Sentences with phrase «other online activities»

Hancock plans to direct future research into how expressions of positive and negative emotions influence levels of engagement in other online activities, such as liking and commenting on posts.
In that program, the agency collects emails, search queries and other online activity of foreigners abroad from Google, Yahoo and other companies through a court - approved process authorized by the FISA Amendments Act of 2008.
Whether you've been recently burned by the shocking Ashley Madison hack, or whether the scandal has simply got you feeling nervous about other online activities you thought were private, you may need a crash course in safe online dating measures.
Based on that definition, can't many other online activities, including Treasure Hunts and Subject Samplers, also be classified as WebQuests?
In order to improve your online experience, help with fraud identification, and to assist our representatives in resolving issues you may experience in completing online donations or other online activities on our site, we use tools to monitor certain user experience information; including login information, IP address, data regarding pages visited and specific actions taken on pages visited (e.g., information entered during donation process), and browser information.
Activities will include maintaining the Gallery's social media presence, website, and other online activities as well as assisting with our Arts Education Program.
The New console will be region free and will feature a suite of paid online services including online play and the ability to pair a smart device with the console to invite other players to your game, chat and various other online activities.
The survey says it is not just blog readership that suffers anemic growth — Americans» likelihood of doing most other online activities also has not changed much over the past two years.
Plus, law enforcement agencies are often able to track monero users through other online activity, like posting Instagram photos of illicit narcotics.
Here are a few tips about how to protect yourself both when using CosmoLex and when indulging in other online activities.
The first, most powerful thought of what a «living resume» could be is your Twitter feed (but you can also accomplish the same thing with other online activity, like a blog).
But it's also important that business owners adopt the same kinds of cyber security best practices for IoT that they use in their other online activities measures.
But as long as our campaign finance system stays the way it is today, online fundraising seems certain to overshadow every other online activity a campaign can do.
Those who use Internet dating sites should take steps to safeguard their interactions, just like they would with any other online activity, said Dr. Sarah Edwards, assistant professor of counseling psychology at the University of North Dakota.
I will provide cyber dates, cyber adult fun, and any other online activities that you would like including pictures, SPOIL ME $ $
This course examines the pervasive role of electronic media - broadcast television, videos, movies, music, games, websites, apps, social networks, and other online activities — in educating and socializing children and teenagers.
During practice tests last spring, about 300 schools in the state either lacked the ability administer the test or were able to only accommodate the tests by shutting down all other online activities, according to Torlakson's office.
As a result, you have to be extra careful that your interactions with clients, the information you post on websites or Twitter, and your other online activities don't unintentionally waive attorney - client confidentiality.
In most cases, it's duplicative of my actual contacts list, my real interactions with my network, and my other online activity.
Include your contact information and links to your website and other online activities in each edition of your newsletter.
Be sure to include your contact information and links to your website and other online activities.
Include your contact information and links to your website and other online activities in each edition of your e-newsletter.
The simple mistake impacted countless companies and other organizations that rely on AWS to support their websites, e-commerce and other online activities.
Since more than 80 % of recruiters do an online search using a candidate's name, this version of your name also connects your application with all of your other online activities (careful!).
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