Sentences with phrase «other is useless»

It isn't a man vs. women thing, so blaming one gender or the other is useless and solves nothing (if there's a problem, let's solve it together, not finger point!).
You also say, «It isn't a man vs. women thing, so blaming one gender or the other is useless and solves nothing (if there's a problem, let's solve it together, not finger point!).»
is criminal just thinking that Wiltshire could replace Carzola, they are completely different types of players, one got talento and other is useless, one can dribble and other when he got the ball he goes direct to the opponents and 95 % of the time he loose possession of the ball and get injury please when we will learn?

Not exact matches

But one problem for the CIA and other hackers is that zero - days expire: as soon as they're known, the tech companies fix the bug, making the exploit useless.
This may seem like some useless information when an ocean's worth of water is pushing in on them from every side, but sharks use this ability to figure out where other fish, both predators and prey, are.
After all the CES digging we've done this week, we've found that some devices introduced at the show may prove to be quite useful, while others we can file into the useless category.
The other possible outcome of the experiment is the realization that social media is useless for predicting hate crimes.
In other words, digital cameras are useless without the right software and other processing guts behind them.
What we do not notice is the fact that most of the time we spend in it is useless and we could have used it on other useful projects too.
«The ATMs are useless as they are remotely disabled and contain no Bitcoin or other crypto.
That's because a wide number of variables, many of which can't be predicted, can make the markets move in one direction or the other and render useless even the best research and analysis.
It's useless to try to compare bitcoin to stocks, to gold or even to other digital assets.
You need to learn (one way or the other) that a blog without a strategy is useless.
These guys at BinaryTilt are not just a scam... they are common thiefs... use other peoples money to trade with because they are to useless to work and use their own money.
Some have weak ideas; others have inexperienced people behind them, and others are downright useless.
Jesus also said that «belief» was a work.That condradicts ur statement even more.To say works are useless, is to say that belief and all the other Godly works are unnecessary.
A truly useless cycle, but the degrees only mean something to other people who think the book is real.
What we have here are two entirely different attitudes towards the world: the one concerned with truth and error, the other with what is useful or useless; the one concerned to understand the world and the other concerned to discover how the world works in order to make use of it.
My advice is to ask forgiveness for trusting in what is useless and to pray for God to give you the love for others that would move you to sell all you have to give your money to the poor, not with reluctance or motivated by guilt, but with joy.
Even though they are useless, and usually very du.mb in just about every other aspect of the government
Darwinists don't get it regular folks, they are too busy getting degrees and other useless crap like that... A degree can't tell you how to feed your family nor tell a science about the beauty of God.
Let us speak of a whole life of sufferings or of some person whom nature, from the very outset, as we humans are tempted to say, wronged, someone who from birth was singled out by useless suffering: a burden to others; almost a burden to himself; and yes, what is worse, to be almost a born objection to the goodness of Providence.
Even if he does not leave the spot, his life moves along a laborious path away from that wish, perhaps into useless sufferings, for we are talking of the real sufferer, hence not of the ones who have the consolation that their sufferings are serving some good cause, are of benefit to others.
Furthermore, I would a-ssert that the notion of «doing unto others...» is self - evident, and needed not be attributed to some alleged «son of god» to sp - ice up the story with useless metaphysical tripe.
Worse still for others: it will simply be completely useless.
They are useless for hunting or any other normal gun sport.
The only thing more useless than chasing a ball around in the grass is watching other people chase a ball around in the grass.
specially if was useless whether he knew or not how others think or live... those careless are nothing but a walking zombies as good as the dead one's... So better for them to go back to their grave yards...!!
Evolution has been relentlessly tested and confirmed and is further validated in direct applications ranging from medicine to agriculture to engineering (the same is true of all the other relevant scientific disciplines which creationism requires to be so fundamentally flawed as to be effectively useless, i.e. physics, chemistry, geology, paleontology, astronomy, etc).
