Sentences with phrase «other issues present»

If your dog is regularly experiencing excessive gas there may be other issues present, and a trip to the vet may be advisable.
In the coming days we'll take a look at some of the others issues presented as «facts» in the EXAMINE THE FACTS flyer teachers have been receiving.
For other issues I presented to them, the replies I got were unreliable.
Also assuming you find some way around the other issues I presented (which far as I'm aware would involve a way to exceed speed of light... Which is according to all we know impossible) you then still have an issue with their being a limit to how large the bandwidth can physically get without redoing the entire communications infrastructure: globally, who is paying for that?!

Not exact matches

Other data series present collection issues.
Other improvements concern range, an ever - present issue for electric cars.
Developed by the New York Fed's Community Affairs department, the Facts & Trends series provides analytical summaries intended to present key facts on topical issues to assist governments, community advocates and others to better understand, monitor and address specific economic concerns within the Federal Reserve's Second District.
Topic categories: Information is presented in six different categories — Environmental Issues; Social Issues and Sustainable Governance, Ethical Finance, Other Governance and Conservative Groups.
If top managers were presented with five issues, and they knew that resolving one would create 20 times more value than dealing with the other four combined, they would naturally spend their time addressing the issue of highest value.
Real stories from staff in the industry show that the issue is as present here as it is in any other country.
In November 2016, the Deutsche Bundesbank and Deutsche Börse AG, a marketplace organizer for the trading of shares and other securities, presented a prototype for blockchain technology - based security settlements that was designed primarily to deliver security payments — mostly for centrally - issued digital coins.
If you own common stock in street name, in order to gain entry you must present a government - issued photo identification and proof of beneficial stock ownership as of the record date, such as your Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials, a copy of your proxy card or voting instruction form if you received one, or an account or brokerage statement or other similar evidence showing stock ownership as of the record date.
According to the Patriarch, the Council «will address internal issues of the unity and administration of the Church, but also matters such as relations with other churches and faiths, in order to present a unified voice and credible witness for the life of the world.»
A federal judge has temporarily issued a restraining order blocking the rule from going into effect on December 19, but this law (and several other similar restrictions proposed) present an opportunity for Christians to look closely at the issue and consider what role we play and how we can serve women.
John Cobb, on the other hand, denies that «Whitehead without God» has coherency, at least as presented by Sherburne, and the two Whiteheadians carry out their debate in issues of this journal (PS 1:91 - 113, 2:277 - 95, 3:27 - 40).
Other voices have entered into the movement and there has been disambiguation of the varying causes — the recognition that feminism has been pretty racist in the past, and pretty homophobic and transphobic in the present and still has a lot of issues.
And, for the good of the order, hearsay does not mean that the evidence it presents in wrong — its simply an issue of weight one should give the evidence (particularly if other evidence is available).
It was clear that the women gathered often entered the struggle from different vantage points, they did not always agree with all that was spoken, but what could not be ignored was that there were some common issues that did draw them together — it was not accidental or designed that over one - third of the 4,000 workshops by different women's groups, from all regions of the world, focuses on the issue of violence against women — some of the best being organized by Indian women, What was at the heart of Huairou was the commitment of the women present to draw energy and support from each other — it was a consciousness that they were doing it all «for the common good.»
The writings of Harold Lindsell, Francis Schaefer, Bernard Ramm, Carl Henry, Clark Pinnock, Dick France, James Packer and others present a range of contradictory theological formulations on such issues as the nature of Biblical inspiration, the place of women in the church and family, the church's role in social ethics, and the Christian's response to homosexuality.
While Wright argues that Jesus speaking to Roman authorities in John 18 and 19 presents a mandate for political engagement, Boyd points out that Jesus does not bring up the injustices of the Roman Empire, nor other governmental issues, in his dialogue with Pilate.
Thus in our present situation the hermeneutical problem (how traditional words, concepts and symbols are to be interpreted intelligibly in our cultural present) on the one hand remains the problem for those concerned with the theoretical issues of theology, and on the other the issue of liberation represents the center for those concerned more with the meaning of theology in life and in action.
I'm an atheist when it comes to Christianity, but that doesn't mean I don't understand the golden rule or other ideas presented by Jesus as a human philosopher, but even if I agreed with Jesus on a number of philosophical issues, in no way would I be a Christian.
The foreword of the present book includes a 1965 letter from Ramsey to Fletcher: «[T] he candid issue between us is whether agape is expressed in acts only or in rules also, which question is generally begged; or else the structures in which human beings live are attributed to other than uniquely Christian sources of understanding (natural law, etc.) while Christians go about pretending to live in a world without principles.
If love is sincere, there is little difficulty in noting the issues or differences that may arise; on the one hand the indiscriminate instinct of lust with its promptings to seek satisfaction with the first appealing person available; on the other, the particularised human instinct (the conjugal instinct already present) urging a young person to keep the gift of sexuality for one; and to respect that «one» when found but withoutthere yet being a mutual conjugal commitment.
while some atheists want just to prove Christian / other religions wrong, I really look to discuss issues and its amazing how much judgment is presented just because I present a different opinion.
The way in which this offer was made was as unfair as its contents: after Israel refused to negotiate seriously on these or any of the other complex «permanent status» issues for nine years, Ehud Barak presented a take - it - or - leave - it offer at Camp David.
