Sentences with phrase «other nonsense it's»

But I have work other stories on the papers, witchhunts, beat ups and other nonsense that after awhile I realised I didn't have the stomach to pedal the crap while waiting for the news.
They keep any profits above 12 % and it appears they charge about a 2 % fee plus a couple other nonsense items (based on my very brief skimming through some info).
These guys selling their services are great, but at your budget, all the other nonsense isn't going to make much of a...
Or you didn't turn off your service while in another country and got charged an arm and a leg for «roaming» and other nonsense?
The one in the screenshot installs Spigot and a bunch of other nonsense that redirects your browser to Yahoo, installs a bunch of unwanted plugins, and generally makes the flying spaghetti monster cry.
I tried turning off automatic suggestions, switching my software keyboard layouts, and a whole bunch of other nonsense, all to no effect.
The prospect of a senior member of the judiciary coming out with some other nonsense to slavering journalists, while amusing, would not be in the interests of credibility and the dignity of the new supreme court.
Maybe Hansen needs to brush up on Geology 101 and forget his computer models, the «hidden in the pipeline» postulation, the «coal death trains» and all that other nonsense.
If the discussion is turned to wacko theories or other nonsense, then all the air is sucked out of the room.
The fact that they are even entertaining methane ice and fracking and CCS and all that other nonsense is because readily available sources of oil are nearly gone, if not gone already.
Isn't is clear that this is a non-existent problem, and that even if it were a problem no amount of carbon credits or any other nonsense would have the slightest effect on the problem?
No greenhouse effect, backradiation or other nonsense needed.
But Tom Harris is tweeting up a storm arguing that the climate debate has just begun and other nonsense.
If the Liberals and Left say this needs to be done they will design and build coal powered cars an trucks to piss them off and other nonsense.
On and on it goes, with pizzagate and bengahzi, the emails, and all the other nonsense that the Republican tribe dishonestly fabricates.
I spent a good hour trying to get over that barrier by bringing the other box with me and all sorts of other nonsense.
I also like that it doesn't have a turbo button or autofire or other nonsense usually slapped onto third - party pads.
The last game that featured pedalling I played was super sim Tour De France which focused not only on peddling but wind speeds, hill gradients and all kinds of other nonsense that I just didn't understand.
Every Friday at around 2PM we will be live streaming new games, prototypes, interviews, and whatever other nonsense is going on here in our offices.
Links to the website's articles will be shared there, as well as Metal Gear related GIFs and possibly other nonsense.
Lucha Fury is all of that, and some other nonsense you wouldn't even normally think of.
You can slap down factories, laboratories and other nonsense wherever you like.
Considering it is one of my favorite entries to the franchise, I decided to record a little video for you guys talking about the release, what to expect and other nonsense.
Minus of course the Christmas setting, the little kid, the robbers, and all that other nonsense.
Yet that's what you'll be doing in Serial Cleaner, a game that casts you as a man who makes his living going to crime scenes in order to grab all the bodies, clean up most of the blood and then scarper with any leftover evidence such as guns or other nonsense, all while the cops patrol the area.
Once you get into a proper big fight the game loves to dazzle you with piles of particle effects, explosions, and other nonsense.
In the case of this game while it's easy to yell bribery or some other nonsense it's worth considering that the author in question simply had a very different experience.
As for the rest of the humour there's a lot of references, like a character named Scully or the ghost of Terry Pratchett showing up, plus a lot of knowing jabs at the adventure genre, Lovecraftian horror, detective plots and other nonsense.
The academic paradigm: Algorithms, Greek symbols and other nonsense Let's start with the so - called nonsense paradigm, namely that of the academics.
It was filled with imposter sites trying to get you enrolled in monthly fees and other nonsense.
But because they are independent, they disclose all conflicts of interest in advance (or at least they should), and are not beholden to investment banking, ratings or other nonsense that lurks unbeknownst to most investors.
ETFs can also be excellent tools, but many advisors use them for tactical asset allocation, sector plays and a lot of other nonsense that has nothing to do with passive investing.
Have you seen Chris Harris's I'm Just No Good at Rhyming: And Other Nonsense for Mischievous Kids and Immature Grown - Ups, illustrated by Lane Smith?
Last week, I chatted here with author Chris Harris about I'm Just No Good at Rhyming: And Other Nonsense for Mischievous Kids and Immature Grown - Ups (Little, Brown, September 2017), illustrated by Lane Smith.
For what it's worth, I just wish the media would let Hugh or Konrath or HM Ward have longer than 20 seconds (or any time at all), just to make it clear to the public that not ALL authors are united in the crazy rants about upholding culture and other nonsense.
I'm Just No Good at Rhyming: And Other Nonsense for Mischievous Kids and Immature Grown - Ups.
When Dean Koontz is being pure Koontz, and all the other nonsense is skimmed away, what is left is poetic and rife with impact.
They arrived late and, by the time they cleared customs and all the other nonsense, we left as the snow began falling.
Stop teaching emotional learning, computer apps, group learning, standardized tests, and all the other nonsense.
No favoritism, no racial quotas, no recruiting preferences and all that other nonsense.
The Obama administration has signaled that it intends to link federal money to adoption of a Linda Darling - Hammond test or whatever other nonsense this centralized process may produce.
You can only imagine what other nonsense can be spotted throughout the rest of the movie.
But this good news: Starbucks is giving its classic Pumpkin Spice Latte a makeover and using real pumpkin puree instead of caramel coloring and other nonsense.
Their product isn't full of bad oil and other nonsense.
And while you're at it, never mind the bollocks... or any other nonsense life might see fit to throw your way.
This supplement is free from magnesium stearate, corn flour, croscarmellose, and other nonsense.
Most of my compatriots spent those same hours watching idiotic stuff on TV or playing video games or mowing lawns or some other nonsense.
That is, intermittent fasting doesn't let you «eat whatever you want» or not have to watch calorie intake or lose fat in a calorie surplus or any other nonsense.
If it's about my record and not about this other nonsense out there, I'm confident we'll have a good shot.»
It wasn't Joel Giambra, Carl Paladino or any other nonsense.
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