Sentences with phrase «other octopuses»

Like other octopuses, the mimic octopus» soft body is made of nutritious muscle, without spine or armor, and not obviously poisonous, making it desirable prey for large, deep water carnivores, such as barracuda and small sharks.
But most other octopuses eat more substantial prey such as fish and crustaceans, so it is a surprise to see this species grow so large on jellyfish (Scientific Reports,
Octopuses dine on other octopuses, too.
These cohabitation behaviors have rarely been observed among other octopuses.
They lunged forward as if to attack crabs, and cowered from other octopuses, according...
In 1992 Graziano Fiorito, a researcher at that lab, announced a bombshell: Octopuses could learn by watching other octopuses.
They lunged forward as if to attack crabs, and cowered from other octopuses, according to Renata Pronk at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, and colleagues (The Journal of Experimental Biology, DOI: 10.1242 / jeb.040675).
Additionally, unlike other octopus species in which females tend to die after producing a single clutch of eggs, female larger Pacific striped octopuses can lay many clutches of eggs continuously over the course of their adult lives.
The genome could also help uncover the genetic basis for other octopus innovations, such as their elaborate prehensile arms with suckers used to sense chemicals in the water as well as feel and grasp; their ability to regenerate their limbs; a propulsion system that allows them to jet around underwater; camera - like eyes that are more like humans than other invertebrates; and the fact that they have three hearts to keep blood pumping across their gills.
But the algae octopus (Abdopus aculeatus) has developed a relatively sophisticated mating system that involves far more close contact than many other octopus species.
Other octopus species would win the gold medal of parental sacrifice: After laying their eggs, females starve to death in order to protect them until they hatch.
What other octopus imagery and symbolism did you find in the book?

Not exact matches

Think of your health and fitness as the head of an octopus and the tentacles as the myriad of other facets of your life.
By allowing the ecosystem to rebuild, octopi and other sea life flourished, leading to an increase in catch and profits.
In the days following the flotilla incident, newspapers across the Arab and Muslim world have featured anti-Israel and anti-Semitic themes by depicting Jews and Israelis as blood - thirsty monsters, or as sharks, octopuses and other marine wildlife swallowing up or crushing the flotilla ships.
After all how is the proof of highly intelligent life in the form of whales, ravens, octopi, or other primates put an end to religion here on earth?
But he goes on: «When these images clash — as in The Fascist octopus has sung its swan song, the jackboot is thrown into the melting pot — it can be taken as certain that the writer is not seeing a mental image of the objects he is naming; in other words he is not really thinking.»
The company offers calamari, conch, crab, fish fillets and octopus, among other items, but its core focus is lobster, snapper and grouper.
Other plates include grilled lamb loin with romesco, octopus with black garbanzos and English duck breast with couscous, grilled hanger steak and a daily selection of Oysters.
We started off pairing refreshing cocktails with unique seafood dishes like tender octopus carpaccio at the Japanese - inspired raw bar Other Mama.
Dinner boasts antipasti including Salumi Misti, Gnocco Fritto with prosciutto and other cold cut daily selections and fried bread; and Polpo e Panelle with pan roasted octopus, chickpea tarts, and pickled vegetables.
Sometimes it'll be a large octopus to share, other times a beef shank or pin - bone steaks; it all depends on the season.
Williams's account of squid, octopuses, and other cephalopods abounds with both ancient legend and modern science.
Unlike most other cephalopods, the majority of octopuses - those in the suborder most commonly known, Incirrata - have almost entirely soft bodies with no internal skeleton.
Octopuses hail from a humble neighborhood in the taxonomic tree: the mollusks, which include snails, clams and other dimwitted animals.
Electroencephalograms of other invertebrates show spiky static — «like bacon frying,» says neurophysiologist Ted Bullock of the University of California at San Diego, who nonetheless found vertebratelike slow waves in octopuses and cuttlefish.
That Steve was named Steve was also revealing: Octopuses are the only animals, other than mammals like cuddly seals, that aquarium workers bother to name.
Researchers at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research in Austria recently found one more telling indicator: Octopuses, which rely on monocular vision, favor one eye over the other.
The ultimate question, with octopuses as with other sentient creatures, may be how we should treat them.
«Only by observing the context in which these behaviors occur in the wild can we begin to piece together how this octopus has evolved behaviors so radically different from what occurs in most other species of octopus
The traits of human - like intelligence have evolved in other species — the octopus and some birds, for example, both exhibit social playfulness — and this, the book suggests, indicates that intelligence is an inevitable consequence of evolution that would characterise extraterrestrials as well.
«We have already found several gene types that are dramatically expanded in the octopus relative to other vertebrates, and we think they play a critical role allowing a new level of neuronal complexity to be reached in invertebrates,» he said.
Most octopuses can change their shape and texture to blend in with their environments, but the mimic octopus can go one step further: It impersonates other animals, such as jellyfish, sea snakes, and fish.
Octopuses have also been found to engage in cannibalism when they have other food options, but there are few other documented examples in the wild.
«One of the early bits of video that I saw showed one octopus approaching another in a fairly dramatic way — dark and standing very tall, and the other one crouched down, turned pale and then fled,» Scheel told Live Science.
As if octopuses, squids and other cephalopods were not already strange enough, they may have found a way to evolve that is foreign to practically all other multicellular organisms on the planet.
In the 52 hours of recorded footage, over 7 hours showed octopus interactions, with 345 instances of changing colors and 512 examples of physical movements, such as grappling or reaching toward each other.
If two male cuttlefish show each other dark faces, the confrontation usually turns physical, while if only one of the males puts on his dark face, the paler - faced cuttlefish typically backs down, a behavior pattern strikingly similar to the one the researchers observed in the octopuses» color displays.
Reaching was the most common interaction the scientists saw, making up 72 percent of all the physical interplay; the octopuses touched each other very infrequently, the scientists recorded.
Octopuses and their kin (cuttlefish and squid) stand apart from other invertebrates, having evolved with much larger nervous systems and greater cognitive complexity.
When an octopus pulls in a piece of food, the grasping by the very end of the arm creates two waves of muscle activation, one heading inward from the tip and the other heading outward from the base.
The gloomy octopuses crowded at Jervis Bay, Australia, appear to spit and throw debris such as shell at each other in what could be an intentional use of weapons
What Scheel and his colleagues observed was novel — a site where the gloomy octopuses would visit and confront each other, over and over again.
«Because octopuses were known to kill each other at times and be cannibalistic, the general sense is that they wouldn't interact a lot and wouldn't use signals,» David Scheel, the study's first author, told Live Science.
But a new study reveals that both male and female octopuses frequently communicate with each other in challenging displays that include posturing and changing color.
The blue - ringed octopus's brawny approach is unique — all other cephalopods use sacs of pigment, called chromatophores, to change their colors.
Such RNA editing happens frequently in octopuses and other cephalopods and sometimes in humans (SN: 4/29/17, p. 6).
The male fish have no grounds for smugness, though: in other species giant females take things much further, with female blanket octopuses reaching almost 200 times the length of the male.
Related sites CephBase — images and taxonomic data on octopuses and other cephalopods Lecture on octopus diversity by Mark Norman
Genes that are grouped together on chromosomes in other animals were dispersed in the octopus genome, likely as a result of transposon activity.
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