Rick i struggled for over 20 years as a christian in the end i said whats the point of struggling i feel powerless and useless so i gave in to sin that did nt work either but i was so sick of struggling and seeing the same results i became more miserable and even more powerless in my struggle with sin.I decided one day no more enough was enough i needed to get my life back in order.That was years ago and it was a process over 5 years that God dealt with all those things in my life that needed fixing most days i just said to him Lord i cant do this i just do nt have the strength and he said thats okay you cant do it anyway just trust me.So now now i l know what it means to be an overcomer in Christ sin does not have the victory over me anymore because Jesus is my strength in my weakness.I know i cant live a christian life in my strength but i certainly can with Christ in me he is my strength and in him i am an overcomer.If this is speaking to others just want to let you know that you to can be an overcomer you do nt have to struggle or battle with your walk or feel miserable because you give in to sin there is a better way.Just admit that you cant do it and ask for his help for the holy spirit is in you and he is the one who helps us in our weakness.regards brentnz
we can say all day long we «love people, we love Christ, we care about others» but if we don't do anything about it are words are USELESS.
When I realized I have no personal eveidence for the beliefs I had AND my claims were no better or worse than other contradictory religious claims, I knew the pathway to determining what is actually true needs to start by discarding the useless baggage (believing claims without proper foundation).
It is just because these acts were useless and did not carry with them their own goal and efficacy that they are on the one hand testimonies to grace and on the other an expression of freedom.
This is of importance to the thought and to the talk, so that discord shall neither exist nor be kindled; so that the talk shall not incite the active person who is able to accomplish much in the outer world to compare himself in a conceited way with the sufferer; nor provoke the heavily laden sufferer who apparently spends his time in useless suffering, despairingly to compare his uselessness, his pain, his not merely superfluous, but for others even burdensome existence, with the great accomplishments of the active ones.
First it requires us to find and describe what Tillich called the «boundary situations,» that is, those points where modern men and women reach the limits of their human existence, where they sense they are alienated from society and other people, or feel a lack of personal meaning, or fear being useless and having no worth.2.
Sm.ut and prosti.tut.ion will always be with us so we'd best find ways of dealing with it other than harmful and (worse yet) useless tact.ics like guilt, shame, condem - nation and prohib.ition.
i don't know about you but a book written even a couple hundred years ago is useless and beyond outdated unless it was on the cosmos, mathematics, or geometry... oh and fairy tales such as canterbury, grimm, aesop, amoungst others, they carry moral lessons for society... and the bible, do we see a pattern here?
The pope cautiously distinguishes between the modem absolutist and centralist exercise of the primacy and the biblically based Petrine office and its exercise during the first millennium, and he invites other Christians «to engage with me in a patient and fraternal dialogue on this subject, a dialogue in which, leaving useless controversies behind, we could listen to one another, keeping before us only the will of Christ for his Church and allowing ourselves to be deeply moved by his plea» for unity.
The Bible, and the books of other religions, while certainly useful to some degree in guiding people toward morality, is absolutely useless in providing proof of God.
Why, in other words, is the Bible so useless?
It seemed as they were useless unless they had husbands and children, and that there was no other use for that.
On the other hand your posts have nothing positive to say, your attack on people and making fun of those who are reaching out to needy kids (case in point this blog) is useless / futile and is helping no cause.
Complexity is especially evident when living organisms have complex parts that would be useless without other complex parts.
And by the way, there are WAY more than 1 - 3 % Atheists / Agnostics in the U.S.. Most of us are NOT protesting Christmas (which many of us celebrate) or doing other useless and obnoxious things.
Because the truth is, as the verse in Romans and others in Psalms tell us, gratuitous beauty and «useless» creativity does have profound meaning and purpose.
It means a life which, in New Testament idiom, is «in the heavenly places» even while it is lived here; for belief, worship, and action are seen as worthwhile, since they can never ultimately be frustrated or useless — God receives them, enjoys them, employs them, to «his greater glory», which is nothing other than His continuing loving action in the advance of the creative process towards the good.
What a useless word: «anti-semitism» When ethnically semitic people speak against other ethnically semitic people that is just them saying things against other people.
Such was Paul's dynamic theology, and Erasmus had failed, so Luther judged, to understand on the one hand the relative dignity and goodness of the Law, on its own merits, and on the other the fact that in any case to keep it was useless, and indeed largely impossible for most men without Christ: «Fulfilment without faith in Christ, even if it creates men like Fabricius, Regulus and others [heroes of Roman history] who are wholly irreproachable in the sight of men — no more resembles righteousness than sorb apples resemble figs.»
Why not spend our time on that, which would be productive, and a learning experience, instead of on «memorial» services, and other useless nonsense.
What other toppings can you use (I am useless at ideas for these things), and can you use an alternative to the soy sauce for those who have dairy and soy issues?
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