Sentences with phrase «other leg muscles»

The calf muscles are also commonly involved as often are other leg muscles in the thigh and hip.
They also recruit other leg muscles, and you can do this little circuit as a complete unit if you want — or add a couple of the moves to one of your existing workouts.
They do focus mostly on your butt but also use your other leg muscles too.
The gluteus maximus are also the muscles that help gain back an erect posture following stooping; it does so by drawing back the pelvis and with aid from four other leg muscles.
Having more well - developed hamstrings relative to the other leg muscles is advantageous for sprinting performance!
Yong - Seok also told the Times that women who wear high heels often should practice heel lifts and drops whenever possible to prevent injury to ankles and other leg muscles: Stand barefoot, then rise onto your toes repeatedly; then stand on the edge of a stair and slowly lower your heel over the edge.
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