Sentences with phrase «other news reports»

Based on the comments in other news reports about this, a lot of fanboys are going to come along claiming that this isn't a big deal, it's just business as usual.
Other news reports suggest that the source of the bacteria — which might have been the rodent — remains uncertain.
Nadex makes information of third parties available, including articles and other news reports about financial markets and other data (the «Third Party Content»).
However, he was also pained at some of the other hateful comments posted, according to huffington posts and other news reports.
I was disappointed that the Today Show segment (and other news reports) seem to have missed this concept altogether.
But other news reports has indicated that Assemblyman Anthony Brindisis will be the Democrat choice if Rep. Richard Hanna does not switch Party affiliations.
Jessica Simpson seems to have taken a pregnant pause, but possibly a short one, according to Us Weekly and other news reports.
Maybe I'm looking too hard for good news here, but it also seems from this speech and other news reports that his meetings went well in China.
But other news reports and at least one blog initially drew a link to a different Ryan, Matthew C. Ryan, a partner in the Austin firm Allensworth & Porter and adjunct professor at the University of Texas Law School.
Referring to other news reports, he alleged that the controversial firm was in talks with the Congress party for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.
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