Sentences with phrase «other large corporations»

It's not just big - box retailers and other large corporations in the cross hairs.
The digital market is growing at a rapid pace, with other large corporations pushing it more so than others.
Public trust in banks and other large corporations collapsed following the last financial crisis.
Major local employers include Xerox, Lexmark, Lockheed - Martin, IBM, and many other large corporations.
Given corporate remittance requirements, final settlements are made close to year - end — December for financial institutions and February / March for other large corporations.
Monsanto and other large corporations who stand to make enormous profits have invested heavily in false advertising and political lobbyists to influence government policy and the public's perception of GMOs.
Currently, Amazon and several other large corporations can avoid paying certain taxes by basing their operations in Luxembourg, despite doing business online through dedicated sales pages.
And it is meeting in Washington with officials of other large corporations to discuss what form the companies would prefer a possible U.S. carbon regulation to take.
His ability to draw from this experience and insight allows our firm to effectively negate the efforts of insurance companies and other large corporations during personal injury claims and litigation.
He is presently involved in suits against Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, J.G. Wentworth, as well as other large corporations.
To reward Weyerhaeuser's strategic divestment by limiting damages... would encourage other large corporations to evade liabilities by transferring assets to a subsidiary and divesting themselves of their liability - laden subsidiaries...»
In 2006, Mr. Fenimore returned to his hometown of Pensacola, Florida and joined the law firm of Bozeman, Jenkins & Matthews, P.A., where he spent five years representing insurance companies, Fortune 500 companies, and other large corporations throughout Florida.
Some large firms recruit exclusively from other large corporations.
It's also important to note that global banking institutions and other large corporations in the financial sector are often those with the most rigorous OCGs.
Koch Industries is working with other large corporations, including AEP and the Southern Company, on possibly financing a film that would counteract An Inconvenient Truth.
They added that such schemes give Apple and other large corporations an unfair advantage over small businesses.
She has worked as a sustainable business consultant in the Seattle area and in multiple marketing and strategic planning roles at Microsoft and other large corporations.
Short answer: it behaves much like any other large corporation.
It has some flaws, but it is miles (or kilometers) ahead of just about every other large corporation that isn't specifically selling green products.
• Expert lawyers are competent at negotiating between insurance companies, manufacturers, employers and other large corporations in an attempt to settle your case.
Fighting against insurance companies and other large corporations can be an expensive undertaking.
Major local employers include Xerox, Lexmark, Lockheed - Martin, IBM, and many other large corporations.
Blockchain originally emerged as the technology powering cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, but banks and other large corporations have been seeking to adapt it to run some of their processes.
Although banks and financial institutions present a particular interest in the technology's implementation, other large corporations are looking to harness the technology to streamline aspects of their businesses.
Banks and other large corporations, smelling dollars, are courting them with promises of permissioned blockchains run by familiar names and centralized payment solutions.
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