Sentences with phrase «other magical beings»

About 200,000 years later these human beings began to invent spirits, gods and other magical beings to help them explain their environment and their inevitable deaths.

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«I felt we should be doing headphone functionality, language translation, letting you talk to Siri, and all this other stuff,» Fritz says, «but Noah said we needed to start very niche and targeted [to offer] the most magical experience we can provide.»
Serving others is a magical elixir.
It was an inclusive ecosystem, Bennett says, that allowed for the possibility that «other people» could be brilliant, magical and the star of the story.
It is every successful individual's responsibility to reach back in and help others achieve their dreams.This is what WBENC is about — a sisterhood of helping each other achieve our magical dreams!
In other words, 2017 should be the year where there is more implementation of products utilizing blockchain tech, and less talk about blockchain tech being the magical pixie dust that can just be sprinkled atop everything.
There's nothing actually magical about the end of the year (other than it's an easy structure to measure).
You're supposing a being that can't be proved (magical) and your supposing that the magic guy did it in some spo.oky way — but not in other spo.oky ways, either (magic)..
Atheists: I know many there are many people that practice religion just by fanaticism, I've seen many people in my opinion stupid (excuse the word) praying to saints hopping to solve their problems by repeating pre-made sentences over and over, but there are others different, I don't think Religion and Science need to be opposites, I believe in God, I'm Catholic and I have many reasons to believe in him, I don't think however that we should pray instead of looking for the cause and applying a solution, Atheists think they are smart because they focus on Science and technology instead of putting their faith in a God, I don't think God will solve our problems, i think he gave us the means to solve them by ourselves that's were God is, also I think that God created everything but not as a Magical thing but stablishing certain rules like Physics and Quimics etc. he's not an idiot and he knew how to make it so everything was on balance, he's the Scientist of Scientist the Mathematic of Mathematics, the Physician of Physicians, from the tiny little fact that a mosquito, an insect species needs to feed from blood from a completely different species, who created the mosquitos that way?
The appeal of invoking the «fall» to account for any and all manner of perceived ills is that, like any other magical explanation, it can allegedly explain any and every possible observation; however, such undiscriminating, untestable, and unfalsifiable explanations effectively explain nothing.
We are continuing to have this insane debate because we continue to beat our heads against the wall hoping that some kind of magical solution that no other country in the world has ever thought of will drop down out of the sky that allows us to keep the for - profit model and still deliver care to all.
Hmm... Someone translating a record written on gold or brass plates by a seer stone that was given from God, whether in a hat or by some other means doesn't seem that magical when you look at all the miracles God has performed on the earth.
We tend to have a basic knowledge of history and know that there is nothing magical or special about the supposed history of the Jews, gospels, letters, apocalyptic story (Revelations) and other materials that found their way into the Bible, in that they are largely indistinguishable from the other mythology and religious writings of the Greco - Roman Mediterranean.
If you want to declare your magical beliefs in public, be prepared to hear what others think of those beliefs.
He is surrounded by an entire society of magical beings — his son Merlin, the Holy Leprechaun Spirit, the good fairy Mary, thousands of other fairies, pixies and the souls of many millions of dead people.
We get to hold the wonder and sleepiness, the boring and the magical at the same time, the work and the delight, the mundane repetition and the ferocious love altogether, it's not one or the other.
«Catholics don't take the traditional nativity scene literaly, nor do we believe that icons are magical, nor are statues in churches inhabited by sprites or other beings
I'm frankly surprised you're not angry at your magical sky daddy for denying you the ability to articulate a point of view other than blaming everyone for being gay.
On the other hand, those components of creationism which involve certain types of magical events (e.g., the divine creation of a young universe with all of its components bearing the false imprint of great age) make the claims of creationism untestable — making creationism not a theory at all, because theories must be testable!
For others, he's important because of his magical tricks.
Of course, if you just want to say «Goddidit» without any expectation of ever understanding how he possibly could have did it then why not give equal credence to the universe being conjured up my magical pixies, or any of the other, less popular, creation creation stories.
The result is that America is a nation deeply divided between people who are concerned about real - life issues — war and peace, social justice, the health and welfare of people — on one hand, and other people who are concerned, instead, about «values,» by which they mean adherence to ancient taboos, dependence on a magical God, enforcing acceptance of ancient creeds, requiring everyone to believe as they do, and finding safety in raw (though often hidden) social and economic power.
