Sentences with phrase «other major parties»

In June 2008 the then Shadow Home Secretary David Davis resigned his parliamentary seat over what he described as the «erosion of civil liberties» by the then Labour government, and was re-elected on a civil liberties platform (although he was not opposed by candidates of other major parties).
Present at the convention, was her primary rival, Bernie Sanders, along with President Barack Obama and other major party leaders.
The German Green Party has never won over 11 percent of the national vote, yet for three decades has consistently won seats and promoted women's leadership by having a 50 - 50 rule for female / male candidates, prodding other major parties to nominate more women.
The initial announcement of the National Council's formation included a virtual who's who of the establishment wing of the Republican party including several 2012 wannabes including former governor Mitt Romney (Mass.) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (La.) as well as other major party figures like former governor Jeb Bush (Fla.) and Gov. Haley Barbour (Miss.).
The PQ has been on the defence in the last couple of weeks as both of the other major parties have continued to attack its handling of the economy.
The other major parties have much different plans for child care.
In the traditional two - party system of Anglosphere politics, every candidate except those from the top two parties is effectively a spoiler; they weaken the position of whichever major party candidate is more ideologically similar to them, giving the other major party candidate an advantage.
In Scotland, the SNP had led a minority government for the previous four years, but two other major parties (Labour and the Liberal Democrats) were punished electorally for decisions taken in London.
Further, the Prime Minister was felt to have the backing of all other major party leaders, as well as high profile experts from academia and business.
Cameron's «Europe speech `, finally delivered on 23rd January 2013, and the anaemic response of Britain's other major parties — whose leaders ostensibly support the EU but are not willing to expend any political capital making a positive case — have finally forced the issue.
The party's attempt to maintain internal democracy long after the other major parties have rid themselves of it means that the leadership can not simply set out whatever policies they happen to favour.
According to an IFS report before the 2010 general election, [109] the Conservatives needed to find more money from cuts beyond what they had outlined than any other major party, although the report was also critical of Labour and the Liberal Democrats.
This seems to suggest that the Liberal Democrats have been drawing support, give or take a point, fairly evenly from both the other major parties.
The Lib Dems would be the major winners if a form of proportional representation (PR) were to be used: not only would they likely double the number of seats they would win for the same share of the vote, but they would also be the probable coalition partner for both other major parties for the foreseeable future.
He said Labour's mass membership, which dwarfs the other major parties, would be a huge asset over the next seven weeks, dismissing the gripes of some Labour MPs that new party members do not come out and knock on doors.
If Cuomo does stick with the Republican judge Graffeo, and reappoint her, he would be following in the tradition of his father, former Governor Mario Cuomo, who also nominated several judges from the other major party.
I am the local UKIP candidate having lived and worked in the constituency for over 35 years, unlike the other major party candidates who live up to 300 miles away.
Besides the fact that this will put Mayor Johnson on the spot, it also marks a growing green tint to Britain's other major parties.
The other major party in The Banner Saga 3 must defend the city of Arberrang: the last line of defense against the Dredge.
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