Sentences with phrase «other ministries»

He is passionate about assisting other ministry leaders in developing a personal self - care strategy for longevity in ministry.
The UN's Deputy Special Representative for Somalia challenges the ministry to work with other ministries on the issue of human rights terming it a «cross cutting issue.»
3rd, It's a little confusing that the adult entertainment industry, one of the most socially destructive industries there is, is highlighted but foster and adopt ministries, hospitals, schools, relief organizations, homeless ministries, special needs ministries, nursing home ministries, pregnancy crisis ministries, prison ministries and a host of other ministries, most often sponsored and run by the organized churches of multiple denominations, is ignored.
«We are reviewing the policy and have conducted some surveys and held discussions with other ministries on the possibility of opening up the game console market,» an unnamed source from the Ministry of Culture told China Daily USA.
I have worked for other ministries, pastors and religious leaders.
Since its mid - «80s heyday, much of the property has changed hands several times and has been used for a variety of purposes, mostly by other ministries.
So there I go, bashing other ministries and Christians.
That is a huge job and it doesn't come down to one tourism department or secretariat, but also other ministries of education, labor, environment.
I've actually dealt with a large number of homosexual individuals (worked in an HIV program) plus in various other ministries... the whole «wired» thing I get but it isn't any different from other «fleshly» wiring that anyone else has... everyone has fleshly challenges that pull them from «The Way».
[JB:] I've noticed in my own life, and I have seen across many other ministries who are trying so hard to be relevant, that it's very easy to idolize.
Perhaps with a little soul searching, LifeWay could review its editorial policy instead of casting stones at other ministries and their ministers.
As with other ministries weve discussed thus far, consistency is the key.
The church is also considering ways to use this information to provide other ministries to these families.
4, pastors are listed with other ministry roles: evangelist, prophet, teacher, apostles... and yet why does the pastor seem to be the main one that churches today are built on?
Minister of Public Works and Transport H.E. Sun Chanthol and other ministry officials met with an IARD delegation on June 21, 2016 to discuss a multi-tiered campaign that will raise awareness about drink driving.
The creation of a national data center will apparently fall to the science ministry, though other ministries and local governments are expected to create their own centers as well.
Willetts and the government's chief science adviser John Beddington have also been working to ensure that other ministries receiving major cuts do not hack into their own departmental R&D budgets to compensate.
In turn, the ministry, taking a holistic view of the dismal scenario in Pakistan, has launched a vast number of projects that fall under other ministries but that involve the effective use of science and technology for economic growth.
Christian Family Bookstores is hoping to sell all of their assets to other ministry formed by Family Christian.
However, both existing institutions and the legislature questioned his authority to coordinate other ministries and to implement policy reform.
«While the participation of counsel to non-legal services work remains important, the department will examine the extent of counsel involvement in corporate and non-legal activities to ensure that their time is used most efficiently,» he wrote, adding the department also uses the numbers when it comes to collecting revenues from other ministries and agencies.
At the time, the country's justice minister publicly spoke of considering a ban on cryptocurrency trading and quickly garnered a major backlash from the public and other ministries within the government.
We also developed other ministry programs: Twelve Conversations for Caregivers, Life after 60: Twelve Conversations for Active Living, Twelve Conversations for Couples Experiencing Health Challenges, and Grief and Loss: Twelve Conversations.
We've redirected thousands of dollars to other ministry needs by replacing printed programs!»
-- Support other ministries in new and astounding ways (currently on support list: Wycliffe, Compassion International and our church / Desiring God)
For the last 2000 years most of the churches tithes went into church buildings themselves before going into chapels and now a variety of other ministries that take care of sex trade workers for example.
It produces the tendency to think of the Christian minister as an individual practitioner who brings the grace of God to bear by preaching and sacrament and other ministries on a number of other individuals.
In the long run, congregations could be damaged by shifting too much attention to community development and away from their many other ministries, both internal and external.
Regrettably, our parliamentary democracy still allows the AG to be appointed by the PM even if the individual has had an embattled and scandaled riddled career in other ministries....
One last example: The church partners with other ministries to feed the hungry in local parks, provide coats to people who don't have them, works with prostitutes and drug addicts, and lets other community groups (even other religious groups) use the church building.
The Church has also mobilized, launching global nonprofits, local shelters and other ministries to survivors.
It was all a really ugly situation, and even led to the resignations of several leaders involved in one of his other ministries.
His church and ours, along with some other ministries here in the city, collaborate to do an urban high school camp every summer.
Many left to plant other churches here in Chicago or for some other ministry venture, and many left by virtue of the fluidity of being urban in the 21st Century.
It's not as easily obscured by a forest of other ministries.
I like this person's ministry, but I frequently wonder if it is too critical and judgmental of other ministries.
Faith Community sent polite but firm letters to families who attend church services and «freebie events» but never volunteer, never tithe and do not belong to a small group or other ministry.
You might have had a painful exit from a church or other ministry.
This group also stood for ordination by bishops, but they did not feel that all other ministries were invalid unless so ordained.
Whether it is a testimony, a healing, or some other ministry story, God doesn't need any exaggeration.
It is becoming increasingly clear with respect to not only the ministry of preaching but all other ministries.
So Christians, please help me viral myself into prominence so that I can share in the Good Lord's bounteous riches, like custom Armani suits like Joel Osteen and a Gulfstream jet like Kenneth Copeland and about 30 other ministries.
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