graduating with doctoral degrees in this discipline: 1) to locate which performances within art and / or culture we would focus our attention on as scholars and performers; 2) to interpret the core concepts generating from the cultural turn in our discipline to other studies of culture and human communication and 3) to develop «performance - centered» methods of research and instruction in whatever parts of the university we found ourselves.
Whatever concept you may or may not have of a divine order or being (s), it is in most human's consciousness that actions or inactions have consequences and to violate others has penalties.
To understand the Bible as a human product rather than as a divine product makes all the difference in how Christians understand worship, their relationship to God, their concept of mission and evangelism, and their attitude to people of other faiths.
In the one we have imagery, parable, and the reality of a divine - human event: in the other, the abstract concept and the truth of historical fact.
The concept of occasion of experience enables us to see what is common to the human soul and all other entities whatsoever.
As it says «the economists» most basic problem is anthropological», in other words the subject is based upon a narrow and restrictive concept of rationality which ignores the richness of human relations in favour of an obsolete utilitarianism.
But like any other important human activity, faith has to achieve a measure of conceptual clarity if it is to understand and express itself, and part of that process is the development of abstract concepts like Trinity, incarnation and substance.
Or, perhaps the church of atheism truly is just the «religion of me» and the concept of respect for other human beings is simply not possible.
The birth of the concept of social justice coincided with two other shifts in human consciousness: the «death of God» and the rise of the ideal of the command economy.
On the other hand, the enormity of suffering by creatures on this earth, and perhaps especially the human suffering of the present century, makes it difficult for us to return to any concept of divine omnipotence in which God stands silently and apathetically beyond the world's evolutionary and historical struggles, able but unwilling to intervene.
We must hold them in mind as background to the main task, which is to explore the interaction of theologians and human scientists as they seek to formulate a new concept of civil society which can draw traditioned communities and other human associations into a larger covenantal bond.
In other words, too much of natural law theory, especially that derived from those thinkers from Grotius on who transposed natural law into natural rights (which after the French Revolution usually became known as «human rights»), relies on a concept of nature that is not natural.
In the process of the maturing of the Christ from Adam to Jesus (and probably a few other fully enlightened humans since then), people envisioned and contemplated spiritual concepts and recorded their insights about God.
Modernity is represented by three forces - first, the revolution in the relation of humanity to nature, signified by science and technology; second, the revolutionary changes in the concept of justice in the social relations between fellow human beings indicated by the self - awakening of all oppressed and suppressed humans to their fundamental human rights of personhood and peoplehood, especially to the values of liberty and equality of participation in power and society; thirdly, the break - up of the traditional integration of state and society with religion, in response to religious pluralism on the one hand and the affirmation of the autonomy of the secular realm from the control of religion on the other».
What happens to other people is of no importance in this concept of the human.
The club was both able and willing to pay so much more for a Neymar than any other athlete in recorded human history, and that makes it seem like they're operating on a financial plane where concepts like «budgets» and «balance sheets» don't matter.
The concept of cognition is closely related to such abstract concepts as mind, reasoning, perception, intelligence, learning, and many others that describe numerous capabilities of human mind and expected properties of artificial or synthetic intelligence.
The years that I spent studying verbs and what they mean involved a leap of intuition that this would be a way of tapping into human concepts and cognitive framing — in other words, the stuff of thought.
There, astronauts will be able to select, extract, collect and return samples from the multi-ton asteroid mass, and conduct other human - robotic and spacecraft operations in the proving ground that will validate concepts for NASA's journey to Mars.
Since the mid-1990s environmentalists, politicians, researchers and others have often used a concept called the ecological footprint to quantify the relative health of the planet under the influence of human activity and industry.
«This vulnerability concept requires the determination of the major threats to local and regional water, food, energy, human health, and ecosystem function resources from extreme events including climate, but also from other social and environmental issues,» he said in a book chapter he co-authored in «Extreme Events and Natural Hazards: The Complexity Perspective» earlier this year.
The US government actually funded a study of the concept in 1958, an ambitious program called Project Orion that seriously proposed, among other things, building a nuclear - pulse spacecraft that could send humans to the moons of Saturn as early as the 1970s.
