Sentences with phrase «other lazy people»

Therefore I'm doing something while those other lazy people are doing nothing.

Not exact matches

All unemployed people are considered lazy, it is easy for other's, especially government to ignore the problem this way.
And apparently was too lazy to stop praying and get out there and do hospital visitations, bringing groceries to peoples homes, working in soup kitchens, etc., like many other pastors.
The other people who do without out in our backyards screww them they are lazy asses.
and think there is no problem in this country other than lazy people.
Of course, lazy or retarded people can not define God themselves, so they follows others wise guys definitions.
Often I find myself questioning others people's motives; often I find myself assuming the worst; often I am too lazy (or threatened or fearful or angry) to hear my fellow Christians out.
N.T. Wright: Of course, whenever people discover that other folk are going out of their way to give handouts, some will get lazy and simply try to trade off this goodwill.
This reveals the ancient wisdom of our faith that recognizes that most of our people are good hearted, who do not victimize others actively, but passively miss the clear call to love — not because they are unloving, but lazy, ignorant, or whatever.
Yet the same prolifers will complain about their taxes going up, calling people that get public as «sistance lazy, unmotivated and other names.
People who demand religion in schools are either a) too lazy to provide religious educations to the kids themselves or b) trying to indoctrinate the children of others.
Just like going to a restaurant is a nice change of pace to get fed on a lazy day and get some food you wouldn't get at home... (2) I think we want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, and meeting with other Christians on Sundays helps us with that — singing together, fellowshiping, etc. (3) Sunday mornings can be one of the places where the pastor gets to teach people how to feed themselves.
Whenever I want pancakes but really am too lazy to make any other kind of batter, those are my (super tasty) rescue I'm so happy that you actually come here for the person and are also interested in more personal posts < 3 I really want to be connected with the people reading my blog, so that I'm not just a free online cookbook
We have had other busts and people just assumed they were lazy or lack of desire.
On a general note, and from years of experience in political activism, union affairs and my former profession, I think the idea that «the people who are the laziest [that] are the most critical of other people's [XYZ]» is not only incorrect but leads to lowered standards.
And any other issues should be overcome with persistence and only lazy people give up.
What some people call a lazy eye (amblyopia) may be a sign that one eye doesn't see as clearly as the other.
These results suggest that a first impression of someone as lazy or hypocritical actively inhibits the consideration of other information that might be important to understanding that person or the issue at hand.
For instance, they asked the subjects whether robots would make them lazier and encourage them to interact less often with other people.
People tend to unconsciously imitate others» prudent, impatient or lazy attitudes, according to a study published in PLOS Computational Biology.
Other people, who at least realize that eating like a bird won't help you build a mammoth physique, tend to favor the lazy road to bulking by simply taking their diet to the extreme and stuffing themselves with a ton of food without crafting any strategy in regard to optimal food choices and daily amount of calories.
We spend so much time running around trying to look busy for other people, then we often feel like we have to look busy for ourselves, otherwise we might be considered lazy.
On the other hand, there are rows and rows of assorted cardio machines which are scientifically proven as being essentially useless for both fat loss and muscle building goals, water massage beds and dozens of large TV - screens... ok, we have to be brutally honest about this: as soon as you walk into one of these places, you should know that you've entered an adult playground, a fucking daycare for lazy, fat people — not a facility where people come to work hard on their bodies.
youth often affords only a limited view and i just wanted to reassure very sick and older ppl (like myself) that you rly are sick, not lazy, when you know damn well winning the lottery or hearing your first grandchild was born or any other super-exciting news wouldnt lift you up or energize you as there was just nothing left inside.
Other people sometimes think that kids and adults who are struggling with weight are unmotivated or lazy or lack discipline.
I see these everywhere (on other people) but I still feel like they are way out of my comfort zone and can look a little lazy.
If you're moving in with your significant other, you might be looking forward to lazy Sunday's, home - cooked meals together and spending more time with the person you care most about.
You are most lazy men because you find shortest way to find women then other person to go at night club or bar.
I love to make other people smile and be happy:) I can be very lazy:) i do enjoy my sleep very much.
A person who respects people and makes others happy and enjoys life.and is real about them self also Does not judge other people and is not lazy ans expect others to do things for them so they can feel powerful
