Sentences with phrase «other offline»

When engaging other social media users, always use the same positive approach you use when communicating with others offline.
They'll be available in other offline stores «soon».
It does not apply to information collected or used from other offline sources such as information collected at events or conferences.
Joining a senior dating site can be much cheaper as compared to other offline methods in order find a suitable partner.
As for other offline places, the answer is mostly no, and er, maybe.
As for other offline options there is a single - player story mode.
Other offline activities that you can try are book signings and reading sessions.
The switch operator activates some parts of the track and takes others offline.
Company executives said that research showed how majority of customers went online only to look for product information and then bought through an insurance agent or other offline distributors.
Of the remaining 65 % who look to a referral or other offline source first, a large percentage will still look for further information online before making a hiring decision.
It is available via Panasonic brand stores and other offline retail stores.
Also have a few other offline term plans.
There's still a pretty big disconnect — content marketing isn't being leveraged nearly enough.57 % of B2B marketers are still using print and other offline promotions to market their products and services, despite the fact that only 31 % see it as effective.
zip file containing useful resources for those working in print and other offline media who are writing or talking about Rachel and Evolving in Monkey Town:
Other offline gameplay modes include Standard 3 - vs - 3 matchups and a Core mode where you have to destroy the other team's crystal core before yours gets destroyed.
He will cover the status of matchmakers, dating coaches, singles organizations, speed dating, and other offline brick and mortar services — the dollar size and growth of these markets, key trends, forecasts and outlooks.
Added assessment information, like classroom assignments as well as other offline assignments, can be uploaded to the extended learning portal to create a cumulative picture of learners» progress and true competence.
«I do worry that we'll increasingly substitute watching a movie — under the guise of simulation or VR — for field trips and other offline enrichment opportunities that are more meaningful.»
Theoretically, you could develop an entire offline training course, complete with assessments and other offline training activities.
It is available online at and Flipkart along other offline stores across India.
Marketing Affiliates Learn how webmasters, loan officers, mortgage brokers, real estate or other offline business professionals can become part of Legacy's affiliate program.
In fact, further emphasizing the online focal point, the only other offline attraction in Splatoon is the game's single player campaign.
Cross-Referencing Across Your Marketing Ensure that all brochures, ads and other offline marketing materials include URLs to your law firm website, landing page, Facebook page and Twitter account.
We didn't include KeePass or other offline password managers on this list because the degree of hassle involved in using them for family sharing is huge.
Sunrise, like other offline Chrome apps, functions much like a traditional desktop app — it can be pinned to the taskbar or dock and even runs in its own window.
The NFC chip will reportedly power an iPhone payments platform, where customers will be able to pay with their iPhones in retail stores and other offline outlets.
Includes capitalizing on reputation management and dealing with digital dirt; personal branding; using social search sites (e.g. LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, etc.), professional association websites, and other websites / tools; and various other offline methods.
An exciting Apostolic dating site for those singles who are having a hard time connecting with others offline.
The not so obvious places that have generated a lot of debate in the last few years among authors and bloggers are emails, RSS feeds, newsletters, your ebooks, and other offline places, as well as social media advertising programs such as Facebook Ads.
I have purchased a life insurance policy from Bajaj Allianz and I am quite satisfied with the offerings and it is significantly cheaper than other offline term plans.
It will also be available through Asus Exclusive Stores and other offline stores across the country from the second week of January 2016.
Additionally, Facebook collects data from external sources such as the US Census, warranty cards, registration information, the Department of Motor Vehicles, public record information, survey data, sweepstakes, and other offline sources.
• Be happy: Twitter is mainly based on weak social ties (most followers do not know each other offline), which makes it more important to stay away from negative posts such as death, unemployment and poor health.
According to Layak, approximately 30 % of those who connect on Cogxio then go on to use the planning feature to meet each other offline.
Although the concept of sugar daddy relationship is very clear, your first sugar daddy dating may prove to be quite tricky and stressful, particularly when you happened to meet each other offline.
Moreover, it organizes travel events for its members to meet each other offline which is a very interesting aspect of Jewish Café.
Cupid specializes in matching eligible single hearts, who couldn't find each other offline.
Naturally, as soon as you meet someone you really like (and you are looking for a relationship not daily hook - ups), you will no longer use the site, and start talking to each other offline, see each other often etc..
eHarmony submitted copies of two published studies that reported higher levels of marital satisfaction for couples who met through eHarmony than any other offline or online methods.
Alexander Lubot, the CEO of Meetic and Match Group Europe said the artificial intelligence feature was designed to be another way of helping singles meet each other offline.
The site allows personal contact details to be shared, which in turn lets people get in touch with each other offline.
When you decide to meet each other offline, remember to be real and show a nice smile.
Internet dating allows you to connect with a person first, find similar interests, and only then get down to meeting each other offline.
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