When it comes to following Jesus by loving others, there is nothing magical about salt water.
Of course there isn't only he saw the magical things etc. lol The followers like other cults (Christianity) self imposed a form of Schizophrenia it seems.
What's the difference between magical undergarments and any other unsupportable assertion that most religions make?
By means of his theological understanding he is able to reject doctrines of the Eucharist which are guilty of «psychologizing» it as merely a memory of a past event on the one hand, and «magical tendencies of some traditional doctrines» on the other (PPE 229).
Moreover, it is precisely groups that practice magical healing, divination and other such rites that the government believes will constitute an obstacle to scientific progress.
Why is one magical being they don't believe in acceptable and other isn't?
kudalk No, that much is true, but they did consider it a magical place (imagine two rings of islands, one inside the other, otherwise surrounded by water... likely they could not conceive that this is a natural formation for volcanoes), and was a center of culture and art.
He scornfully quotes a few lines of Othello's account of the «magical» wooing and remarks, «This was sufficient to make the Black - amoor White, and reconcile all, tho» there had been a Cloven - foot into the bargain»; and he is outraged that a white Venetian like Iago should be depicted as a conniving liar: «He is no Black - amoor Souldier, so we may be sure he should be like other Souldiers of our acquaintance.»
They want you to believe in the magical idea that you were made for each other, that you are soul mates, and that no one else in the entire world can give you the love you need.
There are only gullible people like yourself, who have been suckered into the ancient, illogical, stagnant mythology of magical thinking and others, like me, who choose to pursue the scientific method and spend the rest of my life improving my own knowledge with new discoveries and participating in the great modern renaissance of mankind!
1) There wasn't a sacrifice 2) Jesus said the law wasn't supposed to change 3) The whole thing is magical crap with no confirmation from any other sources in history.
If the religious community didn't push Creationism and Intelligent Design to be taught on equal ground as the Scientific Method, we might turn the other cheek or play nice and leave you to your supernatural and magical sky fairies or cosmic butterflies, or whatever mythologies one wishes to lobotomize their brains with.
: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales
There is no reason to think this story about a magical man, or any other story written about him, is about a real person.
Let's see — I would say that I'm blue, about 2 apples tall, and live in a magical village with a bunch of other smurfs.
Indeed in Genesis, the account of creation is quite unlike those from other cultures such as Babylon or the native North Americans; it is not arbitrary or magical.
One guy so liberal it's jaw - dropping, and the other a Mormon who's wife gets insulted by other Mormons for not wearing magical underwear.
Pointing to JC as some form of evidence is only viable if one first accepts the myriad of unsupported magical hearsay alleging his divinity and merits the same weight as all other unsupported magical hearsay alleging the divinity of the mult - itudes of other gods and goddesses.
The article on the other hand discusses the rate of change at which people are leaving behind the notion of a magical sky being.
Clearly, there are no real gods, or if there are, they don't really care what people believe — they're fine with holy wars and millions of people with conflicting supernatural beliefs all certain that their beliefs are the really true magical divine truth of the real invisible universe creator In any case, I'm sure we can both trust that real gods can manage peoples beliefs on their own and don't need you to manipulate others on their behalf.
Habitable is defined by, among other things, the Goldilocks zone, that magical narrow band of space extending around a sun where temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold, where water can exist as a liquid.
Italy is such a magical place, I always love reading about how other people's travels.
Take a look at Lauren's shop offerings, and you'll be immersed in a world of plant - powered tinctures, salves, oxymels, and teas, each one more magical than the other.
Flavours that use fresh fruit, coconut, and magical secret spice combinations that are tied so strongly to that place and no other.
«Le Diner en Blanc is just magical — there really is no other way to explain it,» co-host Lauren Haras says.
-- Spanish Style Rice with Capers and Anchovies — The other day I had a huge craving for capers and anchovies, the combination of these two ingredients is just magical, most times I just put...
Prep is required with the cashews but other than that - soaked cashews made into cream can become a magical ingredient that vegans seriously rejoice over!
Here are 10 ways to combine peanut butter with just one other thing to make a magical dish.
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