Black plays Lemuel Gulliver, an underachieving, i.e. lazy, mailroom clerk at the New York Tribune, who spends almost as much time playing Guitar Hero in his office as he does delivering letters to other people's desks.
It's lazy — more so because I'd like to believe that Pegg and Rogen (the third person to work on the script) and maybe Frost aren't stupid guys, meaning that the reluctance to do more with Creationists and other far - right freakshows speaks to a desire to not kick over any anthills.
In lazy teaching, one person is explaining while the other person is doing.
The one - and two - star reviews for this book are filled with paragraphs on what's wrong with this title (and I'm relieved to see that these people had almost the same problems I had with it, minus the lazy «ripped from the headlines» quality of the story line and my deranged conspiracy theory about King simply highlighting other methods of killing people), but if you look at the five - star reviews, they are frighteningly identical.
Other people are lazy, so they just wait for any old offer to appear.
In my experience, these types of leashes a.) tend to cause dogs to act more aggressively and to pull hard on the leash; b.) are more likely to trigger a fight with another dog since the dog that is straining at the end of the leash looks like it is in attack mode; c.) tend to be purchased by lazy and irresponsible dog owners who do not train their dogs to obey, and who tend to spoil their dogs, causing more aggression and bratty behavior; d.) undo most of the important aspects of your obedience training and leadership over your dog, especially obeying around distractions and coming when called, and over time they teach your dog to charge after other dogs, animals and even people; e.) are hard to control once the dog is at the end of the line, and can get caught in the leashes of other dogs, increasing the potential for a biting or attack incident; f.) do NOT cause the dog to get more exercise on the walk; g.) can cause a dog to run away from you, because if you accidentally drop the leash handle, many dogs will run from the plastic handle «chasing» them from behind and that could cause your dog to run into traffic and die; h.) have resulted in injuries to dogs and owners.
Travel seemed like something other people did, dare I say it lazy people who want to escape from real life.
If the people working on Rage are lazy ass like most developers then only PS3 version will suffer other then that it would / should be as good as any other.
Something others could not do, did not do or were too lazy to do and now because CIG has actually accomplished some pretty cool things, a few people are getting all bent out of shape over it.
And when you add this to the clear mistakes the channel makes in their videos (Top Hat Gaming Man references the terrible «Jaguar sales data» in his response), you've got a lazy, uninspired YouTube channel trying to cash in on other people's work for their own gain.
Unity asset flips, on the other hand, are basically a bunch of Unity elements (scripts, assets, rules, graphics) created by other people, which are then bought by lazy «game developers», tweaked to a minimum (or sometimes not tweaked at all) and re-released on Steam as if they were a game of their own.
These repeated aspersions that other people are stupid, lazy, venal or whatever simply distract from your message.
On the other hand, the person resisting the change may just be lazy and not want to deal with it... [more]
On the other hand, the person resisting the change may just be lazy and not want to deal with it.
Here's the typical backlash against that: «Ugh, Millennials are so self - absorbed,» «ugh, Millennials are so lazy,» «ugh, Millennials are so coddled,» «ugh, Millennials in most industrialized Western countries are making the same basic wages as people their age were 30 years ago even though other demographics have seen their disposable income grow in that time so they're delaying significant life events.»
Perhaps the other person is a little lazy and leaves all the cleaning to you, or they're late in rent and this affects your reputation with the landlord.
In fact, your approach to relationships in general sounds rather self - centred and lazy and I would wager that you are the type who prefers to complain to friends and people anonymously on the internet rather than engage in mutual cooperation (in other words, work) in a relationship.
As in any other industry there are bad apples, lazy people who take advantage of a kind and caring boss (broker) sometimes, as well as misbehaving in a public venue, children who are brought up by parents who sadly don't teach them manners (perhaps because they were not taught, themselves), bullies, road hogs, loud arrogant, obnoxious people in general — but you know what?
I can see people walk by and say to each other...» I wonder why that lazy woman doesn't decorate that beautiful porch»!!!
I know why you have four sets of measuring spoons, as do I... Because some how they go to live with the pair of socks, sadly missing their other half... no longer a pair because the washing machine eats them... In my house I have duplicates because everything disappears... and lazy people unloading the dishwasher can't be bothered to find where they live all happily nestled together on a handy dandy little ring... No they throw them in the drawer where things go to die....
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