Sentences with phrase «other junk food just»

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They don't want to be told what to do, don't want to tell others what to do, and clearly, don't really see the value of eliminating (or even just limiting) junk food.
Just as people who are on a diet are advised not to keep junk food in their home, women who want to breastfeed successfully are more likely to do so if they are not constantly tempted by free formula or other promotional tactics.
Naturally, I try to keep the junk food to a minimum, but when you need an instant sugar hit, just like a diabetic might do — you stuff an appropriate amount of chocolate or other sugar (ie juice) into your gob.
I'm not saying it's junk food; I'm just saying that any other green is better so if you have a choice (and even most salad bars these days offer alternatives) pick something better.
Juice is clearly a junk food and has been shown to cause / been the cause of asthma (in myself and others) and drastically raises blood sugar levels that's easy to prove whereas a whole piece of fruit is OBVIOUSLY different than just the juice alone so not sure why this article trying to suggest they're the same thing or that they'd act the same way in the body?
The trouble is, as the number of people on a gluten free diet increases the number of gluten free foods increases and some of these foods are fine, but others are just new versions of the old food that are now loaded with junk carbs.
Just as some people can smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and never get sick, others can eat junk food every day and never experience the effects of inflammation.
Taking in artificially prepared foods, fast foods, junk foods, and so on are just some of the other causes which causes testosterone reduction.
I have sort of given up and often just say yes when she asks if I want to go to Pizza Hut, get Mexican, [insert other junk food here].
0:00 — Intro 5:10 — Headlines: Roseanne Reality Show and New Beavis and Butthead Show, Robocop Statue in Detroit, Shane Black Confirmed for Iron Man 3, Disney Announces Cars Spin - Off Called Planes, 2011 Breaks Record for Most Sequels in a Year 29:00 — Review: Mr. Nobody 1:12:45 — Trailer Trash: Apollo 18, Dead Island 1:28:00 — Other Stuff We Watched: Dogtooth, Pleasantville, Beverly Hills Cop, Beverly Hills Cop II, Uncle Buck, Dial M for Murder, I Confess, Lifeboat, Foreign Correspondent, The Wrong Man, Suspicion, Megamind, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Superman, Network, Dog Day Afternoon, I Knew It Was You, Runaway Train 2:16:55 — Junk Mail: Film Junk Artwork Contest, Takashi Miike, Gates of Heaven, Arsenic and Old Lace, Directors We Wish Were Making Different Kinds of Movies, Machine Girl and Man v. Food, Name That Movie and Visually Amazing Films That Are Just Okay, Shutter Island Shutout at the Oscars and Sequel Titles 2:59:15 — This Week's DVD Releases 3:02:55 — Outro
I find it just as absurd for veterinarians to be selling high carbohydrate and by - product filled pet foods to the caregivers of carnivorous companion animals as it is for health authorities to permit the sale of high fructose, fortified junk breakfast cereals, snacks and beverages for children to consume and then rationalize putting them on Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs to correct diet - related cognitive, emotional and behavioral impairments.
Unfortunately, too many of us still feed our dogs over processed or other «junk» food that could in fact not cause just behavior problems.
These gently sweet, crunchy veggies are just as exciting to many dogs as highly processed junk food, which makes them an excellent snack to have on hand during parties, family dinners, or other events — if you have some carrots ready to toss to your pooch while everyone else eats chips, they won't feel left out.
The Washington Post A popular school fundraiser is just «junk - food marketing to kids,» experts say If you've been a kid or had a kid over the past four decades, you're probably familiar with the concept of cutting cereal box tops and other food labels for school - related rewards.
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