Other presentations addressed radiation concepts, radon occurrence and health hazards, risk and probability, the renal toxicity of uranium, ground - water science and water quality, uranium in situ leach mining, elements of the proposed NUAKHP, and requirements for approval of human health studies by the Navajo Nation's Human Research Review Bhuman health studies by the Navajo Nation's Human Research Review BHuman Research Review Board.
Adhering to these traditional concepts the US Department of Agriculture has concluded that diets, which reduce calories, will result in effective weight loss independent of the macronutrient composition, which is considered less important, even irrelevant.14 In contrast with these views, the majority of ad - libitum studies demonstrate that subjects who follow a low - carbohydrate diet lose more weight during the first 3 — 6 months compared with those who follow balanced diets.15, 16, 17 One hypothesis is that the use of energy from proteins in VLCKD is an «expensive» process for the body and so can lead to a «waste of calories», and therefore increased weight loss compared with other «less - expensive» diets.13, 18, 19 The average human body requires 60 — 65 g of glucose per day, and during the first phase of a diet very low in carbohydrates this is partially (16 %) obtained from glycerol, with the major part derived via gluconeogenesis from proteins of either dietary or tissue origin.12 The energy cost of gluconeogenesis has been confirmed in several studies7 and it has been calculated at ∼ 400 — 600 Kcal / day (due to both endogenous and food source proteins.18 Despite this, there is no direct experimental evidence to support this intriguing hypothesis; on the contrary, a recent study reported that there were no changes in resting energy expenditure after a VLCKD.20 A simpler, perhaps more likely, explanation for improved weight loss is a possible appetite - suppressant action of ketosis.
Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a Reading: The origin of speed dating The concept of speed - dating originated in Los Angeles, California in 1999.
Despite the concept of Visitors infiltrating the ranks of humans feeling uncomfortably similar to that other successful sci - fi reboot, Battlestar Galactica, the terrorism angle boasts some of the update's most enticing intrigue.
And political paranoia — the author's other great talent — is largely restricted to a pair of episodes exploring the human tendency to circle the wagons when faced with even the vaguest concept of an «other» in our midst.
In cutting from the clanging bazaars of Iraq to the quiet streets of Georgetown, in blending dizzying dream sequences with starkly believable human drama, Friedkin created a horror movie like no other — both brutal and beautiful, artful and exploitative, exploring wacked - out religious concepts with the clinical precision of an agnostic scientist.
Other tidbits of interest to fans are collectibles and stills galleries, concept art, character sculpts, costumes and Human Torch Flame Tests.
It's important for young people to understand human evolution, supply and demand, and countless other concepts, but to make a meaningful and lasting impression, I encourage educators to make the relevance of what they teach glaringly obvious.
On the level of Countries, Government and politics, such an education shall help understanding each other better, building dialogs and bridges, and gradually evolving towards the concept of unity in diversity, unity without borders, where differences in language, religion, culture, skin - tone or sex would not cast any shadow on our profound and wholly human identity.
«Students need to understand complex vocabulary words, and working in the factory gives them concrete examples of concepts such as resources (crayons); natural resources (water); human resources (student workers); consumers (other students); and marketing (making posters to sell crayons).
If this is a new concept for you, a great place to start learning more about all the other variables that can affect performance is Thomas Gilbert's book Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance.
Whether you use the definition of giftedness from the United States Office of Education (US Department of Education, 1993), which describes these students as» children and youth with outstanding talent who perform or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment», or as Renzulli (1978) does as the intersection and interaction among three basic clusters of human traits — above average ability, high levels of task commitment, and high levels of creativity, it is arguably the concept of asychronicity that educators must address.
The concept of professional capital on the other hand consists of three components: human capital (the quality of individual teachers); social capital (the collaborative power of teachers as a group); and decisional capital (the wisdom and expertise of teachers to make sound judgments about learners that are cultivated over time).
Echoing the concept of «emotional intelligence,» popularized in the 1990s by Daniel Goleman's best - selling book of the same name, he added, «The ability to get along with others is really the glue of healthy human development.»
Unlike other supercars, which are beholden to their parent company's budget, the Chiron seems limited only by human concepts of physics and natural laws.
To help cut down on driving distractions, Mazda is launching a next - generation human / machine interface system that's based on a head - up cockpit concept on the 3; it will trickle into other new Mazda vehicles going forward.
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