Sentences with phrase «other hundreds»

At #NELW19, you'll have the opportunity to dig in and learn from other hundreds of other leaders from across the country about what's working in their districts with the three levers.
Now, a pair of investigators may have discovered a previously unknown forum account belonging to Ulbricht, one he apparently used to asked for help finding over 40,000 bitcoins that had disappeared from his wallet's balance, and paid others hundreds of bitcoins for help on technical issues.
«This city would be joining hundreds of other cities, hopefully other hundreds of cities would be joining us and if we get that national movement, hopefully we can get that national movement, and definitely shut down these puppy mills,» said Councilman Stavros Anthony.
After 5 years of trying everything this one thing worked for me and that alone is a very valuable data point and I don't know how many... other hundreds of thousands people who've used it over the years.
The goal is to be creative and to stand out from the other hundreds of pitches.
Nothing about Judy's or any of the other hundreds of pharmacies it serviced, even as the amount of prescription opioids the company delivered to the region climbed.
If you want to stand out from the other hundred startup entrepreneurs trying to fight for your mentor's time, you have to create a plan before your meeting.
What about the other hundreds of issues he would agree with them on?
or any of the other hundreds of gods claimed by man before?
Let's give thanks and Praise God for those first responders, for the Police and firemen, for the neighbors, for the teachers and for the other hundred's of good things that happened that prevented a worst crime.
There is no God, there is no Jesus, there is no Muhammed or any of the other hundreds of so called «gods».
As far as bethany... under recent comments, the name has appeared but it goes no where when you click it... since bethany and the other hundred names it was posting under was one of the main culprits in the recent censorship, perhaps it lets her post, but immediately removes it.
Along with the other hundreds, right?!
I can agree with the other hundreds of people that these potatoes will have your family asking for now!
Sorry to hear that, Bri, I've never had that comment from any of the other hundreds of people who have made this recipe with great success.
That is not the problem that I am talking about though, especially as Arsene Wenger seems a bit bemused and says that he completed this transfer with the same attention to the rules as the other hundreds of deals he has done since joining the club.
The other hundred or so who pay a small fee and make the trip (on their own dime) are there for the experience, mostly, and to be able to say they played with Katie Lou Samuelson or Asia Durr or the other acknowledged young stars.
Probably some variation of what I have answered the other hundred thousand times I've fielded that question at a school, library, church, or any other public area: «No.»
Why didn't we enable the residents of Grenfell Tower — and indeed the other hundreds of towers like it around Britain - to find pathways to talk to us and for us to expose their story?»
Duncan Hames, director of policy at Transparency International UK said: «It is almost inconceivable that campaigners would donate to each other hundreds of thousands of pounds without some assurance or agreement as to what the money would be spent on.
Although initially I treated each essay as a challenge, and went to research papers to construct arguments, I found myself drowning under the weight of work, and ended up by using the same standard texts as the other hundred people in my year.
Among the other hundred desserts, these two really got my train going.
Every possible greeting has been thought of so women don't understand that a simple greeting doesn't mean I'm like the last guy that gave you a simple greeting, that's why women tend to get weird shit messaged to them because we are trying not to be like the other hundred hellos you just received.
Perhaps you are thinking I heard this before at all those other hundreds of Russian dating sites.
I believe that partners are 100 % equal in a relationship and both should be able to feel they can trust each other Hundred percent at all times.I feel that any man who ever disrespects a woman is not a man at all.I am affectionate also and I have no trouble showing it for the right woman in public...
He follows two public schools in Washington, D.C. over the course of a year — one a brand - new progressive charter school, and the other a hundred - year - old neighborhood school now experiencing the early stages of gentrification.
For me and some other hundreds of thousands the IAA is a «mekka».
We have the largest and widest selection of items and you can be assured that what you're getting will work with your Android device, be it a battery, charger, case, screen protector, headset, or any of the other hundreds of items in the store.
Most people know when you're not being straight with them, and they'll pass you over for one of the other hundreds of thousands of authors clamoring for their attention.
Comparatively, it was as if two individuals were being hired to paint a fence, only one of the fences was ten feet long and the other a hundred, and both were being paid the same amount of work.
You can publish with Smashwords or through any of the other hundreds of ebook outlets.
Shortly after meeting the team at PRA, she began coordinating events, making flyers, pushing social media, screening applicants, and many of the other hundreds of tasks that the volunteers who run the organization take on every day.
And I want you to know about the other hundred - odd moments that physically contorted my real - life face into real - life grins or my real - life mouth into real - life laughs.
But now Valve needs to follow suit for the other hundreds of asset flips on the service too.
Overall if you want a point and click adventure game that looks beautiful and feels more like a detective book with a hint of the supernatural then this should suit you really well, just by being so serious with its puzzles and story it loses that goofiness that makes adventures at least tolerable for me, that and the other hundred other adventure games like broken swords that are turning these kinds of games to a common sight probably slants my view a bit.
And so the conversation is steered towards the next (and still very important) question of timescale, instead of focusing for a moment longer on the very significant fact that the safety of a 150,000 - well deep disposal program and all the other hundreds of thousands of wells drilled in this country is based on the premise that migration can not happen.
Payments on automobile insurance claims can help one pay for extremely expensive hospital stays, repairs to their vehicles, damages resulting from a law suit or any other a hundred different things that could potentially deplete one's savings and leave them in debt that could last a lifetime.
In case you missed one of the other hundred blogs all reposting John Oliver's latest story, here you go:
For example, a dining room, sofa, and laptop costs a lot, and that's only three items out of the other hundred of things you own.
To combat the problem, OnePlus says it's making a few adjustments like moving the clock from the top right to the top left on the OnePlus 6, and individually reviewing how the thousand most popular Google Play apps interact with the notch, but what about the other hundred million apps people might want?
Among the other hundreds of coins that are on the rise here in cryptoland, one of them is posed to potentially have an Ethereum - like explosion in value going into 2018.
What makes you different over the other hundred applicants I received?
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