Sentences with phrase «other major problem»

When a beloved family pet shows signs of periodontal disease or other major problems with their teeth, it is important to go through an appropriate treatment program.
Be careful or you might end up with a piece of land you can't get a building permit for, isn't titled, or has other major problems making it almost worthless.
The company is said to be interested in following Apple's footsteps in an effort to make Android «more competitive» at the high end of the market, and to «solve other major problems
One other major problem with the AR5 report is that that the «scary» rcp 8.5 secnario burns far more fossil fuel than appears to be geologically available.
The other major problem that Johnson & Johnson faces is that although its pharmaceutical segment has continued to pull more than its fair share of the load of helping the conglomerate stay in growth mode, other businesses have fallen off.
The other major problem with Webb's argument is that he simply does not give attention to the details of foreign policy development that are so important to Dorrien and Nelson - Pallmeyer.
The other major problem was the complete lack of pace throughout the team.
The other major problem is the difference between ideology and practice by political parties.
The other major problem for toll proponents is that skeptics believe the measure would be defeated in the state Senate, which is tied 18 - 18 between Republicans and Democrats.
The other major problem with the forensic science of fingerprints stems from the massive computerized databases that authorities are able to consult, some of which contain more than 10 million individual prints.
One of the other major problems of the GI is that it only considers the effect of each food taken in isolation.
This disease has long - term effects on the joints and tendons and, if not treated, can lead to heart and kidney disease and other major problems.
The other major problem with Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is in the chemistry of the two leads.
My Prediction: As much as I hate to think it, My Big Fat Greek Wedding will probably win, despite being based on a one - woman show, lacking properly developed characters and jokes, and other major problems.
The other major problem of the movie is that even though it is desperately trying stand on its own as a new movie, it recycles scenes from the original.
My other major problem with the game is pretty straightforward: the core gameplay — digging and mining to extract the materials you need for crafting — is painfully dull.
Catching damage early will help avoid blowouts or other major problems.
The other major problem with this is that most people who refinance their homes to pay off credit card debt don't tend to learn anything about living within their means: They end up owing more on their home, and they usually go right back to racking up credit card debt: After just 18 to 24 months, many end up owing the same amount again on credit cards.
Beyond that, the other major problem I see behind blindly following this theory is listening to others who may not know your specific situation and basing your investment decisions off of them.
If there is repeated vomiting or diarrhea, this can lead to dangerous dehydration, or it may even be a symptom of other major problems such as an obstruction of the GI tract.
The other major problem I touched on earlier is the system rebooting to play Wii games.
Im not going to focus on the other MAJOR problems the game has like framerate issues whernever you turn the camera, NPCs who walk straight through each other (in cutscenes) ridiculous loading times, lack of ambient audio when moving around, constant repetitive fetch quests etc etc etc..
The other major problem arises in competitive multiplayer segments of shooters.
The other major problem with Argo floats is that they can't handle sea ice.
The other major problem with Michaels» 1998 congressional testimony was in the way he presented Scenario A:
The other major problem facing both industries is seasonality and difficult weather conditions in what are supposed to be good seasons.
Fitting at all in can be difficult, and the other major problem is that organizing this information is also a potential problem.
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