Sentences with phrase «other major decisions»

You can employ the same methodologies for making financial decisions as you do for making other major decisions in life.
You can employ the same methodologies for making financial decisions as you do for making other major decisions in life.
Shareholders are given the right to vote on the board of directors and other major decisions at an annual meeting or via a proxy ballot.
Kansas judges deciding custody cases must determine «legal custody,» which refers to the responsibility to make educational, medical and other major decisions for a child, and «physical custody,» meaning the child's living and visitation arrangement with the parents.
A determination must be made as to which parent your child will be with and when, which parent has the authority to make educational, medical and other major decisions for the child, and how the child will be financially supported are all part of the legal process of the arrangement for the custody of a child in Tennessee.
The decision to marry is like any other major decision.
The other major decision is whether to attach it to a bill addressing BP's Gulf oil leak disaster or to replace the House version of Waxman - Markey.
With this document, another person will have legal authority for health, medical and other major decisions, with certain limitations, when you're absent.
But they are also used when and / or if the company wants to expand, hire, or let go of a large amount of workers; sell shares; buy any form of intellectual property rights; and / or any other major decision that will affect the company in a significant way.
Our Partnership Board (PB) is the firm's senior governance body and is responsible for strategic and other major decisions and making sure all partners are properly consulted.
You may be unsure of the future of your relationship or other major decisions and need a safe, judgment - free place to sort out your feelings and thoughts.
The parties and / or the court now develop a Permanent Parenting Plan which delineates or specifies the parenting responsibilities of both parents, including joint decision making in health care, education, religious or spiritual matters and other major decisions that must be made for the child.
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