Sentences with phrase «other liquid mixtures»

There are other liquid mixtures that vary from these proportions very little.

Not exact matches

If you are adding any oils, liqueurs or other additions, add them at this point a little at a time to taste, being careful not to add too much liquid or the mixture will not set properly.
Pour the liquid chocolate into the blender with the other ingredients and blend again until you have a smooth, even mixture.
Smoothies on the other hand, are a blended mixture of fruit and vegetables, often with added protein powders or seeds and a liquid to keep things moving.
To be honest, I wouldn't use regular flour unless you do ensure the nut butter / liquid mixture is warm when you mix it in with it - Can you use a brown rice or other flour?
Blend the almonds into a smooth pulp along with garlic, shallot, and a few other flavorful ingredients (and plenty of salt); and strain some of the excess liquid from the blended mixture
This bottle system avoids unwanted air mixture with breastmilk or other liquid.
In particular, the team points to the possibility of spaghetti - like and lasagna - like structures being formed inside the neutron star by the mixture of materials, «rigid to some shear strains but not others in much the same way as liquid crystals».
Viscosities of Acetate or Chloride - Based Ionic Liquids and Some of Their Mixtures with Water or Other Common Solvents, Sebastian Fendt, Sasisanker Padmanabhan, Harvey Blanch, John Prausnitz, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 56 (1), pp. 31 - 34, doi: 10.1021 / je1007235, January 2011.
Fun fact: If you're going to grill meats, marinating meats for hours beforehand in liquid mixtures that contain rosemary and other herbs / spices can dramatically help to reduce HCA's (heterocyclic amines), which are carcinogenic compounds that can form when meats are grilled.
When both mixtures reach an equal temperature (see specific recipe) begin to stir the lye into the oil, do this SLOWLY, and remember that you should always add lye to other materials, not the other way around, pouring a liquid into lye crystals can cause it to splash and can burn your skin.
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