Sentences with phrase «other numerical values»

This applet emulates a calculator with limited functioning keys so that the student must figure out other ways to make the same calculation, such as using addition to do multiplication or using other numerical values that break computations up into component computations.

Not exact matches

I shall assume that the aim of an explication of «valid induction» is to find a numerical or comparative function c (h, e)-- the «confirmation of hypothesis h given evidence e» — which is a syntactic function of the statements h and e, and which has a high or comparatively high value in those cases where normally accepted or intuitive inductive methods would direct us to accept hypothesis h on evidence e, at least in comparison with other hypotheses having lower c - value.
Mathematical Intimidation: Our society tends to value «hard» data — data based on numerical measurements — over «soft» data — data based on observation and other methods — even though both kinds of data have limitations.
Interest on the other hand is a numerical value usually at a fixed rate, and is added per day onto the online loan.
Unknown related variables, such as variables that are a component of a particular module, are grouped together, and a pertinent subsystem of equations and inequalities corresponding to each group is solved via a variety of commonly used numerical analytic techniques, using approximate values for the other unknowns.
I'll defer to economists and others who have more expertise on the subject as to its precise numerical value.
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