Sentences with phrase «other labs»

«We ought to suspend judgement on the test until it has been replicated in other labs using very careful controls,» he says.
And if that's true — and there's now evidence from other labs as well — that's a huge advance.
«I have a question about collaborating with other labs,» he says.
Some of the most useful sections contain exercises to help readers to understand their own motivation and that of other lab members.
Your teen will need blood work and other lab tests to make sure that she is developing on schedule.
A video camera recorded the whole thing so other lab members could classify each behavior, judging whether the dolphins were self - conscious or not.
Many other labs have already repeated his work, using many types of mature cells and many variations of his original recipe.
That pricing could help create incentives to enter into agreements with industry and produce more revenue for other lab activities, the report notes.
Previous studies by other labs have demonstrated that diabetes may affect brain hormones involved in appetite regulation.
Your veterinarian may suggest x-rays or other lab work.
But the low doses used in anti-aging research with mice and other lab animals cause few side effects.
Other lab results and criteria may be used to diagnose a woman with PCOS.
A functional medicine thyroid panel includes several other labs such as free and total T3 (active thyroid hormone), reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies to rule out autoimmune thyroid problems.
He told his students to prepare for a long - term displacement and look for other labs where they might like to work.
It is the only lab I can recommend, as most other labs only check for antibodies to one gluten protein, which clearly is not comprehensive enough.
If true, this would be the first method to complete the final steps in making human sperm, although other labs have managed to push cells through some of the earlier stages.
I suspect other labs share the same sort of origin.
Q: Coming back to alternative careers, what advice would you give to young scientists in other labs who want to start exploring their options?
Whether other labs are secretly developing gene drives is, of course, impossible to say.
While we are checking your testosterone levels, we are also looking a variety of other lab panels to ensure that your body is agreeing with your maintenance dose of testosterone.
Depending on the regulations in your state, a medical assistant might draw blood or perform other lab duties.
Researchers from other labs have also been sending letters of support.
Virtually all of the projects listed here are collaborations with other labs; see the publications for a list of all the scientists involved on each one.
In other labs, some intriguing differences between male and female mice test subjects have already begun to emerge.
But he is skeptical about the newer studies, which are yet to be confirmed by other labs.
Blood tests and other lab work are utilized to diagnose canine influenza.
Moreover, I provide sequencing input to other lab members and collaborators regarding their sequencing - based projects.
The simmering controversy over experiments on primates and other lab animals could heat up wherever there are attempts to impose undue restrictions.
The lapses at the world - renowned infectious disease research agency are sure to raise questions about safety at other labs studying highly pathogenic agents, including university labs that are modifying influenza strains to make them more virulent.
In addition, evidence stemming from other labs does show that the attachment system is triggered in transference (e.g., Cox et al., 2008, Study 5) and that attachment style and working models clearly emerge in transference (e.g., Brumbaugh and Fraley, 2006, 2007).
Shiach, like other lab directors, is trying to revamp the business model.
While other labs are paying around $ 30,000 each time they need to have DNA synthesized, an operation that takes weeks to accomplish, Pinnamaneni says his invention can bring the cost and time down dramatically.
To see if their findings matched those of other labs around the world, the team scoured the literature and turned up 15 studies of cancer - specific survival from Europe, Asia and the United States.
According to Doetsch, the research in his lab is discussed in the context of a weekly meeting shared with several other lab groups with common interests from other local institutions to get another level of feedback.
Routinely ran and maintained the following instrumentation in the lab: autoclave, turbiditmeter, pH meter, spectrophotometer, analytical balance, total organic carbon analyzer, drying oven, fume hood, volumetric glassware, microscopes, portable water testing equipment, incubator, and other lab equipment used in the required tests
Once settled down in the comfiest corner they just meld from one break to the next, gate - crashing those of other labs if necessary (especially if they have birthday cake) and dishing out wisdom to anyone who'll listen.
Such low - cal treatment has increased life spans in mice, dogs, fruit flies, yeast, worms and other lab organisms.
He beat out a dozen other labs in a race to synthesize a toxin that attacks cancer cells.
In considering lab leadership, for example, she comments, «The nature of research, and the implicit respect for the intelligence and capabilities of other lab workers, means that barking out orders will not necessarily get you anywhere.»
The only other lab result that has ever been out of its designated range is bilirubin.
I have been distraught for days, but I am looking up other labs where I might be able to do work in line with my obsession with beneficial microbes in soil and in the gut.
Lab safety experts agree that making people aware that explosions, fires, poisonings, and other lab safety incidents happen because of risky decisions is an essential step in making those incidents far less common.
«From Brexit, Trump and support for Vladimir Putin in Russia to the nationalist, ultra - conservative government in Poland, studies from our and other labs show that collective narcissism systematically predicts prejudice, aggression and a tendency to interpret innocent behaviors as provocation to the national group,» she says.

Phrases with «other labs»

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