Sentences with phrase «other measures of»

Other measures of wage growth are also starting to show gains.
To be eligible for inclusion studies also needed to include either a measure of positive mental health, e.g. use of the SF - 36 mental health summary scale or other measures of quality of life, specific measures of well - being or alternatively quantify the prevention of psychosocial stress and / or mental disorders.
The fact that three of the longitudinal studies that controlled for pre-existing distress levels reported avoidance or escapist strategy use to predict depression (Hynes et al., 1992) and other measures of distress (Litt et al., 1992; Terry and Hynes 1998) suggests reasonable confidence in this relationship.
Verification of the construct validity presented good results in terms of correlations with other measures of self - efficacy expectations and related constructs [68].
They also scored more highly on two other measures of cognition (dysfunctional attitudes and negative automatic thoughts).
Specifically, this factor, but not the group factors, correlated strongly with ADHD inattention and hyperactivity / impulsivity symptom groups, and other measures of behavioural and emotional problems.
Thus, our study was designed to (a) examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of PANSI in a sample of adult clinical outpatients in Malaysia (b) examine the reliability and validity of PANSI with other measures of suicide behavior and general psychopathology.
This instrument has demonstrated good reliability and concurrent validity with other measures of depression (Miller et al. 1985).
The FAD correlates well with other measures of family functioning, and it discriminates clinic - referred families from nonclinic - referred families (Miller, Epstein, Bishop, & Keitner, 1985).
The CSI has shown satisfactory internal consistency (alpha =.69 -.94)[44,45] and good test - retest reliability (r =.67 -.83) in young adults [44] and concurrent validity with other measures of coping [46](this study, alphaengagement =.89, alphadisengagement =.86).
Other measures of general health, such as children's nutritional status, would also be interesting, especially among economically disadvantaged populations.
Internal consistency reliability ranged from.74 to.93; evidence for construct validity with other measures of family and parental functioning has also been demonstrated (Brannan & Heflinger, 1997).
As will be discussed further below, the positive vs neutral relationship distinction on the FMSS may provide an even more sensitive measure of relationship quality than EE dimensions on the CFI or other measures of EE.
Past research examining the validity of PCS in Chinese samples has indicated that it is positively associated with other measures of cognitive vulnerability including the children's dysfunctional attitudes scale as well as negatively correlated with levels of stress, anxiety, and depression (Auerbach et al. 2009a, b).
Tests were conducted on the reliability of the subscales, the factor structure of the CI, and the associations between the CI and various other measures of commitment.
The 8 - hour program improved relationship satisfaction and other measures of well - being.
Other measures of caregiver - or parent - reported young child development exist or are under development, including the Early Development Instrument and the Index of Early Human Capability, which incorporate items representing each of these domains and are being used across high -, middle -, and low - income countries.1 Important complements to this form of measure are those assessments that can capture development in specific areas over time (e.g. growth in language or emotional skills).
Another way to approach this question is to determine the incremental contribution of grit to outcome predictions when other measures of related constructs are entered into the prediction equation.
The Social Provisions Scale subscales have demonstrated the expected relationships with other measures of social relationships, social networks, and satisfaction with relationships.
Following the pattern of age differences on the other measures of affect - relevant traits, older adults scored significantly lower on the N - Questionnaire (M = 13.87, SD = 3.06) than younger adults (M = 15.07, SD = 3.05), t (59) = 2.15, p <.05.
We do not know whether our findings could be replicated with other measures of couples» shared selves or goals (Hwang, 2004; Meegan & Goedereis, 2006) or how our measure relates to these alternative measures.
The construct validity of the FES is relatively complicated to assess compared to other measures of family functioning, given that it is conceptually distinct from similar measures and has ten subscales (Sanford, Bingham & Zucker, 1999).
Results implied the presence of two attachment dimensions, anxiety and avoidance, which were distinct and separate from other measures of relationship attachment and group identification, and predicted behavioural, cognitive, and affective components.
Data were obtained through structured diagnostic interviews, and other measures of psychopathological outcomes and functional impairment.
We believe SEL is critical to the growth and development of our students and that there is the added benefit of helping our community focus on other measures of success — not just on state test scores.