To Kai Price, you obviously have no idea of the subject, the soldier was not asked to bow his head to a christian god, he was asked to bow his head and do exactly what you described as respect,» sitting quietly for a moment, while you do your thing, and trying not to roll one's eyes» thats all we asked him to do, lower your head and do what you want, other people in that ceremony did not complain and take it as bowing to a christian god seeing as we had muslims, jews, hindus, and all forms of christianity present, and they all did the same thing bowed their head and did their thing, not make an issue out of something that took 5secs
But what I detect in it is the work of someone who was never all that interested in investigating the arguments on either side of the same - sex marriage debate; whose scant interest in it has now been fully exhausted, both intellectually and morally; and whose present conclusions hover in mid-air without anything to support them other than a wistful regret that he has lost a hoedown partner in a gay man who has come fairly unglued over the issue.
When we can say all this about Paul, the bible and slavery, why is it that people who adamantly oppose slavery refuse to take this approach on many other issues where Paul, or the bible generally, was also speaking to the present context?
The present dispute brings the issues and differences among religions out in the open so that the genuine Christian has to dialogue with the genuine Jew, the true Muslim, the best Hindu and the real Buddhist...» (concluding paragraph of Edmund Perry, The Gospel in Dispute: The Relation of Christian Faith to Other Missionary Religions [New York, 1958]-RRB-.
It is our hope that the present comparative treatment will deepen the understanding of American civil religion at the same time it opens up issues that can be explored in many other societies.
JURISDICTIONAL ISSUES Unless otherwise specified, the materials in any USTA Family of Companies site are presented solely for the purpose of promoting tennis, tennis equipment, tennis instruction and tennis tournaments and other products and services available in the United States and its territories, possessions and protectorates.
In other cases, deep, divisive issues that present a danger to your marriage need to be handled.
Published in the June 2011 issue of the Journal of Athletic Training, the statement presents athletic trainers and other health care professionals with recommendations for safe weight loss and weight maintenance practices for athletes and the physically active, and guidelines for coaches and parents that will allow athletes and active individuals to safely achieve and maintain weight and body composition goals.
I strongly encourage unassisted birthing mothers to at least get basic tests (Group B strep status for example) and other prenatal care to give the peace of mind that an issue such as infection is unlikely to present itself.
With a robust knowledge of breastfeeding tips, and other health issues that can disrupt a successful breastfeeding program as presented in this classical videos, you will learn that mastitis is a health condition peculiar to the mammary organs in lactating moms, due to an attack by bacteria and wrong positioning of the breasts while sleeping or wearing a bra.
It is our hope that adoptive families, prospective families and adoption professionals will gain insight into how attachment and trauma issues present themselves in children adopted from China, Russia, Korea and other countries.
Village officials cited concerns about the Park District's failure to present a comprehensive plan for the entire site, the design of the recreation center and other issues.
There are other forms of discipline that are holistic & teach our children beyond the present «issue» to bigger life issues.
There is also the possibility of the beads breaking off posing a choking hazard among other issues parents have presented product.
CPSC issues new drawstring safety rule for children's outerwear drawstrings at neck and waist present strangulation hazard and other dangers.
CHRISTINE WOOD: So, kids with sensory issues, kids with autism, developmental issues — they do present a special problem and that they have other developmental things that are sort of interfering with their ability to try new things and taste new things.
What I liked best about this format for presenting information was the «360 degree» perspective it offered: Casey gave the issue a framework, with useful advice on how to persuade principals and administrators to implement in - classroom breakfast programs; Nora followed, sharing her personal story with using free / reduced programs when her children were young, and stressing the importance of taking care of «the whole child»; Rosario charmed the crowd with her experiences implementing in - classroom breakfast in her district, sharing a story about how excited her kids got about breakfast after a power outage — not how excited they were about the return of electricity, but about getting breakfast; Barry inspired the group by explaining how he took his successes as a school food director as a springboard to a new career as a consultant, replicating and spreading that success in other classrooms.
You may get intimidated with the idea of baby proofing your house initially but when you discuss this issue with other parents, you will get to know that there are answers for almost all kinds of hazards which are present in the home.
WABA along with other members of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch Consortium hope that all the initiatives presented in this 2013 edition of the Watch will enrich readers» understandings of the complex issues and foster many similar initiatives of resistance to challenge the current balance of power.
Public interest is often fleeting and voyeuristic, and whether action is taken to rectify the presented situation often depends on the media savvy and eloquence of participants, and whether other issues are, at the time, vying for the attention of netizens.
Faji told counsels present in court that he would only be able to take cases for arraignment and rulings, while a new date would be issued for other cases.
The scope of the indictment presented Thursday — involving private companies, the 2nd Floor in Albany and state officials in other parts of government — suggested the issues are a «systemic problem,» he said.
The protocol for purchasing property also would requires disclosure of any brokers who helped arrange meetings for the deal and determining «whether recent prior owners had any connections to local development authorities or government officials or other political figures present possible conflicts of interest or other ethical issues
He attributes this, in part, to his own view that «whatever other differences we had in the coalition, on core issues of national security it was important that the government should present a common position».
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