Supportiveness was measured using nine items from the trust and communication subscales of the People in My Life (PIML) scale, a self - report measure of child attachment designed and validated for use in middle childhood (6 - 12 years)(Ridenour, Greenberg & Cook, 2006) The validation process used a sample of 10 - 12 year olds to establish that the overall PIML attachment scale was correlated as expected with other measures of children's behavioural and emotional adjustment, as reported by parents, teachers and children themselves.
Essential life skills serve as a foundation for academic achievement whether we define it as grade point averages, results from high stakes tests or other measures of performance.
Convergent validity results further suggest the MCC's distinctiveness regarding other measures of commitment, by showing personal, but not moral or structural, commitment, to correlate with the Investment Model Scale (Rusbult et al. in Personal Relationships 5:357 — 387, 1998), defining commitment as a unitary construct pertaining a general long - term orientation and intent to persist in the relationship, and psychological attachment towards the partner.
Self rated global improvement at final follow up (table 2) was consistent with outcome on the other measures of fatigue, social adjustment scale, mood, and fear.
Finally, the Chart Book contains a list of 41 additional indicators and provides information to support state leaders who might want to look further into these other measures of young child well - being.
Other measures of subjective well - being include single - item scales, such as Bradburn's (1969) Global Happiness Item or scales that tap into various aspects of psychological functioning in addition to well - being (e.g., Dupuy, 1978).
The PR6 was found to have good internal consistency and correlate with other measures of resilience as well as health hygiene scores.
How Do Value - Added Indicators Compare to Other Measures of Teacher Effectiveness?
In Study 4 we explored the ability of SRLTAS scores to discriminate from other measures of student learning.
This is in contrast to other measures of test anxiety that often approach the construct from a clinical (e.g., Schwarzer, 1990) or descriptive perspective (e.g., Driscoll, 2007).
Within this meta - analysis, there were few longitudinal studies that were identified that measured satisfaction with life in particular, but other research has indicated that divorce is associated with declines on other measures of well - being, including increased depression, decreased global happiness, and decreased purpose in life.2
As well as using the Beck Depression Inventory, other measures of psychosocial functioning and longer - term follow up may have revealed important differences.
The MAC 5 has demonstrated good convergent validity through correlations with other measures of connectedness including:
Amid this backdrop, the sentiment of bitcoin traders was positive, according to market data including long - short ratios and other measures of confidence.
Instead, it simply explains that usage «could be» measured through a variety of metrics, like minutes the skill is used, the number of new customers being added and other measures of engagement.
Put another way, BMI usually tells the same story as other measures of fat.
Total case volumes, venues, settlement propensities, merits outcomes and other measures of strategic behavior can be quantified across the ANDA case set.
RECOMMENDATION 21.4 To address the more pressing gaps in services, the Australian, State and Territory Governments should provide additional funding for civil legal assistance services in order to: • better align the means test used by legal aid commissions with that of other measures of disadvantage • maintain existing frontline services that have a demonstrated benefit to the community • allow legal assistance providers to offer a greater number of services in areas of law that have not previously attracted government funding.
In addition to being able to create a collection of videos specific to your clients or other audience, there is an added feature: if you have created and posted your own videos to other video sites, Magma aggregates the various tracking statistics for monitoring views, comments and other measures of influence from the various sites.
But this is pretty hit and miss and therefore law commissions have developed other measures of success.
He added: «Sceptics may also point to the «hiatus» of temperatures since the end of the 20th century, but there is increasing evidence that this inaptly named hiatus is not seen in other measures of the climate system, and is almost certainly temporary.»
Earlier literature is reviewed in Royer et al. (2001); some key studies were Berner (1991)(chemical and other measures of high Cretaceous CO2) and McElwain and Chaloner (1995)(using characteristics of fossil leaves).
That would tend to spread the tails of the distribution nsuch that the mean is higher than the other measures of central tendency.
e) There are many other measures of correctness besides GAST.
Other measures of SwissEnergy include promotional activities and information dissemination programmes for industry, as well as regulations and standards for buildings, vehicles and electrical appliances.
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